Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf Recipe - Delicious and Flavorful

Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf

Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf Recipe - Delicious and Flavorful
Region / culture: USA | Servings: - 6


Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf
Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf

Vegetable-stuffed meatloaf is a delicious and nutritious dish that combines the flavors of ground turkey and lean ground round with a medley of vegetables. This recipe is a great way to sneak in some extra veggies into your meal while still enjoying a classic comfort food.


Meatloaf has been a staple in American cuisine for decades, with variations of the dish dating back to the 19th century. The addition of vegetables to meatloaf is a modern twist on the traditional recipe, adding extra flavor and nutrients to the dish.


How to prepare

  1. Combine carrots, mushrooms, and zucchini in a small saucepan.
  2. Stir in 0.5 cup of tomato juice and 0.5 tsp of Italian seasoning.
  3. Cover and cook over medium heat until the vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes.
  4. Uncover and allow it to cook, stirring occasionally, until most of the juice has cooked away (watch carefully so it doesn't cook dry or scorch).
  5. Remove from heat and stir in Parmesan cheese.
  6. Spray a broiler pan with nonstick spray coating.
  7. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine ground meats, 0.5 cup of tomato juice, onion, oats, egg whites, Worcestershire sauce, remaining 1 tsp of Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper; stir well.
  8. Spoon the meat mixture onto a sheet of wax paper and press lightly into a 9 inches-by-10 inches rectangle.
  9. Spoon the vegetable mixture over the meat.
  10. Use the wax paper to gently roll the meat, jellyroll fashion, forming a loaf about 10 inches by 4 inches.
  11. Transfer to the prepared pan and place the loaf seam side down.
  12. Bake at 375°F (191°C) for 50 minutes.
  13. Cook the remaining 0.5 cup of tomato juice in a small, uncovered saucepan for 5 minutes or until slightly reduced.
  14. Stir in balsamic vinegar.
  15. Brush the tomato-juice mixture over the meatloaf.
  16. Continue baking the meatloaf for about 10 minutes or until a meat thermometer registers 165°F (74°C) and the meat is no longer pink inside.
  17. Allow it to stand for 10 minutes before slicing.


  • Try using different vegetables such as bell peppers, spinach, or broccoli in the stuffing for a unique twist on the recipe.
  • Substitute ground chicken or pork for the ground turkey for a different flavor profile.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to cook the vegetables until they are tender but not mushy to ensure they retain their texture in the meatloaf.

- Use a meat thermometer to ensure the meatloaf is cooked to the proper temperature and is safe to eat.

- Let the meatloaf rest for 10 minutes before slicing to allow the juices to redistribute and prevent it from falling apart.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the vegetable-stuffed meatloaf with a side of mashed potatoes and steamed green beans for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Rolling the meatloaf jellyroll style helps to evenly distribute the vegetables throughout the loaf and creates a visually appealing presentation.

Ingredient Substitutions

If you don't have ground turkey, you can use all lean ground round or another ground meat of your choice.

- Instant oats can be used in place of rolled oats in this recipe.

Make Ahead Tips

You can prepare the meatloaf up to the point of baking and refrigerate it overnight. Simply bake it the next day when ready to serve.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the meatloaf with fresh herbs such as parsley or thyme before serving for a pop of color.

Pairing Recommendations

This meatloaf pairs well with a side salad dressed with balsamic vinaigrette and a glass of red wine.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in the oven or microwave until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

250 per serving


15g per serving


- Total Fat: 10g per serving

- Saturated Fat: 3g per serving


- Protein: 25g per serving

Vitamins and minerals

This dish is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium from the vegetables.


This recipe contains eggs and dairy (Parmesan cheese) which may be allergens for some individuals.


This vegetable-stuffed meatloaf is a balanced meal with a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals.


Vegetable-stuffed meatloaf is a flavorful and nutritious dish that is perfect for a family dinner or special occasion. With a mix of ground turkey, lean ground round, and a variety of vegetables, this recipe is sure to become a new favorite in your meal rotation.

How did I get this recipe?

The moment I found this recipe is one that will always be special to me. It was a beautiful spring day, and I was rummaging through an old box of recipes that my mother had passed down to me. As I sifted through the yellowed index cards and magazine clippings, my eyes landed on a faded piece of paper with handwritten notes on it. It was a recipe for Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf.

I could hardly contain my excitement as I read through the ingredients and instructions. It was unlike any meatloaf recipe I had ever seen before. The meatloaf itself was a savory blend of ground beef and pork, seasoned to perfection with herbs and spices. But the real surprise was the vegetable filling that ran through the center of the loaf like a colorful ribbon.

I immediately set to work in the kitchen, chopping onions, carrots, and bell peppers to make the vegetable filling. As I sautéed the vegetables in a pan with garlic and olive oil, the sweet aroma filled the room and made my mouth water in anticipation. Once the vegetables were tender, I mixed them with breadcrumbs and grated cheese to create a flavorful stuffing for the meatloaf.

Next, I seasoned the ground meat with salt, pepper, and a blend of dried herbs. I shaped half of the meat mixture into a flat rectangle on a sheet of parchment paper, then spooned the vegetable filling down the center. Carefully, I folded the sides of the meat over the filling and sealed the edges to create a loaf shape. I placed the meatloaf in a baking dish and popped it into the oven, eager to see how it would turn out.

As the meatloaf baked, the savory scent wafted through the house, drawing my family into the kitchen with hungry anticipation. When I finally pulled the golden-brown loaf from the oven and sliced into it, the vegetable filling spilled out in a rainbow of colors. The flavors were a perfect marriage of savory meat and sweet vegetables, and every bite was a delight to the taste buds.

From that day on, Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf became a staple in our family meals. It was a dish that never failed to impress, whether we were celebrating a special occasion or simply enjoying a cozy dinner at home. I shared the recipe with friends and neighbors, who were equally enchanted by its unique combination of flavors.

Over the years, I have made countless variations of the Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf, experimenting with different vegetables, cheeses, and seasonings. Each time I prepare it, I am reminded of that special spring day when I discovered the recipe and embarked on a culinary adventure that would bring joy to so many.

As I look back on my life in the kitchen, I am grateful for the treasure trove of recipes that have shaped my culinary journey. Each recipe tells a story, not just of ingredients and techniques, but of memories and emotions that are woven into the fabric of my family's history. The Vegetable-stuffed Meatloaf recipe is one of those stories, a testament to the power of food to bring people together and create lasting connections.

And so, as I pass this recipe down to future generations, I hope that it will continue to be a source of joy and nourishment for those who prepare and enjoy it. May it bring families together around the dinner table, sparking conversation and laughter as they savor the delicious flavors of a dish that holds a special place in my heart.


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