Vegetable and Bean Hotpot Recipe - Vegetarian Food from Croatia

Vegetable and Bean Hotpot

Vegetable and Bean Hotpot Recipe - Vegetarian Food from Croatia
Region / culture: Croatia | Servings: 4 | Vegetarian diet


Vegetable and Bean Hotpot
Vegetable and Bean Hotpot

Vegetable and Bean Hotpot is a hearty and nutritious dish that is perfect for a comforting meal on a cold day. This dish is packed full of vegetables and beans, making it a great option for vegetarians and vegans. The combination of flavors and textures in this hotpot is sure to satisfy your taste buds and leave you feeling satisfied.


The origins of the Vegetable and Bean Hotpot recipe are not entirely clear, but it is believed to have originated in the United Kingdom as a traditional comfort food dish. This dish has been enjoyed for generations and has evolved over time to include a variety of different vegetables and beans.


How to prepare

  1. Scrub the potatoes, cut them into chunks, and boil them for mashing.
  2. Meanwhile, halve and slice the onion into thin half-moons.
  3. Chop the celery into chunks.
  4. Peel and chop the carrots and mixed vegetables.
  5. Bring about 300 ml (12 fl oz, 1.5 cup) of water to a boil in a large saucepan, then add all the prepared vegetables. Cover and simmer gently until they are cooked.
  6. Drain off any water from the vegetables and mix in the tomato purée and herbs.
  7. Season to taste, reheat, and place into a warmed casserole dish.
  8. When the potatoes are ready, mash them with salt and black pepper to taste, adding a little of their cooking water if needed.
  9. Spread the mashed potatoes on top of the vegetable mix and place under the grill (broiler) until the potato topping is browned.
  10. Serve at once.


  • Add some cooked lentils or chickpeas for extra protein.
  • Swap out the potatoes for sweet potatoes for a different flavor profile.
  • Experiment with different herbs and spices to customize the flavor of the dish.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to chop your vegetables into uniform pieces to ensure even cooking.

- You can customize this recipe by adding your favorite vegetables or beans.

- Feel free to adjust the seasonings to suit your taste preferences.

- For a creamier texture, you can add a splash of plant-based milk to the mashed potatoes.

- Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated for a quick and easy meal.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Vegetable and Bean Hotpot with a side of crusty bread or a green salad for a complete meal. You can also top it with some fresh herbs or a sprinkle of nutritional yeast for added flavor.

Cooking Techniques

Boil the potatoes for mashing.

- Simmer the vegetables until they are cooked.

- Mash the potatoes with salt and black pepper.

- Brown the potato topping under the grill (broiler).

Ingredient Substitutions

You can use any variety of beans in place of the mixed beans.

- Feel free to use any combination of vegetables that you have on hand.

- Substitute the tomato purée with tomato sauce or crushed tomatoes.

Make Ahead Tips

You can prepare the Vegetable and Bean Hotpot in advance and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Simply reheat it in the oven or microwave before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the Vegetable and Bean Hotpot in individual ramekins for a more elegant presentation. You can also garnish it with a sprig of fresh parsley or a drizzle of olive oil.

Pairing Recommendations

This hotpot pairs well with a glass of red wine or a cup of herbal tea. You can also serve it with a side of steamed greens or roasted vegetables.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat the hotpot in the oven or microwave until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving



- Total Carbohydrates: 45g

- Dietary Fiber: 10g

- Sugars: 10g


- Total Fat: 1g

- Saturated Fat: 0g

- Trans Fat: 0g


- Protein: 5g

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A: 100% DV

- Vitamin C: 50% DV

- Iron: 15% DV

- Calcium: 8% DV


This recipe is free from common allergens such as dairy, eggs, nuts, and gluten.


This Vegetable and Bean Hotpot is a nutritious and balanced meal that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is a great option for those looking to incorporate more plant-based foods into their diet.


Vegetable and Bean Hotpot is a delicious and nutritious dish that is perfect for a comforting meal. Packed full of vegetables and beans, this hotpot is sure to satisfy your taste buds and leave you feeling satisfied. Enjoy this dish on its own or paired with your favorite sides for a complete meal.

How did I get this recipe?

I remember the sense of wonder I felt when I first saw this recipe for Vegetable and Bean Hotpot. It was many years ago, during a visit to my dear friend Clara's house. Clara was a fantastic cook, and I always looked forward to tasting her delicious creations.

That day, as I watched Clara prepare the hotpot, I couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant colors and enticing aromas that filled her kitchen. The combination of fresh vegetables, savory beans, and fragrant spices seemed like a magical potion that promised to warm both body and soul.

As Clara chopped, stirred, and simmered, she shared with me the story behind the recipe. She had learned it from her own grandmother, who had inherited it from a wise old woman in a small village in the countryside. According to Clara, the hotpot was not just a nourishing meal, but also a symbol of community, tradition, and love.

Inspired by Clara's passion and dedication, I asked her to teach me how to make the hotpot. With a smile, she handed me a worn piece of paper with the handwritten recipe. She explained each step in detail, emphasizing the importance of patience, care, and respect for the ingredients.

I eagerly took notes, savoring every word and every gesture. I could feel the wisdom and experience of generations flowing through me, guiding my hands and my heart as I embarked on this culinary journey.

Back home in my own kitchen, I gathered all the necessary ingredients and set to work. I chopped the vegetables with precision, soaked the beans with care, and seasoned the broth with love. The familiar scents and sounds of simmering pots and bubbling stews filled the air, bringing me comfort and joy.

As the hotpot slowly cooked on the stove, I couldn't help but think of my grandmother and all the recipes she had passed down to me. She had been a masterful cook, a true artist in the kitchen who had taught me the importance of tradition, creativity, and generosity.

I remembered the countless hours we had spent together, kneading dough, rolling out pastry, and shaping dumplings. I recalled the laughter, the stories, and the shared moments of joy and sorrow that had forged our bond and enriched our lives.

And as I stirred the hotpot and tasted the rich, savory broth, I felt a deep sense of gratitude and connection to my past, my present, and my future. I knew that this recipe, like so many others, would become a part of my own culinary heritage, a treasure to be shared with family, friends, and generations to come.

When the hotpot was finally ready, I ladled it into bowls and garnished it with fresh herbs and a sprinkle of cheese. I savored the first spoonful, letting the flavors and textures dance on my tongue, warming me from the inside out.

As I sat down to enjoy my meal, I closed my eyes and whispered a silent thank you to Clara, to my grandmother, and to all the cooks and food lovers who had inspired me along the way. And I knew that this humble Vegetable and Bean Hotpot would not just nourish my body, but also feed my soul, reminding me of the beauty and magic that can be found in a simple, homemade meal.


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