Varhadi Aloo Bhat Recipe - Vegetarian Indian Dish

Varhadi Aloo Bhat

Varhadi Aloo Bhat Recipe - Vegetarian Indian Dish
Region / culture: India | Servings: 4 | Vegetarian diet


Varhadi Aloo Bhat
Varhadi Aloo Bhat

Varhadi Aloo Bhat is a traditional Maharashtrian dish that combines the flavors of potatoes, rice, and a variety of spices. This dish is hearty and flavorful, making it a popular choice for a comforting meal.


Varhadi Aloo Bhat has its origins in the Varhadi region of Maharashtra, India. It is a popular dish among the Varhadi community and is often prepared during special occasions and festivals.


How to prepare

  1. Fry the potatoes and cashew nuts separately and set aside.
  2. Grind the green chillies, ginger, cinnamon, coriander seeds, and turmeric.
  3. Heat 2 tbsp of oil and fry the ground paste. Then, add the fried potatoes and yoghurt. Add the rice and stir-fry.
  4. Add 3 cups of water and salt, and cook the rice. Finally, add the fried cashew nuts.
  5. Garnish with dry grated coconut and coriander leaves, and serve hot.


  • For a spicier version, increase the quantity of green chillies.
  • Add vegetables like peas, carrots, or bell peppers for added nutrition and flavor.
  • Substitute potatoes with sweet potatoes for a different twist.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Make sure to fry the potatoes and cashew nuts separately to ensure they are cooked evenly.

- Grinding the green chillies, ginger, and spices together helps to release their flavors and aromas.

- Stir-frying the rice with the spices before cooking helps to enhance the flavors of the dish.

Serving Suggestions

Varhadi Aloo Bhat can be served with a side of raita (yoghurt dip) or pickle for added flavor. It pairs well with papad (crispy flatbread) or salad.

Cooking Techniques

Stir-frying the rice with the spices before cooking helps to enhance the flavors of the dish.

- Garnishing with dry grated coconut and coriander leaves adds a fresh and aromatic touch to the dish.

Ingredient Substitutions

You can use ghee (clarified butter) instead of oil for a richer flavor.

- Substitute cashew nuts with almonds or peanuts for a different texture.

Make Ahead Tips

Varhadi Aloo Bhat can be prepared in advance and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Serve Varhadi Aloo Bhat in a traditional serving bowl garnished with fresh coriander leaves and grated coconut for an appealing presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

Varhadi Aloo Bhat pairs well with a side of cucumber raita, mango pickle, or a fresh salad. It can also be enjoyed with a glass of buttermilk or lassi (yoghurt drink).

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftover Varhadi Aloo Bhat in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat in a microwave or on the stovetop before serving.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

A serving of Varhadi Aloo Bhat typically contains around 350-400 calories, depending on the portion size and ingredients used.


Varhadi Aloo Bhat is a carbohydrate-rich dish due to the presence of rice and potatoes. Carbohydrates provide energy to the body and are essential for overall health.


The addition of cashew nuts and oil in Varhadi Aloo Bhat contributes to its fat content. Fats are important for the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals in the body.


While Varhadi Aloo Bhat is not a high-protein dish, the presence of yoghurt and cashew nuts provides some protein. Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair.

Vitamins and minerals

Varhadi Aloo Bhat contains vitamins and minerals from the potatoes, spices, and coriander leaves. These nutrients are important for various bodily functions and overall health.


Varhadi Aloo Bhat contains nuts (cashews) and dairy (yoghurt), which may be allergens for some individuals. It is important to be mindful of any food allergies when preparing or consuming this dish.


Varhadi Aloo Bhat is a nutritious and flavorful dish that provides a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It is a wholesome meal that can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.


Varhadi Aloo Bhat is a delicious and nutritious dish that combines the flavors of potatoes, rice, and spices. With a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, this dish is a wholesome meal that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

How did I get this recipe?

I distinctly remember the moment I stumbled upon this recipe for Varhadi Aloo Bhat. It was a hot summer day in my village, and I was visiting a local market to buy some fresh vegetables for dinner. As I wandered through the bustling stalls, I came across an elderly woman selling a variety of spices and herbs. Intrigued by the array of colors and scents, I struck up a conversation with her.

She told me that she was from the Varhadi region of Maharashtra, and that she had been cooking traditional dishes for as long as she could remember. As we chatted, she mentioned a special recipe for Aloo Bhat that was a favorite among her family and friends. Intrigued by the sound of this dish, I asked her if she would be willing to share the recipe with me.

With a twinkle in her eye, the woman agreed and began to list off the ingredients and steps needed to make Varhadi Aloo Bhat. As she spoke, I scribbled down notes in my tattered recipe book, eager to try out this new dish in my own kitchen.

The first step in making Varhadi Aloo Bhat, the woman explained, was to wash and chop the potatoes into small cubes. Next, I was to heat oil in a large pan and add in cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and curry leaves. The aroma of the spices wafted through the air, making my mouth water in anticipation.

After the spices had sizzled and popped, I added in the chopped potatoes and sautéed them until they were golden brown. Then, I stirred in some turmeric, red chili powder, and salt, coating the potatoes in a fragrant mixture of spices.

The next step was to add in cooked rice and mix everything together gently, being careful not to break the grains. The woman explained that the key to a good Varhadi Aloo Bhat was to ensure that each grain of rice was coated in the flavorful spice mixture.

As the dish cooked, the woman shared stories of her childhood in the Varhadi region, where she learned to cook from her mother and grandmother. She told me about the traditional spices and techniques that were passed down through generations, and how each dish held a special place in her heart.

After the Varhadi Aloo Bhat had simmered and the flavors had melded together, I eagerly served myself a heaping bowl of the steaming dish. The first bite was a revelation - the potatoes were tender, the rice was fluffy, and the spices danced on my tongue in a symphony of flavors.

I knew in that moment that Varhadi Aloo Bhat would become a beloved recipe in my own kitchen, a dish that I would make for my family and friends for years to come. As I thanked the woman for sharing her culinary wisdom with me, she smiled and said, "Food is love, my dear. And sharing recipes is a way of spreading that love to others."

And so, armed with a new recipe and a heart full of gratitude, I returned to my own kitchen to recreate the magic of Varhadi Aloo Bhat. With each bite, I was transported back to that hot summer day in the village market, where I had stumbled upon a culinary treasure that would become a cherished part of my own cooking repertoire.


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