Tunisian Tomato Soup with Chickpeas and Lentils Recipe

Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils

Tunisian Tomato Soup with Chickpeas and Lentils Recipe
Region / culture: Tunisia | Servings: 6


Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils
Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils

Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for a cold winter day. This soup is packed with protein and fiber, making it a nutritious and satisfying meal. The combination of spices and herbs in this recipe creates a delicious and aromatic soup that will warm you up from the inside out.


This recipe is inspired by traditional Tunisian cuisine, which is known for its bold flavors and use of spices. Tunisian cuisine is a fusion of Mediterranean, Arab, and Berber influences, resulting in dishes that are rich in flavor and texture. This tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils is a popular dish in Tunisia, where it is often served as a comforting and nourishing meal.


How to prepare

  1. Place the soaked, uncooked Chickpeas in a large pot and cover with water by 3 inches. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer, partially cover, and cook for 1 hour. (If you are using canned Chickpeas, rinse and drain them, and set them aside.)
  2. Add the Lentils and cinnamon stick, partially cover again, and cook for another 30 minutes, or until the Chickpeas and Lentils are perfectly tender, but not mushy. (If you are using canned Chickpeas, just cook the Lentils with the cinnamon stick in 7 cups of water until tender - about 30 minutes.) Remove and discard the cinnamon stick, and drain the legumes, saving the water.
  3. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a soup pot or Dutch oven. Add the Onion, garlic, salt, turmeric, cumin seeds, ground cumin, and bay leaves, and sauté over medium heat for 5 to 8 minutes, or until the onions are soft.
  4. Add 6 cups of water (including the reserved cooking water from the Lentils) and the tomatoes, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer, partially cover, and cook for another 15 minutes or so. (The timing does not need to be exact.) Remove and discard the bay leaves.
  5. Stir in the Chickpeas and Lentils, and cook for only about 5 minutes longer, so the legumes won't become mushy. Season to taste with black pepper, Cayenne, and lemon juice. Serve hot, topped with some yogurt, a sprinkling of parsley or mint, and currants, if desired.


  • Add diced carrots, celery, or bell peppers for added texture and flavor.
  • Use different spices such as paprika, coriander, or ginger to customize the flavor profile of the soup.
  • Stir in a handful of spinach or kale for added greens and nutrients.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Soaking the chickpeas overnight helps to soften them and reduce cooking time.

- Be sure to rinse and pick over the lentils before cooking to remove any debris.

- Adjust the amount of cayenne to suit your taste preferences – add more for a spicier soup or omit it altogether for a milder flavor.

- Garnish the soup with a dollop of yogurt, a sprinkle of fresh herbs, and some dried fruit for added texture and flavor.

Serving Suggestions

Serve this Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils with crusty bread or a side salad for a complete and filling meal. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a light lunch or dinner option.

Cooking Techniques

Simmering the chickpeas and lentils with a cinnamon stick helps to infuse the soup with warm and aromatic flavors.

- Sautéing the onions and garlic before adding the liquid ingredients helps to develop the base flavors of the soup.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use canned chickpeas and lentils for a quicker cooking time.

- Substitute vegetable broth for water for added flavor.

- Use canned diced tomatoes instead of crushed tomatoes for a chunkier texture.

Make Ahead Tips

This soup can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the soup with a drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of fresh herbs, and a dollop of yogurt for a beautiful and appetizing presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

This Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils pairs well with a crisp green salad, a side of couscous, or a piece of grilled fish or chicken.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop or in the microwave before serving.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving



- Chickpeas: 45g

- Lentils: 36g

- Tomatoes: 20g

- Onion: 10g

- Garlic: 5g

- Total Carbohydrates per serving: 116g


- Olive oil: 14g

- Total Fats per serving: 14g


- Chickpeas: 15g

- Lentils: 18g

- Total Proteins per serving: 33g

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A: 20%

- Vitamin C: 30%

- Iron: 25%

- Calcium: 10%


This recipe contains legumes (chickpeas and lentils) and may not be suitable for individuals with legume allergies.


This Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils is a nutritious and balanced meal that is rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is a healthy and satisfying option for vegetarians and vegans alike.


Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils is a delicious and nutritious dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. This hearty soup is packed with protein, fiber, and flavor, making it a satisfying and comforting meal for the whole family. Enjoy this Tunisian-inspired dish as a light lunch, dinner, or appetizer – it's sure to warm you up from the inside out.

How did I get this recipe?

I have a clear recollection of the first time I saw this recipe for Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils. It was many years ago, back when I was just a young girl living in a small village in Tunisia. My grandmother, may she rest in peace, was the one who introduced me to this delicious dish.

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a hot summer day, and my grandmother had invited me into the kitchen to help her prepare dinner. As soon as I walked in, I was hit with the intoxicating aroma of tomatoes, garlic, and spices simmering on the stove. I watched in awe as my grandmother worked her magic, adding chickpeas, lentils, and a secret blend of Tunisian spices to the pot.

As the soup cooked, my grandmother began to tell me the story of how she learned to make this dish. She explained that the recipe had been passed down through generations of our family, originating in a small village in the Tunisian countryside. She had learned how to make it from her own grandmother, who had learned it from her grandmother before her.

The key to making this soup, my grandmother told me, was to let it simmer slowly over a low flame, allowing the flavors to meld together and create a rich, savory broth. She also stressed the importance of using only the freshest ingredients, including ripe tomatoes, tender chickpeas, and earthy lentils.

As we sat down to enjoy our meal that evening, I couldn't believe how delicious the soup was. The sweetness of the tomatoes paired perfectly with the nuttiness of the chickpeas and lentils, while the spices added a depth and complexity that I had never tasted before. From that moment on, I was hooked.

Over the years, I have made this soup countless times, each time tweaking the recipe slightly to make it my own. I have added my own spin on the traditional Tunisian spices, incorporating flavors from other cuisines that I have encountered in my travels. But no matter how much I change the recipe, the essence of the dish remains the same – a comforting, soul-warming bowl of soup that never fails to bring back memories of my grandmother and the simple joys of my childhood.

Now, as I sit here in my own kitchen, preparing this soup for my own grandchildren, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the culinary legacy that has been passed down to me. I am proud to carry on the tradition of making this Tunisian tomato soup with chickpeas and lentils, knowing that with each batch I cook, I am honoring the memory of my grandmother and the generations of women who came before her.

So as I stir the pot and let the soup simmer, I am transported back to that hot summer day in Tunisia, watching my grandmother work her magic in the kitchen. And as I take my first spoonful of the fragrant, flavorful broth, I am reminded once again of the power of food to connect us to our past and nourish both body and soul.


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