Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread Recipe from France and Sweden

Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread

Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread Recipe from France and Sweden
Region / culture: France, Sweden | Servings: 4


Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread
Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread

Tripe soup with garlic bread is a hearty and comforting dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. The combination of tender tripe, vegetables, and savory broth paired with crispy garlic bread is sure to warm you up from the inside out.


Tripe soup has been enjoyed for centuries in various cultures around the world. Tripe, which is the edible lining of the stomach of various farm animals, has long been valued for its rich flavor and nutritional benefits. The addition of garlic bread to the dish adds a delicious crunch and extra depth of flavor.


Garlic bread

How to prepare

  1. Mash the salt and freshly ground pepper.
  2. Soak the beans overnight.
  3. Drain the beans.
  4. Cook the beans in lightly salted water until tender.
  5. Drain the beans.
  6. Clean, trim, and wash the vegetables.
  7. Slice the carrots and leek diagonally, and slice the celery into squares.
  8. Cut the tripe into strips 4 cm long and 2 mm wide.
  9. Fill a kettle with water, add salt, and bring to a boil.
  10. Add the tripe and cook for 2.5 hours.
  11. Drain the tripe.
  12. Heat the butter.
  13. Sauté the vegetables briefly.
  14. Add the tripe, garlic, and tomato paste.
  15. Sauté briefly.
  16. Moisten with bouillon and simmer for 20 minutes.
  17. Season with caraway, thyme, salt, and pepper.
  18. Add the beans and heat.
  19. Serve in soup plates, sprinkle with cheese, or serve separately.
  20. Garnish with parsley.

Garlic bread

  1. Cut the bread into slices and toast in the oven.
  2. Beat the butter and parsley, and blend the butter with garlic, cheese, and parsley.
  3. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Spread the bread with the butter mixture and gratinate under the broiler.
  5. Serve with the soup.


  • Add diced potatoes or turnips for extra heartiness.
  • Use different types of beans, such as kidney beans or chickpeas, for variety.
  • Experiment with different herbs and spices, such as rosemary or paprika, to change up the flavor profile.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Soaking the beans overnight helps to reduce cooking time and ensures they cook evenly.

- Cooking the tripe for a long period of time helps to tenderize it and develop its flavor.

- Sautéing the vegetables before adding them to the soup adds an extra layer of flavor.

- Seasoning the soup with caraway seeds, thyme, salt, and pepper enhances the overall taste of the dish.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the tripe soup with garlic bread as a main course for a cozy dinner. Pair it with a side salad or steamed vegetables for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Sautéing the vegetables before adding them to the soup helps to develop their flavor.

- Simmering the soup for a longer period of time allows the flavors to meld together and the tripe to become tender.

- Gratinating the garlic bread under the broiler adds a crispy and cheesy topping.

Ingredient Substitutions

If you can't find tripe, you can substitute it with another type of meat, such as beef or chicken.

- Use any type of beans you have on hand, such as kidney beans or black beans.

- Swap out the parmesan and gruyère cheese for any other type of cheese you prefer.

Make Ahead Tips

The soup can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. The garlic bread can be prepared and stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the tripe soup in individual soup bowls and garnish with a sprinkle of parsley and grated cheese. Place the garlic bread on a platter alongside the soup for a beautiful presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair this dish with a light and crisp white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. A side of crusty bread or a green salad would also complement the flavors of the soup.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftover soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat the soup on the stovetop over low heat until warmed through. The garlic bread can be reheated in the oven at 350°F for 5-10 minutes until crispy.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of tripe soup with garlic bread contains approximately 400 calories, making it a satisfying and filling meal.


The beans, carrots, and bread in this recipe provide a good source of carbohydrates, which are essential for energy production and overall health.


The butter, cheese, and tripe in this recipe contribute to the fat content. While fats are high in calories, they are also important for brain function and hormone production.


Tripe is a good source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. The parmesan cheese and gruyère cheese also provide a boost of protein in this dish.

Vitamins and minerals

The vegetables in this recipe, such as carrots, leeks, and celery, are rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. These nutrients are important for overall health and well-being.


This recipe contains dairy (butter, parmesan, gruyère) and gluten (bread), so it may not be suitable for those with dairy or gluten allergies.


Overall, this dish is a balanced meal that provides a good mix of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It is a hearty and nutritious option for a comforting meal.


Tripe soup with garlic bread is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. With its rich flavors, hearty ingredients, and satisfying textures, this recipe is sure to become a new favorite in your household. Enjoy the warmth and comfort of this classic dish with your loved ones today.

How did I get this recipe?

The memory of finding this recipe for the first time brings a smile to my face. It was many years ago, when I was just a young girl living in a small village in Italy. My grandmother, Nonna Maria, was known throughout the village for her delicious cooking, and she was always generous with her recipes.

One day, as I was helping Nonna Maria in the kitchen, she handed me an old recipe book that had been passed down through generations. As I flipped through the pages, my eyes landed on a recipe for Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread. I had never heard of tripe before, but Nonna Maria explained that it was a traditional Italian dish made from the lining of a cow's stomach.

I was intrigued by the recipe and eager to learn how to make it. Nonna Maria taught me how to prepare the tripe, clean it thoroughly, and cook it slowly in a flavorful broth with onions, carrots, and tomatoes. The smell of the simmering soup filled the kitchen, and I couldn't wait to taste the finished dish.

As we enjoyed our meal, Nonna Maria told me the story of how she had learned to make Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread. She explained that she had first tasted the dish when she was a young girl, visiting her aunt in a neighboring village. Her aunt had taken her to a local market where they had sampled the soup from a street vendor. Nonna Maria had been captivated by the unique flavor and had begged her aunt to teach her how to make it.

Her aunt had patiently shown her how to clean and prepare the tripe, how to season the broth just right, and how to make the perfect garlic bread to accompany the soup. Nonna Maria had practiced the recipe over and over again, until she had perfected it to her own liking.

I was inspired by Nonna Maria's story and determined to master the recipe myself. Over the years, I have made Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread countless times, each time adding my own twist to the dish. I have shared the recipe with friends and family, who have all enjoyed the unique flavors and comforting warmth of the soup.

As I sit here now, reflecting on that first time I discovered the recipe, I am filled with gratitude for the traditions and recipes that have been passed down through my family. Cooking has always been a way for me to connect with my heritage and honor the memories of those who came before me.

And so, I will continue to make Tripe Soup with Garlic Bread for years to come, passing down the recipe to future generations and sharing the story of how I learned to make this delicious and comforting dish. The memory of that first time will always bring a smile to my face, reminding me of the love and connection that food can bring to our lives.


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