Delicious Spicy Pork with Potatoes Recipe

Spicy Pork with Potatoes

Delicious Spicy Pork with Potatoes Recipe
| Servings: 4


Spicy Pork with Potatoes
Spicy Pork with Potatoes

Spicy Pork with Potatoes is a flavorful and satisfying dish that combines tender pork loin with hearty potatoes and a kick of spice from jalapeño chiles. This dish is perfect for those who enjoy a bit of heat in their meals.


This recipe is inspired by traditional Mexican cuisine, where pork is often paired with potatoes and spicy chiles to create a delicious and comforting meal. The combination of flavors and textures in this dish is sure to please your taste buds.


How to prepare

  1. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add the pork loin and 1 tsp of salt and simmer until the pork is cooked, about 20 minutes. Add the potatoes, chiles, onion, and 1 tbsp of oil and stir. Cook on medium heat until the potatoes are almost cooked, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 1 tbsp of chili powder, 2 cloves of minced garlic, and 1 tsp of grated ginger and cook for an additional 3–4 minutes, stirring frequently.


  • For a vegetarian version, substitute the pork loin with tofu or tempeh.
  • Add diced tomatoes or bell peppers for extra color and flavor.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to cook the pork loin until it is tender and fully cooked to ensure a juicy and flavorful dish.

- Adjust the amount of chili powder and jalapeño chiles to suit your spice preference.

- For a milder version, remove the seeds from the jalapeño chiles before adding them to the dish.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Spicy Pork with Potatoes with warm tortillas or rice for a complete meal.

- Garnish with fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime for added flavor.

Cooking Techniques

Simmer the pork loin in water to ensure it is tender and juicy.

- Stir frequently to prevent the potatoes from sticking to the pan.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use chicken or beef instead of pork for a different flavor profile.

- Substitute serrano chiles for jalapeño chiles for a spicier dish.

Make Ahead Tips

This dish can be prepared in advance and reheated before serving.

- Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the Spicy Pork with Potatoes in a colorful bowl or on a decorative plate for an eye-catching presentation. - Garnish with a sprinkle of chopped green onions or a dollop of sour cream.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair this dish with a crisp salad or steamed vegetables for a well-rounded meal.

- Serve with a cold beer or a glass of white wine to complement the spicy flavors.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

- Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving



- Total Carbohydrates: 25g

- Dietary Fiber: 3g

- Sugars: 2g


- Total Fat: 8g

- Saturated Fat: 2g

- Trans Fat: 0g


- Protein: 20g

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A: 5% DV

- Vitamin C: 30% DV

- Iron: 10% DV


This recipe contains pork and may not be suitable for those with pork allergies.


This dish is a good source of protein and vitamins, but it is also high in fat and calories. Enjoy in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


Spicy Pork with Potatoes is a delicious and satisfying dish that combines tender pork loin with hearty potatoes and a kick of spice from jalapeño chiles. This flavorful meal is perfect for a cozy dinner at home or a gathering with friends and family. Enjoy the bold flavors and comforting textures of this dish for a memorable dining experience.

How did I get this recipe?

. It was a warm summer day, and I was visiting my friend Maria in her cozy kitchen. As soon as I walked in, I could smell the enticing aroma of spices and herbs wafting through the air. Maria was busy chopping up some fresh vegetables and marinating the pork in a delicious blend of seasonings.

I asked her what she was making, and she chuckled as she handed me a glass of iced tea. "This is my family's recipe for Spicy Pork with Potatoes," she said with a smile. "It's a dish that has been passed down for generations, and it's a favorite in our household."

As I watched Maria work her magic in the kitchen, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the way she effortlessly combined different ingredients to create a symphony of flavors. She explained to me that the key to this dish was the perfect balance of spices – a little bit of heat from the chili peppers, a touch of sweetness from the brown sugar, and a hint of tanginess from the vinegar.

I was eager to learn more about this recipe, so I offered to help Maria prepare the meal. She gladly accepted my offer and began to guide me through the steps. We started by browning the pork in a hot skillet, allowing it to develop a rich, caramelized crust. Then, we added in the potatoes and let them cook until they were tender and golden brown.

As the dish simmered on the stove, the aroma grew more intoxicating, filling the kitchen with a mouth-watering scent that made my stomach rumble with anticipation. Maria added in the spices – paprika, cayenne pepper, and cumin – and stirred them into the mixture, allowing the flavors to meld together harmoniously.

After a few more minutes of cooking, Maria announced that the dish was ready. She ladled generous portions onto our plates and we sat down to enjoy the fruits of our labor. The first bite was a revelation – the tender pork was infused with the fiery heat of the spices, while the potatoes provided a comforting, starchy base to balance out the dish.

As we ate, Maria shared with me the story of how she had learned to make Spicy Pork with Potatoes. She explained that the recipe had been passed down to her from her grandmother, who had learned it from her own mother. Over the years, Maria had added her own personal touches to the dish, making it her own signature creation.

I was inspired by Maria's passion and dedication to her family's culinary traditions, and I knew that I wanted to carry on the legacy of this delicious recipe. I asked her for a copy of the recipe, and she gladly wrote it down for me on a piece of paper, complete with detailed instructions and helpful tips.

From that day on, Spicy Pork with Potatoes became a staple in my own kitchen. I would often make it for family gatherings and special occasions, delighting my loved ones with its bold, spicy flavors and hearty appeal. Each time I cooked the dish, I would think back to that fateful day in Maria's kitchen, where I had first been introduced to the magic of this unforgettable recipe.

As the years went by, I continued to refine and perfect the recipe, adding my own twist here and there to make it truly my own. And though I have shared it with many friends and family members, I always think back to Maria and the day she taught me how to make Spicy Pork with Potatoes – a dish that will forever hold a special place in my heart and on my table.


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