Sour Soup with Chicken Recipe from Romania

Sour Soup with Chicken

Sour Soup with Chicken Recipe from Romania
Region / culture: Romania | Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 1 hour | Servings: 4


Sour Soup with Chicken
Sour Soup with Chicken

Sour Soup with Chicken is a traditional Romanian dish that is loved for its tangy and savory flavors. This hearty soup is perfect for warming up on a cold day and is packed with nutritious ingredients.


Sour Soup with Chicken has been a staple in Romanian cuisine for generations. It is believed to have originated in the rural areas of Romania, where simple and hearty dishes were commonly prepared using fresh, local ingredients.


How to prepare

  1. Boil the julienned carrot, parsley root, and onion.
  2. Once the vegetables are halfway cooked, add the chicken pieces and gizzards, salt, rice, peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes.
  3. Remove any foam and add the separately boiled and strained borş (quantity to taste).
  4. When the chicken pieces are nearly cooked, add the chopped parsley and dill.
  5. Finally, beat in one egg at the end.


  • You can add other vegetables such as bell peppers or mushrooms for added flavor and nutrition.
  • For a vegetarian version, you can omit the chicken and use vegetable broth instead.
  • Some recipes call for the addition of sour cherries or lemon juice for extra tanginess.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to remove any foam that forms on the surface of the soup while cooking.

- Adjust the amount of borş to taste, as it can vary in acidity.

- For a richer flavor, you can use homemade chicken broth instead of water.

- Adding the egg at the end of cooking helps to thicken the soup and create a creamy texture.

Serving Suggestions

Sour Soup with Chicken is traditionally served hot with a dollop of sour cream on top and a side of crusty bread. It pairs well with a fresh salad or pickled vegetables.

Cooking Techniques

The key to making a delicious Sour Soup with Chicken is to simmer the ingredients slowly to allow the flavors to meld together. Be sure to taste and adjust the seasoning as needed.

Ingredient Substitutions

If you don't have borş, you can substitute with lemon juice or vinegar for a similar tangy flavor. You can also use chicken thighs or drumsticks instead of a whole chicken.

Make Ahead Tips

Sour Soup with Chicken can be made ahead of time and reheated before serving. Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the soup with fresh parsley or dill before serving for a pop of color. You can also add a swirl of sour cream or a sprinkle of paprika for an extra touch of flavor.

Pairing Recommendations

Sour Soup with Chicken pairs well with a light and crisp white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. It also goes well with a cold beer or a glass of sparkling water.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftover soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop or in the microwave until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Sour Soup with Chicken contains around 300 calories, making it a satisfying and nutritious meal option.


The carbohydrates in Sour Soup with Chicken primarily come from the rice and vegetables used in the recipe. Each serving contains approximately 20 grams of carbohydrates.


The fats in this soup come from the chicken and any added oil or fats used in cooking. Each serving contains around 10 grams of fat.


The protein in Sour Soup with Chicken comes from the chicken and egg used in the recipe. Each serving contains approximately 25 grams of protein.

Vitamins and minerals

This soup is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron from the vegetables and chicken. It also contains potassium, calcium, and magnesium.


This recipe contains eggs and chicken, which are common allergens. Be sure to check for any allergies before serving.


Sour Soup with Chicken is a well-rounded dish that provides a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It is a nutritious and satisfying meal option.


Sour Soup with Chicken is a comforting and flavorful dish that is perfect for a cozy meal at home. Packed with nutritious ingredients and rich flavors, this soup is sure to become a family favorite.

How did I get this recipe?

The memory of discovering this recipe for the first time is a joyful one. It was many years ago, when I was just a young girl living in a small village nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside. My grandmother, who was known for her delicious and hearty meals, had invited me into her kitchen to learn the art of cooking.

I remember the warmth of the kitchen, the scent of herbs and spices hanging in the air, and the sound of my grandmother's soft voice guiding me through the steps of preparing the sour soup with chicken. She told me that this recipe had been passed down through generations in our family, and that it was a favorite among our relatives and neighbors.

As we worked together, my grandmother shared stories of her own childhood, of gathering fresh ingredients from the garden and learning to cook alongside her own mother. I listened intently, absorbing her wisdom and knowledge like a sponge.

The first step in making the sour soup with chicken was to prepare the broth. My grandmother showed me how to simmer chicken bones, onions, garlic, and a blend of herbs and spices in a large pot of water. The aroma that filled the kitchen was heavenly, and I knew that this soup would be something special.

Next, we added tender pieces of chicken, fresh vegetables, and a generous splash of vinegar to the pot. My grandmother explained that the vinegar was what gave the soup its distinctive sour flavor, balancing out the richness of the broth and chicken.

As the soup simmered on the stove, my grandmother taught me the importance of patience and attention to detail in cooking. She showed me how to taste and adjust the seasoning, how to stir gently and avoid overcooking the ingredients, and how to present the finished dish with care and pride.

Finally, the soup was ready. My grandmother ladled steaming bowls of sour soup with chicken into our favorite handmade ceramic bowls, and we sat down at the kitchen table to enjoy our creation together.

The first spoonful of soup was like a burst of flavor in my mouth. The richness of the broth, the tender chicken, the tangy vinegar, and the crisp vegetables all came together in perfect harmony. I savored each bite, feeling a sense of accomplishment and connection to my family's culinary heritage.

From that day on, the sour soup with chicken became a staple in my own kitchen. I would make it for special occasions, for family gatherings, and sometimes just to warm up on a cold winter's day. Each time I prepared the dish, I would think back to that moment in my grandmother's kitchen, and feel grateful for the gift of her knowledge and love.

Over the years, I have shared this recipe with friends and neighbors, passing it on to a new generation of cooks. I have made small tweaks and additions to make it my own, but the essence of the dish remains unchanged.

As I look back on that day in my grandmother's kitchen, I realize that it was not just a lesson in cooking, but a lesson in life. The sour soup with chicken taught me the value of tradition, the importance of sharing knowledge and recipes, and the joy that comes from creating something delicious from scratch.

And so, I continue to cook this dish with love and pride, knowing that each spoonful carries with it a piece of my family's history and heritage. The memory of discovering this recipe for the first time will always hold a special place in my heart, a reminder of the bond between generations and the magic that happens in the kitchen.


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