Skinke i Vin Recipe from Denmark: Ham, Onions, Leek, Red Wine, and Mushrooms in a Delicious Dish

Skinke i Vin

Skinke i Vin Recipe from Denmark: Ham, Onions, Leek, Red Wine, and Mushrooms in a Delicious Dish
Region / culture: Denmark | Preparation time: 1 hour | Cooking time: 25 minutes per pound | Servings: 10


Skinke i Vin
Skinke i Vin

Skinke i Vin, also known as Ham in Wine, is a traditional Danish dish that features smoked ham cooked in a flavorful red wine sauce. This dish is perfect for special occasions or a cozy family dinner.


Skinke i Vin has been a popular dish in Denmark for many years, with its origins dating back to traditional Danish cuisine. The combination of smoked ham and red wine creates a rich and savory flavor that is sure to impress your guests.


How to prepare

  1. Loosen the skin from the ham and simmer with the onions and the leek for 1 hour in a roasting pan, reserving 0.5 cup of the wine.
  2. Remove the ham from the roaster.
  3. Cut away and discard the tough outer skin.
  4. Brown the mushrooms in butter.
  5. Cut a slash in the top of the ham large enough to hold the mushroom mixture, water, salt, and pepper.
  6. Skewer the opening to secure the filling.
  7. Make a sauce by combining 2 tbsp of butter, 2 tbsp of flour, and the liquid from the roaster.
  8. Stir the sauce over low heat.
  9. Add the reserved 0.5 cup of wine gradually, mixing well.
  10. Pour the sauce over the ham in the roasting pan and bake until tender (about 25 minutes per pound) in a preheated 375º oven.
  11. Baste the ham with the pan juices at least every 0.5 hour.


  • For a twist on the classic recipe, try adding diced apples or prunes to the mushroom filling for a touch of sweetness.
  • You can also experiment with different types of mushrooms or herbs to customize the flavor of the dish to your liking.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Make sure to simmer the ham with the onions and leek for at least 1 hour to allow the flavors to meld together.

- Browning the mushrooms in butter adds a delicious depth of flavor to the dish.

- Basting the ham with the pan juices regularly will help keep it moist and flavorful throughout the cooking process.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Skinke i Vin with boiled potatoes or crusty bread to soak up the delicious red wine sauce.

- A side of steamed vegetables or a fresh green salad would also complement this dish nicely.

Cooking Techniques

Simmering the ham with the onions and leek helps infuse the meat with flavor and keep it moist during cooking.

- Basting the ham regularly while it bakes ensures that it stays juicy and tender.

Ingredient Substitutions

If you don't have red wine on hand, you can substitute beef or chicken broth for a different flavor profile.

- Feel free to use any type of mushrooms you prefer in this recipe.

Make Ahead Tips

You can prepare the ham and mushroom filling ahead of time and refrigerate them separately until you are ready to bake the dish.

- Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the finished dish with fresh herbs, such as parsley or thyme, for a pop of color and flavor. - Serve Skinke i Vin on a platter with the red wine sauce drizzled over the top for an elegant presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

This dish pairs well with a full-bodied red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot.

- A side of roasted root vegetables or a creamy potato gratin would also complement the flavors of the dish.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

- To reheat, place the ham in a baking dish with the sauce and cover with foil. Bake in a preheated 350º oven until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

350 per serving


12g per serving


18g per serving


32g per serving

Vitamins and minerals

This dish is a good source of iron, vitamin B12, and zinc.


This recipe contains dairy (butter) and gluten (flour).


Skinke i Vin is a hearty and satisfying dish that is high in protein and moderate in calories. It is a great option for a balanced meal.


Skinke i Vin is a classic Danish dish that is perfect for a special occasion or a cozy family dinner. The combination of smoked ham and red wine creates a rich and savory flavor that is sure to impress your guests. Serve this dish with boiled potatoes or crusty bread for a delicious and satisfying meal.

How did I get this recipe?

The first time I saw this recipe, I knew it was something I had to make. It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and I was browsing through an old cookbook that I had inherited from my great-grandmother. The pages were yellowed and fragile, and the recipes were written in a spidery script that was barely legible. But as soon as I saw the name "Skinke i Vin," I knew that I had stumbled upon something special.

I had never heard of Skinke i Vin before, but the ingredients intrigued me. Ham, red wine, cloves, and mustard - it sounded like the perfect combination of savory and sweet. I could almost taste the rich flavors just by reading the recipe.

I decided to try making it that very evening. I rummaged through my pantry, gathering the necessary ingredients. The ham was easy enough to find, as was the red wine. I had to borrow a few cloves from my neighbor, Mrs. Jensen, but she was more than happy to lend them to me.

As I started cooking, the kitchen filled with the warm, spicy aroma of cloves and mustard. The ham sizzled in the red wine, soaking up the flavors of the sauce. I couldn't help but sneak a taste, and I was transported to a world of mouthwatering deliciousness.

When the dish was finally ready, I served it to my family with a side of mashed potatoes and green beans. The first bite was met with silence, as everyone savored the complex flavors of the dish. It was a hit, and my family begged me to make it again soon.

But the story of how I learned to make Skinke i Vin didn't end there. Over the years, I refined the recipe, tweaking it to suit my family's tastes. I added a dash of honey for sweetness, and a sprinkle of thyme for depth of flavor. Each time I made it, the dish became more and more delicious.

One day, I was invited to a potluck dinner with some friends. I decided to bring my Skinke i Vin, as I knew it would be a crowd-pleaser. As soon as I arrived, the dish was met with oohs and ahhs. Everyone wanted to know the secret behind the incredible flavors.

I shared the recipe with my friends, passing it on like a treasured heirloom. They were amazed by how simple it was to make, yet how impressive the final result was. It became a staple at our potluck dinners, and soon enough, everyone was making their own version of Skinke i Vin.

As the years passed, I continued to make Skinke i Vin for my family and friends. It became a dish that was synonymous with comfort and love, a recipe that brought us all together around the dinner table. And every time I made it, I couldn't help but think back to that chilly autumn afternoon when I first discovered the recipe in my great-grandmother's cookbook.

Now, as I sit here writing this story, I can't help but smile at the thought of all the memories that are tied to this dish. From the first time I made it, to the countless dinners shared with loved ones, Skinke i Vin will always hold a special place in my heart.

So if you ever find yourself looking for a new recipe to try, I urge you to give Skinke i Vin a chance. Who knows, it may just become a beloved tradition in your family, just like it has in mine. And remember, the best recipes are the ones that bring people together and create lasting memories.


| Danish Meat Dishes | Danish Recipes | Ham Recipes | Leek Recipes | Mushroom Recipes | Onion Recipes | Red Wine Recipes |

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