Russian Vegetarian Food: Savory Kasha Pilaf Recipe

Savory Kasha Pilaf

Russian Vegetarian Food: Savory Kasha Pilaf Recipe
Region / culture: Russia | Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes | Servings: 4 | Vegetarian diet


Savory Kasha Pilaf
Savory Kasha Pilaf

Savory Kasha Pilaf is a delicious and nutritious dish that combines the nutty flavor of kasha with a variety of vegetables. This recipe is perfect for a hearty and satisfying meal that is both vegan and gluten-free.


Kasha, also known as buckwheat groats, has been a staple in Eastern European cuisine for centuries. It is often used in pilafs, soups, and salads for its unique flavor and nutritional benefits. This recipe combines traditional kasha with a variety of vegetables to create a flavorful and satisfying dish.


How to prepare

  1. Heat oil in an electric skillet or large saucepan over medium-high heat.
  2. Add garlic, scallions, bell pepper, and carrots.
  3. Place kasha in a bowl.
  4. Combine egg replacer powder and water in a liquid measuring cup, and pour over the kasha, mixing thoroughly.
  5. Combine the kasha mixture with the vegetables, and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently.
  6. Add hot stock, and reduce the heat to low.
  7. Cover, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.


  • Add in your favorite vegetables such as mushrooms, peas, or zucchini for a different flavor profile.
  • Mix in some cooked chickpeas or tofu for added protein.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Make sure to thoroughly rinse the kasha before cooking to remove any excess starch.

- Toasting the kasha in a dry skillet before cooking can enhance its nutty flavor.

- Be sure to stir the pilaf occasionally while cooking to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the savory kasha pilaf as a main dish with a side of salad or steamed vegetables.

- Pair it with a dollop of vegan sour cream or a sprinkle of fresh herbs for added flavor.

Cooking Techniques

Use a large saucepan or electric skillet to cook the pilaf evenly and prevent sticking.

- Cover the pan while cooking to ensure the kasha absorbs the flavors of the vegetables and stock.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use quinoa or rice in place of kasha for a different twist on this recipe.

- Substitute vegetable stock with chicken or beef stock for a non-vegan option.

Make Ahead Tips

This pilaf can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Simply reheat before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the pilaf with fresh herbs, such as parsley or dill, for a pop of color and flavor. - Serve the pilaf in individual bowls or on a platter for a beautiful presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair the savory kasha pilaf with a glass of white wine or a refreshing iced tea for a complete meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

- Reheat the pilaf in the microwave or on the stovetop until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving



- Total Carbohydrates: 38g

- Dietary Fiber: 5g

- Sugars: 4g


- Total Fat: 3g

- Saturated Fat: 0g

- Trans Fat: 0g


- Protein: 6g

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A: 50% DV

- Vitamin C: 70% DV

- Iron: 10% DV

- Calcium: 4% DV


This recipe is gluten-free and vegan, making it suitable for those with gluten and dairy allergies.


This savory kasha pilaf is a nutritious and delicious dish that is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is a great option for a healthy and satisfying meal.


Savory Kasha Pilaf is a delicious and nutritious dish that is perfect for a satisfying meal. With a combination of kasha, vegetables, and flavorful seasonings, this recipe is sure to become a favorite in your household. Enjoy this vegan and gluten-free dish for a healthy and delicious meal option.

How did I get this recipe?

The first time I saw this recipe, I was immediately intrigued. It was during a family gathering at my cousin's house, and her mother-in-law had brought over a dish called Savory Kasha Pilaf. I had never heard of it before, but the aroma wafting from the pot was enough to pique my curiosity.

As I watched her prepare the dish, I couldn't help but ask her about the recipe. She smiled and told me that it was a traditional Russian dish that her grandmother used to make. She explained that kasha is a type of buckwheat grain that is commonly used in Russian cuisine, and it is often cooked with onions, mushrooms, and seasonings to create a hearty and flavorful side dish.

I was fascinated by the simplicity of the ingredients and the way they came together to create such a delicious dish. I knew I had to learn how to make it myself, so I asked my cousin's mother-in-law if she would be willing to teach me her recipe. She agreed, and we spent the afternoon in her kitchen, cooking and chatting about our shared love of food.

She showed me how to cook the kasha until it was fluffy and tender, and how to sauté the onions and mushrooms until they were golden and fragrant. She taught me the importance of using good quality broth to add depth of flavor to the dish, and she shared with me her secret seasoning blend that elevated the dish to a whole new level.

As we sat down to eat the finished pilaf, I was amazed by how delicious it was. The nutty kasha paired perfectly with the savory mushrooms and onions, and the spices added a warmth and complexity that made each bite a delight. I knew that this recipe would become a staple in my own kitchen, and I was grateful to my cousin's mother-in-law for sharing it with me.

Over the years, I have made Savory Kasha Pilaf countless times, each time adding my own twist to the recipe. Sometimes I add in extra vegetables, like carrots and peas, to make it a complete meal. Other times I experiment with different herbs and spices, like dill and paprika, to change up the flavor profile.

I have shared the recipe with friends and family, and it has become a favorite at potlucks and holiday gatherings. People always ask me where I learned to make such a delicious dish, and I proudly tell them about my cousin's mother-in-law and the day she taught me how to make Savory Kasha Pilaf.

As I sit in my kitchen now, stirring a pot of kasha pilaf on the stove, I can't help but smile at the memories that this dish brings back. It reminds me of the joy of cooking and sharing good food with loved ones, and it reminds me of the wonderful people who have taught me so much over the years.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow in my culinary skills, and I am grateful for the delicious recipes that have been passed down to me through generations. Savory Kasha Pilaf will always have a special place in my heart, as a reminder of the love and tradition that is woven into every bite.


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