Sautéed Carrots with Almonds Recipe | Vegetarian Food

Sautéed Carrots with Almonds

Sautéed Carrots with Almonds Recipe | Vegetarian Food
Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 15 minutes | Servings: 4 | Vegetarian diet


Sautéed Carrots with Almonds
Sautéed Carrots with Almonds

Sautéed Carrots with Almonds is a delicious and nutritious side dish that is perfect for any meal. The combination of sweet carrots, crunchy almonds, and tangy lemon juice creates a flavorful dish that is sure to please your taste buds.


This recipe is a modern twist on a classic dish that has been enjoyed for generations. Carrots have long been a staple in many cuisines around the world, and their natural sweetness makes them a versatile ingredient in both savory and sweet dishes. The addition of almonds adds a nutty crunch that complements the carrots perfectly.


How to prepare

  1. Heat margarine in a large skillet.
  2. Add carrots and sauté over medium heat, stirring frequently, until they are tender-crisp and beginning to turn golden, about 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Add apple juice and continue sautéing, stirring until all the juice is absorbed.
  4. Stir in the remaining ingredients, then transfer the mixture to a serving container.


  • Add a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg for a warm and spicy flavor.
  • Substitute walnuts or pecans for the almonds for a different nutty flavor.
  • Add a splash of balsamic vinegar for a tangy twist.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to slice the carrots thinly to ensure they cook evenly and quickly.

- Stir the carrots frequently while sautéing to prevent them from sticking to the pan.

- Adjust the amount of lemon juice to suit your taste preferences - you can add more or less depending on how tangy you like your dish.

Serving Suggestions

This dish pairs well with roasted chicken, grilled fish, or a simple green salad. It can also be served as a standalone side dish or as part of a larger meal.

Cooking Techniques

Sautéing the carrots allows them to cook quickly while retaining their natural sweetness and crunch. Be sure to stir frequently to prevent them from burning.

Ingredient Substitutions

Butter can be used in place of margarine for a richer flavor.

- Orange juice can be used instead of apple juice for a citrusy twist.

- Parsley or cilantro can be used in place of chives for a different herb flavor.

Make Ahead Tips

This dish can be made ahead of time and reheated before serving. Simply store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the dish with a sprinkle of fresh herbs or a drizzle of olive oil for a beautiful presentation. Serve it in a colorful serving dish to add visual appeal to your meal.

Pairing Recommendations

This dish pairs well with a variety of proteins, including chicken, fish, or tofu. It also complements a wide range of side dishes, such as rice, quinoa, or roasted vegetables.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

This recipe yields approximately 6 servings, with each serving containing around 200 calories.


Carrots are a good source of carbohydrates, providing around 12 grams per cup. The addition of almonds adds a small amount of carbohydrates as well.


Almonds are a rich source of healthy fats, providing around 14 grams per cup. The margarine used in this recipe also adds a small amount of fat.


Almonds are a good source of protein, providing around 6 grams per cup. Carrots also contain a small amount of protein.

Vitamins and minerals

Carrots are packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin K, and potassium. Almonds are a good source of vitamin E and magnesium.


This recipe contains almonds, which are a common allergen. Be sure to check for any allergies before serving this dish.


Overall, this dish is a nutritious and delicious option for a side dish. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, making it a great addition to any meal.


Sautéed Carrots with Almonds is a simple and delicious side dish that is perfect for any meal. With its sweet carrots, crunchy almonds, and tangy lemon juice, this dish is sure to be a hit with your family and friends. Enjoy!

How did I get this recipe?

The first time I saw this recipe, I was immediately captivated. It was a warm summer day, and I had just finished helping my neighbor Mrs. Jenkins with her garden. As a token of her appreciation, she invited me into her cozy kitchen for a glass of lemonade.

As we chatted, I couldn't help but notice the delicious aroma wafting from the stove. Mrs. Jenkins noticed my curiosity and chuckled, "Would you like to learn how to make sautéed carrots with almonds, my dear?"

I eagerly nodded, and Mrs. Jenkins began to walk me through the recipe. She explained that the key to making this dish was to start with fresh, crisp carrots. She showed me how to peel and slice them into thin strips, which would cook quickly and evenly in the pan.

Next, Mrs. Jenkins taught me how to toast the almonds in a dry skillet until they were golden brown and fragrant. The smell was intoxicating, and I couldn't wait to taste the final dish.

After the carrots were tender and the almonds were toasted, Mrs. Jenkins tossed them together in a pan with a knob of butter, a sprinkle of salt, and a dash of honey for sweetness. The combination of flavors was perfect - the nuttiness of the almonds, the sweetness of the honey, and the earthy taste of the carrots all came together in a harmonious blend.

I was in awe of Mrs. Jenkins' culinary skills and asked her how she had learned to make such a delicious dish. She smiled and told me that she had picked up the recipe during her travels in France many years ago.

Mrs. Jenkins described how she had stumbled upon a quaint little bistro in Paris, where the chef had served her a similar dish of sautéed carrots with almonds. She was so impressed by the flavors and textures that she had begged the chef for the recipe, which he had graciously shared with her.

Ever since that day, Mrs. Jenkins had been making this dish for her family and friends, and it had become a beloved staple in her kitchen. She encouraged me to experiment with the recipe, adding my own twist and flavors to make it my own.

From that day on, sautéed carrots with almonds became a regular dish in my own kitchen. I would often make it for family gatherings and dinner parties, always receiving rave reviews from my guests.

Over the years, I have continued to tweak the recipe, adding a pinch of garlic here, a squeeze of lemon there, to make it my own. But the essence of the dish - the sweet, crunchy carrots, the toasty almonds, and the rich buttery sauce - has remained unchanged.

I am grateful to Mrs. Jenkins for introducing me to this recipe and for igniting my passion for cooking. It is a dish that brings back fond memories of lazy summer afternoons spent in her kitchen, learning the art of culinary creation. And I hope that one day, I can pass on this recipe to my own grandchildren, just as Mrs. Jenkins did for me.


| Almond Recipes | Apple Juice Recipes | Carrot Recipes | Chives Recipes | Passover Side Dishes | Passover Vegetarian |

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