Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms Recipe from Belarus - Vegetarian Food

Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms

Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms Recipe from Belarus - Vegetarian Food
Region / culture: Belarus | Preparation time: 30 minutes | Cooking time: 45 minutes | Servings: 4 | Vegetarian diet


Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms
Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms

Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms is a traditional Polish dish that is both hearty and delicious. This recipe combines tender cabbage leaves filled with a savory mixture of potatoes, mushrooms, and onions, all topped with a creamy sour cream sauce. It is a comforting and satisfying meal that is perfect for a cozy night in.


Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms has been a staple in Polish cuisine for generations. This dish is often served during holidays and special occasions, as it is a labor of love to prepare. The combination of cabbage, potatoes, and mushrooms reflects the agricultural roots of Polish cooking, using simple and wholesome ingredients to create a flavorful and filling meal.


How to prepare

  1. Separate the cabbage into leaves and steam until they are just tender.
  2. To prepare the stuffing, boil the peeled potatoes, mash them, and combine with browned onion and mushrooms.
  3. Place some of the stuffing on each cabbage leaf and fold over the edges to create an "envelope" shape.
  4. Brown the cabbage rolls and transfer them to a griddle.
  5. Pour the sour cream or sour cream sauce over the cabbage rolls and stew until they are fully cooked.


  • You can add cooked ground meat, such as beef or pork, to the stuffing mixture for a heartier version of this dish.
  • For a vegetarian option, you can omit the mushrooms and add more vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers, or zucchini, to the stuffing mixture.
  • You can also experiment with different seasonings and herbs, such as paprika, thyme, or dill, to customize the flavor of the dish.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to steam the cabbage leaves until they are just tender, as this will make them easier to roll and will prevent them from tearing.

- When preparing the stuffing, make sure to brown the onions and mushrooms to enhance their flavor before combining them with the mashed potatoes.

- Browning the cabbage rolls before stewing them will add a delicious caramelized flavor to the dish.

- Stewing the cabbage rolls in the sour cream sauce will infuse them with a rich and creamy flavor, so be sure to cook them until they are fully cooked and tender.

Serving Suggestions

Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms can be served as a main dish with a side of crusty bread or a simple green salad. It pairs well with a glass of red wine or a cold beer.

Cooking Techniques

Steaming the cabbage leaves until they are just tender will make them easier to roll and will prevent them from tearing.

- Browning the onions and mushrooms before combining them with the mashed potatoes will enhance their flavor and add depth to the stuffing mixture.

- Stewing the cabbage rolls in the sour cream sauce will infuse them with a rich and creamy flavor, so be sure to cook them until they are fully cooked and tender.

Ingredient Substitutions

You can use any type of mushrooms for this recipe, such as button mushrooms, cremini mushrooms, or shiitake mushrooms.

- If you don't have sour cream, you can use Greek yogurt or heavy cream as a substitute.

- You can use olive oil or butter instead of vegetable oil for browning the onions and mushrooms.

Make Ahead Tips

You can prepare the cabbage rolls ahead of time and refrigerate them until you are ready to cook them. Simply cover the rolls with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and store them in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before cooking.

Presentation Ideas

Serve Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms on a platter garnished with fresh herbs, such as parsley or dill, for a beautiful and appetizing presentation. You can also drizzle extra sour cream sauce over the rolls for a decorative touch.

Pairing Recommendations

Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms pairs well with a variety of side dishes, such as boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, or steamed vegetables. It also goes well with a glass of red wine, such as Pinot Noir or Merlot, or a cold beer.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Leftover Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat, simply place the cabbage rolls in a microwave-safe dish and heat them in the microwave until they are warmed through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms contains approximately 300 calories.


Each serving of Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms contains approximately 30 grams of carbohydrates.


Each serving of Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms contains approximately 15 grams of fats.


Each serving of Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms contains approximately 8 grams of proteins.

Vitamins and minerals

Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and potassium.


This recipe contains dairy (sour cream) and gluten (from the cabbage leaves). It may not be suitable for those with dairy or gluten allergies.


Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms is a balanced meal that provides a good mix of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, along with essential vitamins and minerals. It is a satisfying and nutritious dish that is perfect for a family dinner or special occasion.


Potato Halubcy with Mushrooms is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for a family dinner or special occasion. This recipe combines tender cabbage leaves filled with a savory mixture of potatoes, mushrooms, and onions, all topped with a creamy sour cream sauce. It is a satisfying and nutritious meal that is sure to become a favorite in your household.

How did I get this recipe?

The moment I found this recipe is one I won't soon forget. It was a warm summer day, and I was visiting my friend Anna in her cozy little cottage in the countryside. As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted by the delicious aroma of something cooking in the kitchen.

Anna was bustling around, her hands covered in flour as she prepared a batch of potato halubcy with mushrooms. I had never heard of this dish before, but as I watched her work, I could tell it was going to be something special.

I asked Anna where she had learned to make such a delectable meal, and she told me that the recipe had been passed down through her family for generations. She explained that halubcy were a traditional Polish dish, made of cabbage leaves stuffed with a savory filling. In this case, the filling consisted of creamy mashed potatoes mixed with sautéed mushrooms, onions, and garlic.

As I sat down to enjoy a plate of Anna's potato halubcy, I was struck by the rich flavors and comforting textures of the dish. The combination of the earthy mushrooms with the creamy potatoes was a match made in culinary heaven, and I knew I had to learn how to make it myself.

Anna was more than happy to share her family recipe with me, and she patiently walked me through each step of the process. I watched intently as she carefully removed the outer leaves from a head of cabbage, blanched them in boiling water, and then filled them with the decadent potato and mushroom mixture.

As the halubcy simmered on the stove, filling the kitchen with their mouthwatering scent, Anna shared stories of her own grandmother, who had taught her how to make the dish when she was just a young girl. She spoke fondly of the times they had spent together in the kitchen, bonding over their love of cooking and creating delicious meals for their family to enjoy.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as I listened to Anna's tales, as they reminded me of my own grandmother and the recipes she had passed down to me over the years. I thought of the countless hours we had spent together in her kitchen, kneading dough, stirring pots, and tasting the fruits of our labor.

When the halubcy were finally ready, Anna served them up with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkling of fresh dill. I took my first bite, savoring the rich flavors and comforting warmth of the dish. It was like a taste of history, a connection to the past that transcended time and space.

I thanked Anna profusely for sharing her family recipe with me, and she smiled warmly, knowing that I would carry on the tradition and pass it down to future generations. As I packed up the leftovers to take home with me, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude for the culinary heritage that had been entrusted to me.

And so, armed with the knowledge and skills I had gained from Anna, I set out to make my own mark on the world of cooking, one potato halubcy at a time. And as I stood at the stove, stirring the fragrant mixture of potatoes and mushrooms, I felt my grandmother's presence beside me, guiding my hands and filling my heart with love.


| Belarusian Recipes | Belarusian Vegetarian | Cabbage Recipes | Mushroom Recipes | Onion Recipes | Potato Recipes | Slavic Recipes | Sour Cream Recipes |

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