Mushroom and Barley Soup Recipe from Russia

Mushroom and Barley Soup

Mushroom and Barley Soup Recipe from Russia
Region / culture: Russia | Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 1 hour and 10 minutes | Servings: 6


Mushroom and Barley Soup
Mushroom and Barley Soup

Mushroom and Barley Soup is a hearty and comforting dish that is perfect for a cold winter day. This soup is packed with earthy mushrooms, nutty barley, and savory chicken stock, creating a delicious and satisfying meal.


Barley has been a staple food in many cultures for centuries, dating back to ancient times. It was commonly used in soups and stews as a way to stretch out meals and add heartiness. The combination of mushrooms and barley in soup likely originated in Eastern Europe, where both ingredients are abundant.


How to prepare

  1. Heat oil and butter in a large soup kettle. Add barley and onions, and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Then, add mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes longer, or until the mushroom liquid has evaporated.
  2. Add chicken stock, carrot, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boiling point and skim off any impurities.
  3. Reduce heat to low and simmer covered for 1 hour, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and stir in sour cream. Sprinkle with parsley before serving.


  • Add cooked chicken or beef for extra protein.
  • Use different types of mushrooms like shiitake or cremini for a more complex flavor.
  • Stir in a splash of white wine for a touch of acidity.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Make sure to thinly slice the onions and mushrooms to ensure they cook evenly and release their flavors into the soup.

- Stir the soup frequently while simmering to prevent the barley from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

- For a richer flavor, you can use beef or vegetable stock instead of chicken stock.

- Feel free to add other vegetables like celery or potatoes for added texture and flavor.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Mushroom and Barley Soup with crusty bread or a side salad for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Sautéing the onions and mushrooms before adding the liquid helps to develop their flavors.

- Simmering the soup covered allows the barley to cook and absorb the flavors of the broth.

Ingredient Substitutions

You can use olive oil instead of canola oil for a different flavor.

- Replace the sour cream with Greek yogurt for a lighter option.

Make Ahead Tips

Mushroom and Barley Soup can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat on the stovetop or in the microwave before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish Mushroom and Barley Soup with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of fresh parsley for a pop of color.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair Mushroom and Barley Soup with a crisp green salad and a glass of white wine for a well-rounded meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store leftover Mushroom and Barley Soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat on the stovetop over low heat, stirring occasionally, until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Mushroom and Barley Soup contains approximately 250 calories.


Each serving of Mushroom and Barley Soup contains approximately 25 grams of carbohydrates.


Each serving of Mushroom and Barley Soup contains approximately 10 grams of fats.


Each serving of Mushroom and Barley Soup contains approximately 8 grams of proteins.

Vitamins and minerals

Mushroom and Barley Soup is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and potassium.


This recipe contains dairy (butter and sour cream) and gluten (barley), so it may not be suitable for those with dairy or gluten allergies.


Mushroom and Barley Soup is a nutritious and balanced meal that provides a good mix of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.


Mushroom and Barley Soup is a delicious and nutritious dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. Packed with earthy mushrooms, nutty barley, and savory chicken stock, this soup is sure to warm you up from the inside out. Enjoy a bowl of this comforting soup with your favorite bread or salad for a satisfying meal.

How did I get this recipe?

I distinctly remember the first time I saw this recipe for Mushroom and Barley Soup. It was a cold winter day, and I had just come home from a long day at work. As I entered the kitchen, I saw my dear friend Mrs. Jenkins standing at the stove, stirring a pot of delicious-smelling soup.

"Hello, my dear," Mrs. Jenkins said with a warm smile. "I'm making Mushroom and Barley Soup. Would you like to try some?"

I had never heard of Mushroom and Barley Soup before, but the aroma wafting from the pot was enticing. I eagerly accepted Mrs. Jenkins' offer and sat down at the table as she ladled a steaming bowl of soup for me.

As I took my first spoonful, I was instantly hooked. The rich, earthy flavor of the mushrooms combined with the hearty barley and savory broth was a revelation. I couldn't believe how delicious it was.

"Mrs. Jenkins, this soup is incredible!" I exclaimed. "Could you please share the recipe with me?"

Mrs. Jenkins chuckled and nodded. "Of course, my dear. I learned this recipe from my grandmother, who learned it from her grandmother. It's been passed down through the generations in our family."

I watched intently as Mrs. Jenkins shared the recipe with me, explaining each step and ingredient in detail. I took notes diligently, eager to recreate the magic of the Mushroom and Barley Soup in my own kitchen.

After that day, Mushroom and Barley Soup became a staple in my cooking repertoire. I would make it for family gatherings, potlucks, and cozy nights at home. Each time I prepared the soup, I would think of Mrs. Jenkins and the special bond we shared over our love for this comforting dish.

Years went by, and I continued to refine the recipe, adding my own twists and variations to make it truly my own. I experimented with different types of mushrooms, adjusted the seasoning, and even tried adding other vegetables for extra flavor.

One day, as I was preparing a batch of Mushroom and Barley Soup for a dinner party, my granddaughter came into the kitchen and asked what I was making.

"I'm making Mushroom and Barley Soup, sweetheart," I replied with a smile. "Would you like to help me?"

My granddaughter's eyes widened with excitement as she eagerly jumped in to assist me. As we chopped vegetables, measured out ingredients, and stirred the soup together, I could see the same love for cooking and sharing recipes that had been passed down to me from Mrs. Jenkins.

As we sat down to enjoy the soup together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy. The tradition of making Mushroom and Barley Soup had brought me closer to my dear friend Mrs. Jenkins, and now it was bringing me closer to my granddaughter as well.

As I watched my granddaughter savoring each spoonful of the soup, I knew that the recipe for Mushroom and Barley Soup would continue to be a cherished part of our family for generations to come. And I was grateful for the beautiful memories and connections that had been created through a simple bowl of soup.


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