Mole-Rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish Recipe from Mexico

Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish

Mole-Rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish Recipe from Mexico
Region / culture: Mexico | Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 12 minutes | Servings: 4


This recipe for Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish is a delicious and flavorful dish that combines the rich flavors of mole with the fresh and vibrant taste of corn relish. The chicken is coated in a mixture of brown sugar, chili powder, garlic powder, cocoa, salt, pepper, and cinnamon before being grilled to perfection. The confetti corn relish, made with sweet onion, fresh corn, red bell pepper, jalapeno, and cilantro, adds a pop of color and texture to the dish.


Mole is a traditional Mexican sauce that is made with a combination of chilies, chocolate, and spices. It is often used as a marinade or sauce for meats, such as chicken. The combination of sweet, spicy, and savory flavors in mole makes it a popular choice for adding depth and complexity to dishes. The confetti corn relish adds a fresh and crunchy element to the dish, balancing out the richness of the mole-rubbed chicken.


Confetti Corn Relish

How to prepare

  1. Coat the cold cooking grate with cooking spray and place it on the grill.
  2. Preheat the grill to 350°F (177°C) to 400°F (medium-high).
  3. Stir together brown sugar and the next 6 ingredients in a small bowl until well blended.
  4. Place the chicken in a shallow dish, pour the brown sugar mixture over it, and turn the chicken to coat, pressing the mixture onto the chicken.
  5. Place the chicken on the cooking grate and grill, covered with the grill lid, for 5 to 6 minutes on each side or until done.
  6. Place the chicken on a serving platter.
  7. Spoon the confetti corn relish over the top of and around the chicken.
  8. Garnish, if desired.

Confetti Corn Relish

  1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add the onion and sauté for 2 – 3 minutes or just until the onion begins to turn golden.
  3. Stir in the corn and the next 4 ingredients, sauté for 1 – 2 minutes until the vegetables are crisp-tender.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in the cilantro.


  • Use bone-in chicken thighs or drumsticks instead of chicken breasts for a different texture and flavor.
  • Add diced avocado to the confetti corn relish for a creamy and rich element.
  • Substitute the corn with diced zucchini or squash for a different vegetable twist.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Make sure to coat the chicken evenly with the brown sugar and spice mixture to ensure that it is well seasoned.

- Grill the chicken over medium-high heat to achieve a nice char and caramelization on the outside.

- Be careful not to overcook the chicken, as it can become dry and tough.

- The confetti corn relish can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish with a side of rice or quinoa for a complete meal. Garnish with fresh cilantro sprigs for a pop of color and flavor.

Cooking Techniques

Grilling is the preferred cooking technique for this recipe, as it adds a smoky flavor and char to the chicken. However, the chicken can also be cooked in a skillet or baked in the oven if grilling is not an option.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use dark brown sugar instead of light brown sugar for a richer flavor.

- Substitute cocoa powder with Mexican chocolate for a more authentic mole flavor.

- Use canned corn or frozen corn kernels if fresh corn is not available.

Make Ahead Tips

The confetti corn relish can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. The chicken can be marinated in the brown sugar and spice mixture for up to 24 hours before grilling.

Presentation Ideas

Arrange the Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish on a platter and garnish with fresh cilantro sprigs for a beautiful and appetizing presentation. Serve with a side of rice or quinoa for a complete meal.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair this dish with a crisp and refreshing salad, such as a cucumber and tomato salad, to balance out the richness of the mole-rubbed chicken. A glass of chilled white wine or a cold beer would also complement the flavors of the dish.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftover Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

- Chicken: 250 calories

- Confetti Corn Relish: 100 calories

- Total Calories per serving: 350 calories


- Chicken: 0g

- Confetti Corn Relish: 20g

- Total Carbohydrates per serving: 20g


- Chicken: 3g

- Confetti Corn Relish: 4g

- Total Fats per serving: 7g


- Chicken: 30g

- Confetti Corn Relish: 2g

- Total Proteins per serving: 32g

Vitamins and minerals

Chicken: Vitamin B6, Iron, Niacin

- Confetti Corn Relish: Vitamin C, Vitamin A

- Total Vitamins and Minerals per serving: Various vitamins and minerals


Dairy (butter)

- Corn

- Bell pepper

- Cilantro


This dish is a good source of protein and vitamins, with a moderate amount of carbohydrates and fats. It is a well-rounded meal that can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.


Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish is a delicious and flavorful dish that combines the rich flavors of mole with the fresh and vibrant taste of corn relish. The chicken is coated in a mixture of brown sugar, chili powder, garlic powder, cocoa, salt, pepper, and cinnamon before being grilled to perfection. The confetti corn relish adds a pop of color and texture to the dish, making it a perfect meal for any occasion.

How did I get this recipe?

I can still remember the exact moment I discovered this recipe for Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish. It was a warm summer day, just like today, and I was visiting my dear friend Maria in her little village in Mexico. Maria was known for her incredible cooking skills, and she had promised to teach me some of her secret recipes during my stay.

As we sat in Maria's cozy kitchen, she pulled out a worn, stained cookbook that had been passed down through generations of her family. She flipped through the pages with a smile, and when she landed on the recipe for Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish, her eyes lit up.

"This is one of my absolute favorite dishes to make," Maria said, her voice filled with excitement. "It's a special recipe that has been in my family for years, and I can't wait to share it with you."

I watched as Maria gathered the ingredients we would need for the dish - dried chilies, cocoa powder, cinnamon, garlic, and more. She explained each step of the recipe to me, showing me how to toast the chilies to bring out their smoky flavor and how to blend them with the other spices to create the rich mole sauce.

As we worked together in the kitchen, Maria shared stories of her own grandmother, who had taught her how to make this dish when she was just a young girl. She spoke of the love and tradition that went into every ingredient, and I could feel the passion and history behind each step of the recipe.

After hours of cooking and simmering, the mole-rubbed chicken was finally ready. The aroma that filled the kitchen was intoxicating, and my mouth watered in anticipation. Maria plated the dish with a colorful confetti corn relish on the side, made with fresh sweet corn, bell peppers, and cilantro.

We sat down at Maria's rustic dining table and dug into the meal with gusto. The chicken was tender and flavorful, with the mole sauce adding a deep, complex richness to each bite. The confetti corn relish provided a bright, crunchy contrast, making every spoonful a burst of flavors and textures.

As we ate, Maria and I talked and laughed, sharing memories and stories from our lives. I could feel the bond between us growing stronger with each bite of the delicious meal we had created together. It was a moment of pure joy and connection, one that I would cherish forever.

After finishing our meal, Maria leaned back in her chair with a satisfied smile on her face. "Cooking is more than just making food," she said softly. "It's about sharing love, tradition, and memories with the ones you care about. This recipe will always hold a special place in my heart, and now it will in yours too."

I nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for the experience and the newfound knowledge I had gained. This recipe for Mole-rubbed Chicken with Confetti Corn Relish wasn't just a dish to me - it was a piece of history, a connection to a dear friend, and a reminder of the power of food to bring people together.

As I left Maria's village and returned home, I couldn't wait to share this recipe with my own family and friends. I knew that every time I made it, I would think of Maria and our special day in the kitchen, cooking and laughing together. And I hoped that the love and tradition behind the dish would shine through in every bite, just as it had for me that summer day in Mexico.


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