Lithuanian Potato Salad Recipe - Vegetarian Dish with Potatoes, Carrots, Cucumber, and More

Lithuanian Potato Salad

Lithuanian Potato Salad Recipe - Vegetarian Dish with Potatoes, Carrots, Cucumber, and More
Region / culture: Lithuania | Preparation time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 30 minutes | Servings: 6 | Vegetarian diet


Lithuanian Potato Salad
Lithuanian Potato Salad

Lithuanian Potato Salad is a traditional dish that is popular in Lithuania and is often served at family gatherings, celebrations, and holidays. This salad is a delicious and hearty side dish that is perfect for any occasion.


Potato salad has been a staple in Lithuanian cuisine for many years. It is believed that the recipe originated in the rural areas of Lithuania, where potatoes were a common and abundant crop. Over time, the recipe has evolved and been passed down through generations, with each family adding their own unique twist to the dish.


How to prepare

  1. Cut the potatoes into pieces and place them in a bowl.
  2. Cut the carrots into pieces and add them to the same bowl.
  3. Cut the cucumber into pieces and add them to the same bowl.
  4. Cut the purple onion into pieces and add them to the same bowl.
  5. Wash the parsley and add it to the same bowl.
  6. Wash the dill and add it to the same bowl.
  7. Add 3 spoonfuls of mayo.
  8. Cook the green peas and add them to the same bowl.
  9. Cut the hard-boiled egg (including the yolk) into pieces and add it to the same bowl.
  10. Add as much pepper and salt as desired.
  11. Add a lot of pepper if you prefer it spicy.
  12. Add a little if you don't like it spicy.
  13. Cut the celery into pieces and add it to the same bowl.
  14. Mix all the ingredients until well combined.


  • Add pickles or pickled beets for a tangy twist.
  • Mix in some cooked bacon or ham for added flavor.
  • Substitute Greek yogurt for the mayonnaise for a lighter version of the salad.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to cook the potatoes and carrots until they are tender but still firm, as you don't want them to become mushy in the salad.

- Adding the mayo while the potatoes are still warm will help the flavors to meld together.

- For a creamier texture, mash some of the potatoes slightly before mixing in the other ingredients.

- Feel free to customize the salad with your favorite herbs and spices for added flavor.

Serving Suggestions

This potato salad is best served chilled as a side dish with grilled meats, fish, or as part of a picnic spread. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a light and refreshing meal.

Cooking Techniques

Be sure to cook the potatoes and carrots until they are just tender to avoid them becoming mushy in the salad.

- Hard-boil the eggs until they are cooked through but still slightly soft in the center.

- Mix the salad gently to avoid breaking up the potatoes and other ingredients.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use red potatoes or Yukon gold potatoes instead of baking potatoes.

- Substitute red onion for purple onion.

- Use fresh or frozen peas instead of canned peas.

Make Ahead Tips

This salad can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Be sure to mix in the mayo just before serving to prevent the salad from becoming too soggy.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the salad with extra parsley or dill for a pop of color. Serve the salad in a decorative bowl or on a platter for a beautiful presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

This Lithuanian Potato Salad pairs well with grilled sausages, roasted chicken, or smoked fish. Serve it alongside a crisp white wine or a cold beer for a delicious meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To reheat, simply microwave the salad for a few seconds until warmed through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of this Lithuanian Potato Salad contains approximately 250 calories.


The main sources of carbohydrates in this Lithuanian Potato Salad come from the potatoes, carrots, peas, and cucumber. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body and are essential for overall health.


Mayonnaise is the main source of fats in this recipe. Fats are important for providing energy, supporting cell growth, and aiding in the absorption of certain vitamins.


Proteins in this salad come from the hard-boiled eggs. Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues in the body, as well as supporting immune function.

Vitamins and minerals

This salad is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C from the parsley and dill, vitamin A from the carrots, and potassium from the potatoes. These nutrients are important for overall health and well-being.


This recipe contains eggs and mayonnaise, which may be allergens for some individuals. Be sure to check for any food allergies before serving.


Overall, this Lithuanian Potato Salad is a nutritious and delicious dish that provides a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.


Lithuanian Potato Salad is a classic dish that is perfect for any occasion. With its hearty ingredients and delicious flavors, this salad is sure to be a hit with your family and friends. Enjoy!

How did I get this recipe?

I vividly recall the moment I first laid eyes on this recipe for Lithuanian Potato Salad. It was a warm summer day, and I was visiting my dear friend Helena. We were sitting in her cozy kitchen, sipping on tea and chatting about our favorite dishes from our homelands. Helena was a proud Lithuanian, and she began telling me about a traditional potato salad that her grandmother used to make.

As she described the dish, my mouth watered at the thought of creamy potatoes, crispy bacon, and tangy pickles all mixed together in a delicious salad. I begged Helena for the recipe, and with a twinkle in her eye, she agreed to share it with me.

Helena pulled out a tattered old cookbook from her cupboard, filled with handwritten notes and splatters of food stains. She flipped through the pages until she found the recipe she was looking for. As she read it out loud, I could see the love and nostalgia in her eyes.

The recipe called for simple ingredients - potatoes, bacon, pickles, onions, and a creamy dressing made with mayonnaise and sour cream. Helena explained each step carefully, sharing tips and tricks that had been passed down through generations of Lithuanian women.

I was eager to try my hand at making this traditional dish, so Helena and I spent the afternoon chopping, boiling, and mixing until we had a beautiful bowl of Lithuanian Potato Salad in front of us. As we sat down to eat, I took my first bite and was transported back to my own childhood, where my grandmother would cook up comforting meals that warmed the soul.

From that day on, Lithuanian Potato Salad became a staple in my own kitchen. I made it for family gatherings, potlucks, and even just for a simple weeknight dinner. Each time I prepared the dish, I thought of Helena and the special bond we shared over our love of food and tradition.

Over the years, I have added my own twists and variations to the recipe, making it my own while still honoring the traditional flavors and techniques. I have shared it with friends and neighbors, passing on the delicious taste of Lithuanian cuisine to all who are willing to try.

As I look back on that fateful day in Helena's kitchen, I am filled with gratitude for the friendship and the recipe that she shared with me. It is a reminder of the power of food to connect us to our roots, to our loved ones, and to the memories that we hold dear.

And so, whenever I make Lithuanian Potato Salad, I do so with a smile on my face and a heart full of love. It is a dish that not only nourishes the body but also feeds the soul, bringing joy and comfort to all who taste its delicious flavors.


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