Lamb White Sauce Stew Recipe from Romania

Lamb White Sauce Stew

Lamb White Sauce Stew Recipe from Romania
Region / culture: Romania | Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 2 hours | Servings: 4


Lamb White Sauce Stew
Lamb White Sauce Stew

Lamb White Sauce Stew is a classic dish that is hearty and comforting. The tender pieces of lamb are cooked in a rich and creamy white sauce, creating a delicious and satisfying meal. This recipe is perfect for a cozy night in or a special dinner with loved ones.


The origins of Lamb White Sauce Stew can be traced back to traditional European cuisine, where stews were a popular way to cook meat and vegetables. The addition of a white sauce to the stew adds a creamy and flavorful element that elevates the dish to a whole new level of deliciousness.


How to prepare

  1. Cut the meat into pieces and place them in a pan, adding enough water to cover.
  2. Add a whole onion and some salt.
  3. Remove any foam that forms and simmer until the meat is cooked.
  4. Discard the onion.
  5. In a separate pan, lightly fry the flour in lard.
  6. Gradually add the boiling liquid from the meat, stirring quickly, and then pour the mixture over the meat pieces.
  7. Allow it to boil for a few more minutes.
  8. For a tastier stew, you can add a cup of milk to the sauce.


  • You can add vegetables such as carrots, peas, or mushrooms to the stew for added flavor and nutrition.
  • For a different twist, you can use chicken or beef instead of lamb in this recipe.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Make sure to cut the lamb into evenly sized pieces to ensure even cooking.

- Browning the flour in lard before adding it to the stew helps to thicken the sauce and adds a rich flavor.

- Adding a cup of milk to the sauce will make it even creamier and more decadent.

- Simmer the stew on low heat to allow the flavors to meld together and the meat to become tender.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Lamb White Sauce Stew over mashed potatoes or with crusty bread for a complete and satisfying meal.

Cooking Techniques

Simmering the stew on low heat allows the flavors to develop and the meat to become tender.

Ingredient Substitutions

You can use butter or oil instead of lard for browning the flour.

- If you are lactose intolerant, you can omit the milk from the sauce.

Make Ahead Tips

This stew can be made ahead of time and reheated before serving. The flavors will continue to develop as it sits.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the stew with fresh herbs such as parsley or chives for a pop of color and freshness.

Pairing Recommendations

This stew pairs well with a side salad or steamed vegetables for a complete and balanced meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a saucepan over low heat until warmed through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

350 per serving


12g per serving


18g per serving


30g per serving

Vitamins and minerals

This stew is a good source of iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.


This recipe contains wheat (flour) and dairy (milk).


This Lamb White Sauce Stew is a balanced meal that provides a good amount of protein and essential nutrients. However, it is also high in fat and calories, so it should be enjoyed in moderation.


Lamb White Sauce Stew is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. The tender pieces of lamb are cooked in a rich and creamy white sauce, creating a satisfying meal that is sure to please. Enjoy this hearty stew with your favorite side dishes for a complete and delicious meal.

How did I get this recipe?

I remember the sense of wonder I felt when I first saw this recipe for Lamb White Sauce Stew. It was a chilly autumn day, and I had just finished helping my mother with the laundry. As I sat at the kitchen table, flipping through an old cookbook that had been passed down through generations, a worn piece of paper fell out and floated gently to the floor.

Curious, I picked it up and saw delicate handwriting scrawled across the page. It was a recipe for Lamb White Sauce Stew, a dish I had never heard of before. Intrigued, I read through the ingredients and instructions carefully, my mouth watering at the thought of the tender lamb simmering in a creamy white sauce.

I knew right away that I had to try making this dish. So, I tucked the recipe into my apron pocket and set out to gather the necessary ingredients. As I walked to the market, I couldn't help but wonder where this recipe had come from. Who had written it down? And why had it been tucked away in an old cookbook for so long?

When I arrived at the market, I quickly found everything I needed – a fresh cut of lamb, onions, carrots, celery, and a few other key ingredients. I hurried back home, eager to start cooking.

As I chopped vegetables and browned the lamb in a large pot, the savory aroma filled the kitchen, making my stomach growl in anticipation. I followed the recipe's instructions carefully, adding the white sauce and letting the stew simmer slowly on the stove.

As the stew bubbled away, I couldn't help but think about the history behind this recipe. I imagined a grandmother, much like myself, passing down the recipe to her daughter, who then passed it down to her own daughter, and so on. I felt a sense of connection to the past, as if I were carrying on a culinary tradition that had been handed down through generations.

When the stew was finally ready, I ladled it into bowls and set the table for dinner. My family gathered around, their eyes lighting up at the sight and smell of the steaming stew. With each bite, they savored the rich flavors and tender lamb, declaring it a new family favorite.

As we ate, I shared the story of how I had discovered the recipe for Lamb White Sauce Stew, and we all marveled at the serendipity of finding such a hidden gem in an old cookbook. My grandchildren begged me to write down the recipe for them, so they could carry on the tradition in their own kitchens someday.

And so, the recipe for Lamb White Sauce Stew became a beloved family heirloom, cherished for its delicious flavors and the memories it invoked. Whenever I make the stew now, I can't help but think of that chilly autumn day when I first stumbled upon the recipe, and the sense of wonder and connection it brought into my life.


| Lamb Recipes | Onion Recipes | Romanian Meat Dishes | Romanian Recipes | Stew Recipes |

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