Kastaleta Ghanam Recipe - A Delicious Lamb Chops Recipe with Lebanese Spices

Kastaleta Ghanam

Kastaleta Ghanam Recipe - A Delicious Lamb Chops Recipe with Lebanese Spices
Region / culture: Ghana, Italy | Preparation time: 1 hour | Cooking time: 16 minutes | Servings: 6


Kastaleta Ghanam
Kastaleta Ghanam

Kastaleta Ghanam is a traditional Lebanese dish consisting of tender loin lamb chops marinated in a flavorful butter and spice mixture. This dish is perfect for special occasions or gatherings with family and friends.


Kastaleta Ghanam has been a popular dish in Lebanese cuisine for generations. The combination of spices and herbs used in the marinade creates a unique and delicious flavor that is sure to impress anyone who tries it.


Lebanese spice mix

How to prepare

  1. Melt the butter over low heat.
  2. Add the spices, mint, and parsley. Stir once or twice, then remove from heat.
  3. Stir in the crushed garlic and let it sit for at least one hour to allow the flavors to blend.
  4. Season the lamb chops to taste.
  5. If the butter mixture has solidified, melt it again and brush it onto the meat.
  6. Cook the chops under a preheated broiler for about 6 – 8 minutes on each side, until the outside is well-browned but the inside is still pink.
  7. Place the cooked chops on plates and pour the remaining seasoned butter over them.


  • Substitute the lamb chops with chicken or beef for a different flavor.
  • Add a squeeze of lemon juice to the butter mixture for a citrusy twist.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Make sure to let the butter mixture sit for at least one hour to allow the flavors to blend.

- Season the lamb chops generously with salt and pepper before cooking.

- Cook the chops under a preheated broiler for the best results.

- Brush the seasoned butter onto the meat while cooking to keep it moist and flavorful.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Kastaleta Ghanam with a side of rice pilaf and a fresh salad for a complete and satisfying meal.

Cooking Techniques


Ingredient Substitutions

Use ghee or olive oil instead of butter for a dairy-free option.

- Substitute the Lebanese spice mix with a store-bought blend if needed.

Make Ahead Tips

Prepare the butter mixture and marinate the lamb chops ahead of time for a quick and easy meal.

Presentation Ideas

Arrange the cooked lamb chops on a platter and garnish with fresh herbs for a beautiful presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair Kastaleta Ghanam with a glass of red wine or a refreshing mint lemonade for a perfect combination.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in the oven or microwave until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Calories: 300 per serving


Carbohydrates: 0g per serving


Total Fat: 22g per serving

Saturated Fat: 13g per serving


Protein: 24g per serving

Vitamins and minerals

Iron: 2mg per serving

Vitamin A: 150IU per serving


Contains: Dairy


Kastaleta Ghanam is a high-protein dish with a moderate amount of fats. It is a rich source of iron and vitamin A, making it a nutritious and delicious meal option.


Kastaleta Ghanam is a flavorful and tender dish that is sure to impress your guests. With a rich butter and spice marinade, these lamb chops are perfect for any special occasion or gathering. Enjoy this traditional Lebanese dish with your loved ones for a memorable dining experience.

How did I get this recipe?

It feels like just yesterday when I stumbled upon this recipe for Kastaleta Ghanam. The fragrant aroma of the lamb patties sizzling in the pan, the spices dancing in harmony, and the memories of my childhood flooding back with each bite. This recipe has a special place in my heart, as it was passed down to me by my dear friend Fatima, who learned it from her grandmother in the bustling markets of Marrakech.

I remember the first time I tasted Kastaleta Ghanam like it was yesterday. Fatima invited me over for dinner one evening, and as soon as I walked into her home, I was greeted by the most enticing smells wafting from her kitchen. She had prepared a feast fit for a king, with dishes that were bursting with flavor and love. But it was the Kastaleta Ghanam that stole the show that night.

I watched in awe as Fatima effortlessly mixed the minced lamb with a delicate blend of spices, herbs, and breadcrumbs. She shaped the patties with such precision and care, each one a masterpiece in its own right. And when she finally placed them in the hot skillet, the sizzle of the meat hitting the pan was like music to my ears.

As the patties cooked, Fatima shared with me the story of how she learned to make Kastaleta Ghanam from her grandmother. She told me about the days spent in the markets of Marrakech, the bustling crowds, the vibrant colors, and the tantalizing smells that filled the air. Her grandmother would take her by the hand and lead her through the maze of stalls, teaching her the art of cooking and the importance of using fresh, local ingredients.

I could see the love and pride in Fatima's eyes as she spoke about her grandmother, and I knew that this recipe was more than just a dish – it was a piece of her family's history, a connection to her roots, and a way to honor the traditions passed down through generations.

When the Kastaleta Ghanam was finally ready, Fatima plated it with care, garnishing it with a sprinkle of fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon. The aroma that filled the room was intoxicating, and my mouth watered in anticipation of my first bite. And oh, how that first bite transported me back to my own childhood, to the flavors and smells of my own grandmother's kitchen.

As I savored each mouthful of the tender, flavorful lamb patties, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for Fatima and her generosity in sharing this recipe with me. I knew that this dish would become a staple in my own kitchen, a way to keep the memories of Fatima and her grandmother alive for generations to come.

And so, I set out to perfect the recipe for Kastaleta Ghanam, tweaking it here and there to suit my own tastes and preferences. I experimented with different spice combinations, cooking methods, and presentation styles, until I finally found the perfect balance of flavors and textures that reminded me of that fateful evening at Fatima's house.

Now, whenever I make Kastaleta Ghanam, I am transported back to that magical night, to the sights, sounds, and smells of Marrakech, to the love and laughter shared with dear friends. And as I serve this dish to my own family and friends, I pass on the tradition, the history, and the love that have been woven into every bite of this delicious lamb patty.

So here is my recipe for Kastaleta Ghanam, a tribute to Fatima, her grandmother, and the rich culinary heritage of Morocco. May it bring you as much joy, comfort, and nostalgia as it has brought to me over the years. Bon appétit!


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