Honduran Mango Chutney Recipe - Authentic Cuisine from Honduras

Honduran Mango Chutney

Honduran Mango Chutney Recipe - Authentic Cuisine from Honduras
Region / culture: Honduras | Preparation time: 24 hours | Cooking time: 1 hour | Servings: 12


Honduran Mango Chutney
Honduran Mango Chutney

Honduran Mango Chutney is a delicious and flavorful condiment that pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes. This sweet and tangy chutney is made with under ripe mangoes, raisins, dates, ginger, mustard seed, sugar, salt, garlic, hot peppers, red wine vinegar, and onions. It is a versatile condiment that can be used as a topping, dip, or marinade.


Mango chutney is a popular condiment in Honduran cuisine, known for its unique blend of sweet and spicy flavors. The recipe has been passed down through generations, with each family adding their own twist to the traditional recipe. Mango chutney is often served with rice, meat dishes, or as a side dish to add a burst of flavor to any meal.


How to prepare

  1. Add the fruit and peppers to the vinegar and let them steep until the next day.
  2. For the mangoes, combine sugar, ginger, garlic, onions, and other seasonings.
  3. Gently boil all the ingredients together until the chutney becomes thick and brown.


  • Add a splash of rum or whiskey for a boozy twist.
  • Mix in chopped cilantro or mint for a fresh herb flavor.
  • Substitute the hot peppers with a dash of cayenne pepper for a milder heat.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to use under ripe mangoes for this recipe to ensure a tangy and slightly firm texture.

- Adjust the amount of hot peppers to suit your spice preference.

- Allow the chutney to cool completely before storing it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

- The longer the chutney sits, the more the flavors will meld together, so it's best to make it a day in advance.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Honduran Mango Chutney as a topping for grilled chicken, fish, or pork. It can also be served alongside rice, naan bread, or as a dip for samosas.

Cooking Techniques

Be sure to dice the mangoes and chop the ingredients finely for a smooth chutney texture.

- Stir the chutney frequently while cooking to prevent burning and ensure even cooking.

Ingredient Substitutions

If you can't find green ginger, you can use regular ginger instead.

- Substitute white vinegar for red wine vinegar if needed.

Make Ahead Tips

Honduran Mango Chutney can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. The flavors will continue to develop over time.

Presentation Ideas

Serve Honduran Mango Chutney in a decorative jar or bowl for a beautiful presentation. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint or a slice of mango for an elegant touch.

Pairing Recommendations

Honduran Mango Chutney pairs well with grilled meats, seafood, curries, and rice dishes. It also complements cheese platters and charcuterie boards.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store leftover Honduran Mango Chutney in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Reheat gently in a saucepan over low heat before serving.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Honduran Mango Chutney contains approximately 120 calories.


Each serving of Honduran Mango Chutney contains approximately 30 grams of carbohydrates.


Each serving of Honduran Mango Chutney contains approximately 0 grams of fats.


Each serving of Honduran Mango Chutney contains approximately 1 gram of proteins.

Vitamins and minerals

Mango chutney is a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and dietary fiber.


This recipe contains no common allergens such as nuts, dairy, or gluten.


Honduran Mango Chutney is a low-fat, low-protein condiment that is high in carbohydrates and vitamins. It is a flavorful addition to any meal.


Honduran Mango Chutney is a delicious and versatile condiment that adds a burst of flavor to any meal. With its sweet and tangy taste, this chutney is sure to become a favorite in your kitchen. Enjoy it as a topping, dip, or marinade for a taste of Honduras in every bite.

How did I get this recipe?

I remember the thrill of stumbling upon this recipe for the first time. It was many years ago, when I was traveling through the beautiful country of Honduras. I had always been a lover of exotic flavors and new culinary experiences, so I was eager to try the local cuisine.

One day, as I was exploring a bustling market in a small village, I came across a stall run by a kind old woman. She was selling a variety of spices, fruits, and other ingredients, all of which looked incredibly fresh and vibrant. Intrigued by the colorful display, I struck up a conversation with her.

As we chatted, I mentioned my love for cooking and trying new recipes. Her eyes lit up with excitement, and she began to tell me about a traditional Honduran dish that was a favorite among the locals - Mango Chutney. She explained that it was a sweet and tangy condiment made from ripe mangoes, spices, and vinegar, and that it was often served as a topping for grilled meats or as a side dish for rice and beans.

I was immediately intrigued and asked her if she would be willing to share her recipe with me. To my delight, she agreed, and we spent the next few hours together, as she patiently guided me through the process of making the chutney. She showed me how to select the best mangoes, how to chop them into small pieces, and how to combine them with a mixture of spices and vinegar.

As the chutney simmered on the stove, filling the air with its intoxicating aroma, the old woman shared stories of her own grandmother, who had taught her how to make this special dish. She spoke with such love and reverence for her family's traditions, and I felt honored to be entrusted with this precious recipe.

When the chutney was finally ready, we sat down together to enjoy a meal of grilled chicken and rice, with a generous dollop of mango chutney on the side. The flavors were unlike anything I had ever tasted - the sweetness of the mangoes, the warmth of the spices, and the tang of the vinegar all combined to create a truly unforgettable dish.

Before I left the village, the old woman gifted me a small jar of her homemade mango chutney, along with a handwritten copy of the recipe. I thanked her profusely for her generosity, knowing that I had stumbled upon a culinary treasure that I would cherish for years to come.

Since that day, I have made the Honduran Mango Chutney many times, always thinking back fondly on the memories of that chance encounter in the market. Each time I prepare it, I am transported back to that small village in Honduras, where the sun was shining, the air was filled with the sounds and smells of the market, and I was filled with a sense of wonder and gratitude for the connections we can make through food.

I have shared the recipe with friends and family, passing on not just the ingredients and instructions, but also the stories and traditions that make this dish so special. And as I grow older, I find that cooking this chutney brings me comfort and joy, reminding me of the power of food to connect us across time and distance.

So if you ever find yourself in Honduras, wandering through a market filled with exotic sights and sounds, keep an eye out for a stall run by a kind old woman selling spices and fruits. And if you're lucky enough to stumble upon her, ask her about the Mango Chutney - who knows, you may just find yourself embarking on a culinary adventure that will stay with you for a lifetime.


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