Harvest Salad with Turnip Recipe - Nutritious & Flavorful

Harvest Salad with Turnip

Harvest Salad with Turnip Recipe - Nutritious & Flavorful
Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 3 minutes | Servings: 4


Harvest Salad with Turnip
Harvest Salad with Turnip

Harvest Salad with Turnip is a delicious and nutritious dish that is perfect for the fall season. This salad is packed with fresh vegetables and a flavorful dressing that will leave you wanting more.


The Harvest Salad with Turnip recipe has been passed down through generations in many families. It is a popular dish in the fall when turnips are in season and the weather starts to cool down. This salad is a great way to use up any leftover vegetables you may have in your fridge.


How to prepare

  1. Boil turnips, broccoli, and carrots in lightly salted water for 3 minutes.
  2. Drain the vegetables.
  3. Place the boiled vegetables in a serving bowl along with red pepper and onion.
  4. In a saucepan, briefly heat oil, vinegar, brown sugar, salt, cayenne, and cumin.
  5. Pour the heated mixture on top of the vegetables and stir well.
  6. Cover the bowl and refrigerate overnight.


  • Add some cooked quinoa or couscous for a heartier salad.
  • Mix in some dried cranberries or nuts for added texture and flavor.
  • Use different vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, or sweet potatoes for a unique twist.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to cut the vegetables into bite-size pieces for easy eating.

- Make sure to boil the vegetables for just the right amount of time to keep them crisp and fresh.

- Refrigerating the salad overnight allows the flavors to meld together for a more delicious taste.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Harvest Salad with Turnip as a side dish with grilled chicken or fish. It also pairs well with a crusty bread or a bowl of soup for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Be sure to boil the vegetables for just the right amount of time to keep them crisp and fresh.

- Heating the dressing briefly allows the flavors to meld together for a more delicious taste.

Ingredient Substitutions

You can use any type of vinegar in place of cider vinegar.

- Honey or maple syrup can be used instead of brown sugar.

- Feel free to add any other vegetables you have on hand to customize the salad to your liking.

Make Ahead Tips

The Harvest Salad with Turnip can be made ahead of time and refrigerated overnight to allow the flavors to meld together. Simply cover the bowl and store it in the fridge until ready to serve.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the salad in a large serving bowl or on individual plates for a beautiful presentation. Garnish with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of seeds for added color and texture.

Pairing Recommendations

This salad pairs well with a variety of main dishes such as grilled chicken, roasted salmon, or a hearty stew. It also goes well with a glass of white wine or a refreshing iced tea.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers of the Harvest Salad with Turnip in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. To reheat, simply microwave the salad for a few seconds or enjoy it cold.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Harvest Salad with Turnip contains approximately 200 calories. This makes it a light and healthy option for a meal or side dish.


The Harvest Salad with Turnip is a great source of carbohydrates, with the main ingredients being turnips, broccoli, carrots, and red pepper. These vegetables are all rich in complex carbohydrates that provide a steady source of energy.


The main source of fat in this salad comes from the extra virgin olive oil used in the dressing. Olive oil is a healthy fat that is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are good for heart health.


While this salad is not a significant source of protein, the vegetables do provide some protein content. Additionally, you can add protein-rich ingredients such as grilled chicken or chickpeas to make it a more balanced meal.

Vitamins and minerals

The Harvest Salad with Turnip is packed with vitamins and minerals from the fresh vegetables. Turnips are a great source of vitamin C, while broccoli is rich in vitamin K. Carrots provide beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.


This recipe is free from common allergens such as nuts, dairy, and gluten. However, if you have any specific allergies, be sure to check the ingredients and make any necessary substitutions.


Overall, the Harvest Salad with Turnip is a nutritious and delicious dish that is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. It is a great option for a light and healthy meal or side dish.


The Harvest Salad with Turnip is a delicious and nutritious dish that is perfect for the fall season. Packed with fresh vegetables and a flavorful dressing, this salad is sure to be a hit at your next meal. Enjoy this light and healthy dish as a side or main course for a satisfying and tasty meal.

How did I get this recipe?

The first time I saw this recipe, I was filled with a sense of excitement. I had always been drawn to the unique flavors and textures of harvest salads, and the addition of turnip intrigued me. I was eager to learn how to make this dish and add it to my repertoire of recipes.

I first came across the recipe for Harvest Salad with Turnip during a visit to my dear friend Martha's house. Martha was known for her culinary skills and always had an array of delicious dishes ready to share with her guests. As I sat at her kitchen table, sipping on a cup of tea, Martha brought out a beautiful bowl filled with a vibrant mix of fresh vegetables and greens.

"This is my Harvest Salad with Turnip," Martha said with a smile. "It's a family recipe that has been passed down through generations. Would you like to try some?"

I eagerly accepted her offer and took a bite of the salad. The flavors exploded in my mouth - the sweetness of the roasted vegetables, the crunch of the nuts, and the tanginess of the vinaigrette all combined to create a truly unforgettable dish.

"Martha, this salad is absolutely delicious! Would you mind sharing the recipe with me?" I asked, hoping she would agree.

Martha's eyes twinkled with delight. "Of course, my dear friend! I would be happy to teach you how to make this salad. It's a labor of love, but I know you will appreciate the end result."

And so, Martha took me under her wing and taught me the art of making Harvest Salad with Turnip. She showed me how to select the freshest vegetables, how to roast them to perfection, and how to create a vinaigrette that would complement the flavors of the salad.

As we worked side by side in her kitchen, Martha shared stories of her own grandmother who had taught her how to make this dish. She spoke fondly of the days spent in the kitchen, learning the secrets of family recipes that had been passed down for generations.

"Food is so much more than just sustenance," Martha said as we chopped and stirred. "It is a way to connect with our past, to honor our heritage, and to create memories that will last a lifetime."

I nodded in agreement, realizing the truth in her words. Cooking had always been a way for me to express my creativity and show love to those around me. Learning how to make Martha's Harvest Salad with Turnip was not just about following a recipe - it was about carrying on a tradition and preserving a piece of culinary history.

After a few hours of cooking and chatting, the salad was finally ready. We plated it up and sat down at the table to enjoy the fruits of our labor. As we took our first bites, I could see the pride in Martha's eyes.

"This salad is truly a labor of love," she said. "I am so happy to have passed this recipe on to you, my dear friend. I know you will cherish it as much as I have."

And she was right. From that day on, Harvest Salad with Turnip became a staple in my kitchen. I made it for family gatherings, potlucks, and special occasions, always thinking of Martha and the bond we shared over a simple bowl of salad.

As the years went by, I continued to add my own twist to the recipe, experimenting with different ingredients and flavors. But no matter how many variations I tried, Martha's original recipe remained my favorite.

Today, as I stand in my own kitchen, preparing a batch of Harvest Salad with Turnip for a family dinner, I can't help but smile. The memories of learning how to make this dish with Martha are still fresh in my mind, and I am grateful for the friendship and culinary wisdom she shared with me.

I may have learned how to make Harvest Salad with Turnip from Martha, but the true beauty of this recipe lies in the connection it has helped me forge with my past and the generations that came before me. Cooking is not just about following a set of instructions - it is about creating a legacy that will be cherished for years to come. And for that, I will always be grateful.


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