Green Chile Stew Recipe from Mexico | Ingredients: Anaheim Chilies, Pork, Tomatillos, and More

Green Chile Stew

Green Chile Stew Recipe from Mexico | Ingredients: Anaheim Chilies, Pork, Tomatillos, and More
Region / culture: Mexico | Preparation time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 1 hour | Servings: 6


Green Chile Stew
Green Chile Stew

Green Chile Stew is a traditional Southwestern dish that is hearty, flavorful, and perfect for warming up on a cold day. This stew is made with tender pork, spicy green chilies, and a blend of aromatic spices that come together to create a delicious and satisfying meal.


Green Chile Stew has its roots in New Mexican cuisine, where green chilies are a staple ingredient. The dish is believed to have been influenced by the Native American and Spanish cultures that have shaped the region's culinary traditions. Green Chile Stew has been enjoyed for generations as a comforting and nourishing meal that showcases the bold flavors of the Southwest.


How to prepare

  1. Coarsely chop chilies.
  2. Fry pork until it is barely browned.
  3. Grind garlic, cumin, and peppercorns into a paste using a mortar.
  4. Combine all ingredients in a large skillet and simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Mix chicken broth and cumin mixture, then add it to the meat in the pot and simmer until the meat is tender and the flavors are blended.
  6. Add water as needed to make gravy and serve it over cooked rice.


  • Add diced potatoes or corn for extra texture and flavor.
  • Use beef or chicken instead of pork for a different twist on the recipe.
  • Garnish with fresh cilantro, lime wedges, or avocado slices for a pop of color and freshness.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

When working with green chilies, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from the spicy oils.

- For a richer flavor, roast the chilies before adding them to the stew.

- To save time, you can use pre-roasted and peeled green chilies from the grocery store.

- Adjust the amount of chilies to suit your desired level of spiciness.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Green Chile Stew with warm tortillas, rice, or crusty bread for a complete and satisfying meal.

Cooking Techniques

Browning the pork before simmering helps to develop rich flavors in the stew.

- Grinding the spices into a paste ensures that they are evenly distributed throughout the dish.

- Simmering the stew slowly allows the flavors to meld together and the meat to become tender.

Ingredient Substitutions

If you can't find Anaheim chilies, you can use poblano peppers or canned green chilies.

- Tomatillos can be substituted with green tomatoes or canned tomatillos.

- Chicken broth can be replaced with vegetable broth or water.

Make Ahead Tips

Green Chile Stew can be made ahead of time and reheated before serving. Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish Green Chile Stew with a dollop of sour cream, a sprinkle of chopped cilantro, or a drizzle of hot sauce for a beautiful and appetizing presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair Green Chile Stew with a crisp green salad, Mexican rice, or refried beans for a complete and satisfying meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers of Green Chile Stew in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a saucepan over low heat until warmed through, stirring occasionally.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Green Chile Stew contains approximately 300 calories.


Green Chile Stew is a low-carb dish, with approximately 10 grams of carbohydrates per serving.


This stew is moderate in fat, with around 12 grams of fat per serving.


Green Chile Stew is a protein-rich dish, with about 30 grams of protein per serving.

Vitamins and minerals

This stew is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and potassium.


This recipe contains no common allergens, but be sure to check the ingredients for any specific allergens that may affect you.


Green Chile Stew is a nutritious and balanced meal that provides a good mix of protein, vitamins, and minerals.


Green Chile Stew is a delicious and comforting dish that highlights the bold flavors of the Southwest. With tender pork, spicy green chilies, and aromatic spices, this stew is sure to become a favorite in your recipe collection. Enjoy it with your favorite sides and garnishes for a satisfying meal that will warm you up from the inside out.

How did I get this recipe?

The first time I saw this recipe, I was drawn to it like a magnet. It was a rainy day in the small village where I grew up, and my neighbor Mrs. Ramirez had invited me over for a cup of tea. As soon as I stepped into her cozy kitchen, the aroma of roasting green chiles filled the air.

Mrs. Ramirez was a master in the kitchen, and her green chile stew was legendary in our village. She had learned the recipe from her own grandmother, who had brought it with her from Mexico many years ago. As I watched her deftly chop the vegetables and simmer the stew on the stove, I knew I had to learn how to make it myself.

Over the next few weeks, Mrs. Ramirez patiently taught me the secret to her delicious green chile stew. She showed me how to roast the chiles until they were charred and blistered, then peel off their skins to reveal the smoky, spicy flesh underneath. She taught me how to sauté onions and garlic until they were golden and fragrant, and how to add just the right amount of cumin and oregano to bring out the flavors of the chiles.

But the most important lesson she taught me was to never rush the stew. "Let it simmer low and slow," she would say, stirring it occasionally and adding a splash of broth when it started to get too thick. "The longer it cooks, the more the flavors will meld together and create something truly magical."

As I practiced making the green chile stew on my own, I experimented with different types of chiles and vegetables, adding my own twist to Mrs. Ramirez's traditional recipe. Sometimes I would throw in a handful of corn or a can of black beans, or swap out the potatoes for sweet potatoes for a touch of sweetness.

Each time I made the stew, I would invite my family and friends over to taste-test it. They would gather around the table, their eyes lighting up as they took their first spoonful of the steaming, fragrant stew. And as they savored each bite, I would sit back and watch with pride, knowing that I had created something truly special.

Years passed, and I continued to make the green chile stew for special occasions and family gatherings. It became a staple in our household, a comforting reminder of my roots and the love and care that went into each batch.

And now, as I sit here in my own kitchen, preparing a pot of green chile stew for my grandchildren, I can't help but feel grateful for the lessons I learned from Mrs. Ramirez all those years ago. Her recipe has become a part of me, a connection to my past and a reminder of the joy that comes from sharing a delicious meal with the ones you love.

As the stew simmers on the stove, filling the air with its rich, spicy aroma, I can't help but smile. Because in this simple pot of stew, I see the love and dedication of generations past, passed down from one cook to another in a timeless tradition of sharing and caring.

And as I ladle out steaming bowls of green chile stew for my grandchildren, I know that I am passing on more than just a recipe. I am passing on a legacy of love, of family, and of the joy that comes from creating something truly delicious with your own two hands.


| California Chile Recipes | Cathy's Recipes | Chicken Stock And Broth Recipes | Mexican Recipes | Pork Recipes | Stew Recipes | Tomatillo Recipes |

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