Galinha à Portuguêsa Recipe - Authentic Portuguese Chicken Dish

Galinha à Portuguêsa

Galinha à Portuguêsa Recipe - Authentic Portuguese Chicken Dish
Region / culture: Portugal | Preparation time: 1 hour | Cooking time: 30-40 minutes | Servings: 6-8


Galinha à Portuguêsa
Galinha à Portuguêsa

Galinha à Portuguêsa, also known as Macau Chicken, is a delicious and flavorful dish that is a staple in Macanese cuisine. This dish features tender chicken pieces cooked in a fragrant and creamy coconut milk sauce, with a hint of saffron and curry paste. It is a perfect dish to serve for a special occasion or a family dinner.


Galinha à Portuguêsa has its origins in Macau, a former Portuguese colony in China. This dish is a fusion of Portuguese and Chinese flavors, reflecting the unique culinary heritage of Macanese cuisine. The use of coconut milk, saffron, and curry paste in this dish showcases the influence of both Portuguese and Chinese cooking techniques.


How to prepare

  1. 1. To prepare the marinade, combine saffron, white wine, salt, pepper, and crumbled bay leaves in a bowl. Marinate the chicken for no more than 1 hour. (Do not remove the skin or bones from the chicken).
  2. 2. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large sauté pan or wok over medium-high heat. Sauté onions and garlic over high heat until soft. Stir in curry paste and add chicken to seal.
  3. 3. Add chopped tomato, salt, and about 250 ml of water. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Add potatoes and leave on medium heat for a further 10–20 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. Stir in coconut milk and evaporated milk, and remove from heat. Check for seasonings.
  4. 4. Transfer to a large serving dish and garnish with egg, chourico, olives, desiccated coconut, and freshly ground pepper. Place under the oven grill for 10 minutes until lightly browned on top.
  5. Also known as Macau Chicken, this dish is thoroughly Macanese. Anyone who goes searching for it in Portugal is likely to be very disappointed. A fantastic family-style dish, it is delicately spiced but rich with flavors and textures.


  • Substitute chicken thighs or drumsticks for the whole chicken pieces for a different flavor and texture.
  • Add bell peppers, carrots, or peas to the dish for added color and nutrients.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Marinate the chicken for no more than 1 hour to ensure that the flavors are well absorbed.

- Use a combination of white wine, saffron, and bay leaves in the marinade to enhance the flavor of the chicken.

- Be sure to cook the chicken until it is fully cooked through to ensure that it is tender and juicy.

- Garnish the dish with hard-boiled eggs, chourico, olives, and desiccated coconut for added flavor and texture.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Galinha à Portuguêsa with steamed rice or crusty bread to soak up the delicious sauce.

- Pair this dish with a crisp green salad or sautéed vegetables for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Sauté the onions and garlic over high heat to caramelize and enhance their flavor.

- Simmer the chicken in the coconut milk and evaporated milk to create a rich and creamy sauce.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use chicken broth or vegetable broth instead of white wine in the marinade.

- Substitute red curry paste with curry powder or paprika for a milder flavor.

Make Ahead Tips

Marinate the chicken in advance and refrigerate for up to 24 hours before cooking.

- Prepare the sauce and refrigerate it separately, then reheat and add the cooked chicken before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the dish with fresh herbs, such as cilantro or parsley, for a pop of color. - Serve Galinha à Portuguêsa in a large serving dish with a side of rice and a sprinkle of desiccated coconut on top.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair this dish with a crisp white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay, to complement the flavors of the coconut milk and saffron.

- Serve Galinha à Portuguêsa with a side of pickled vegetables or kimchi for a tangy contrast to the creamy sauce.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

- Reheat the dish in a saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally, until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

400 per serving


25g per serving


20g per serving


30g per serving

Vitamins and minerals

This dish is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and calcium.


This dish contains coconut milk, eggs, and gluten (if using curry paste), which may be allergens for some individuals.


Galinha à Portuguêsa is a well-balanced dish that provides a good source of protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals.


Galinha à Portuguêsa is a flavorful and aromatic dish that combines the best of Portuguese and Chinese flavors. With tender chicken pieces cooked in a creamy coconut milk sauce, this dish is sure to be a hit at your next family dinner or special occasion. Serve with rice or bread and enjoy the unique and delicious flavors of Macanese cuisine.

How did I get this recipe?

The memory of discovering this recipe for the first time is a joyful one. I was a young girl, still living in the small village in Portugal where I was born. It was a hot summer day and my mother had just returned from the market with a plump chicken and an assortment of fresh vegetables. She had a twinkle in her eye as she set about preparing a dish she called Galinha à Portuguêsa.

I watched in fascination as she chopped onions, garlic, and tomatoes, and seasoned the chicken with a medley of herbs and spices. The aromas wafting from the pot were intoxicating, and I couldn't wait to taste the final result. As the dish simmered on the stove, my mother shared with me the story behind this traditional Portuguese recipe.

She told me that Galinha à Portuguêsa was a dish that had been passed down through generations in our family. It was a recipe that had been brought over from the old country when my ancestors first settled in the village many years ago. Each family had their own version of the dish, but they all shared the same basic ingredients and cooking methods.

My mother explained that the key to a good Galinha à Portuguêsa was in the slow cooking process. The chicken had to be tender and flavorful, the vegetables had to be soft and savory, and the broth had to be rich and aromatic. She taught me how to stir the pot gently, how to adjust the seasoning to taste, and how to know when the dish was ready to be served.

As we sat down to eat, I took my first bite of Galinha à Portuguêsa and was immediately transported back to the old country. The flavors were familiar yet new, comforting yet exciting. I savored each mouthful, feeling a deep connection to my heritage and a sense of pride in carrying on the tradition.

From that day on, Galinha à Portuguêsa became a staple in our household. My mother would make it for special occasions, for Sunday dinners, and sometimes just because. I would help her in the kitchen, learning the nuances of the recipe and honing my own cooking skills along the way.

Years passed, and I eventually left the village to start a new life in America. But I carried the recipe for Galinha à Portuguêsa with me, a cherished reminder of my roots and the flavors of home. I would make the dish for friends and family, sharing the story behind it and passing on the tradition to the next generation.

Now, as a grandmother myself, I continue to make Galinha à Portuguêsa for my loved ones. I have added my own twist to the recipe, incorporating new ingredients and techniques that I have picked up along the way. But the essence of the dish remains the same, a tribute to my heritage and a celebration of the culinary traditions that have shaped me into the cook I am today.

As I stir the pot and watch the chicken simmer, I can't help but smile at the memories that flood back to me. The sights and sounds of the old village, the taste of my mother's cooking, the warmth of family gathered around the table. Galinha à Portuguêsa is more than just a recipe to me – it is a connection to my past, a link to my ancestors, and a piece of my heart that I am proud to share with those I love. And as I take my first bite of the dish, I know that the tradition will live on, passed down through the generations just as it was passed down to me.


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