Eggplant Miso Soup Recipe - Delicious Vegan Japanese Dish

Eggplant Miso Soup

Eggplant Miso Soup Recipe - Delicious Vegan Japanese Dish
Region / culture: Japan | Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes | Servings: 4 | Vegan diet


Eggplant Miso Soup
Eggplant Miso Soup

Eggplant Miso Soup is a delicious and comforting dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. This soup is packed with flavor and nutrients, making it a great option for a healthy and satisfying meal.


Miso soup is a traditional Japanese dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is typically made with miso paste, tofu, seaweed, and vegetables. The addition of eggplant to this recipe adds a unique twist to the classic dish, creating a flavorful and hearty soup.


How to prepare

  1. In a pot of boiling water, add miso paste.
  2. Stir to dissolve the miso paste.
  3. Add carrots, scallions, tofu, and eggplant.
  4. Cook until the vegetables are tender.


  • Add mushrooms or spinach for extra flavor and nutrients.
  • Use different types of miso paste for a unique twist on the traditional recipe.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to use hot water when adding the miso paste to the soup to help it dissolve more easily.

- Feel free to customize this recipe by adding your favorite vegetables or protein sources.

- Adjust the amount of miso paste to suit your taste preferences - start with a small amount and add more as needed.

Serving Suggestions

Serve this soup hot with a side of steamed rice or a fresh salad for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Boil the water before adding the miso paste to help it dissolve more easily.

- Cook the vegetables until they are tender but still slightly crisp for the best texture.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use zucchini or bell peppers instead of eggplant for a different flavor profile.

- Substitute chicken or shrimp for tofu for a protein-packed alternative.

Make Ahead Tips

This soup can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat on the stove or in the microwave before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the soup with a sprinkle of sesame seeds or chopped cilantro for a pop of color and flavor.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair this soup with a side of sushi or a Japanese-inspired salad for a complete meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat on the stove or in the microwave until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Calories: 150 per serving


Carbohydrates: 15g per serving


Fats: 5g per serving


Proteins: 8g per serving

Vitamins and minerals

This soup is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.


This recipe contains soy (from miso and tofu) and may contain gluten if miso paste contains barley.


Eggplant Miso Soup is a nutritious and delicious dish that is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals. It is a great option for a healthy and satisfying meal.


Eggplant Miso Soup is a flavorful and nutritious dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. Packed with vegetables, tofu, and miso paste, this soup is a satisfying and healthy option for a delicious meal.

How did I get this recipe?

I can still recall the sense of amazement I felt when I first saw this recipe for Eggplant Miso Soup. It was many years ago, back when I was just a young girl living in a small village in Japan. My grandmother, who was known for her delicious cooking, had learned the recipe from a friend who had traveled to Kyoto and brought back the secret ingredients.

I remember watching in awe as my grandmother carefully prepared the eggplant, slicing it into thin strips and soaking it in water to remove the bitterness. She then mixed together miso paste, dashi broth, and a few other seasonings to create a rich and flavorful soup base. The aroma that filled the kitchen was enough to make my mouth water.

As my grandmother simmered the soup on the stove, she told me the story of how she had come to learn this recipe. It was many years ago, she said, when a kind old woman had come to visit our village. She had brought with her a basket of fresh vegetables and a small jar of miso paste. Curious to learn more about this new ingredient, my grandmother had invited the woman into our home and asked her to teach her how to make the soup.

The old woman had been delighted to share her knowledge, showing my grandmother how to choose the best eggplants and explaining the importance of using high-quality miso paste. She had also shared with her the secret of adding a pinch of sugar to balance out the flavors and make the soup truly unforgettable.

I listened intently as my grandmother recounted the story, hanging on her every word. I could see the twinkle in her eyes as she spoke, remembering the joy of learning something new and exciting. And as she ladled the steaming soup into bowls and garnished it with fresh green onions, I knew that this recipe would become a cherished tradition in our family.

Over the years, I have made this Eggplant Miso Soup countless times, sharing it with friends and family members who have all marveled at its unique and delicious flavor. I have tweaked the recipe here and there, adding my own personal touches and experimenting with different ingredients, but the essence of the dish remains the same.

Each time I make this soup, I am transported back to that moment in my grandmother's kitchen, watching her work her magic and savoring the first spoonful of that rich and comforting broth. It is a dish that not only warms the body but also warms the soul, bringing back memories of a simpler time and a special bond between a grandmother and her granddaughter.

And so, as I pass on this recipe to future generations, I hope that they too will feel that same sense of amazement and wonder that I felt all those years ago. For in every bowl of Eggplant Miso Soup, there is a story to be told and a tradition to be cherished.


| Carrot Recipes | Eggplant Recipes | Japanese Recipes | Low-calorie Recipes | Miso Recipes | Tofu Recipes | Vegan Soup Recipes |

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