Cream of Broccoli Soup Recipe with White Wine and Nutmeg | Parmesan Cheese

Cream of Broccoli Soup

Cream of Broccoli Soup Recipe with White Wine and Nutmeg | Parmesan Cheese
Preparation time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 45 minutes | Servings: 6


Cream of Broccoli Soup
Cream of Broccoli Soup

Cream of broccoli soup is a comforting and creamy soup that is perfect for a cozy night in. This soup is packed with nutritious ingredients and is easy to make, making it a great option for a quick and delicious meal.


Cream of broccoli soup has been a popular dish for many years, with variations of the recipe dating back to the early 20th century. Originally, this soup was made with just broccoli and cream, but over time, additional ingredients such as carrots, onions, and mushrooms have been added to enhance the flavor.


How to prepare

  1. Place the vegetables in a large pot and cover them with wine and water.
  2. Slowly bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer until the vegetables become soft.
  3. Using a hand blender, puree the mixture and then add the remaining ingredients while stirring constantly to combine them.
  4. Allow the mixture to simmer for a few minutes before serving.


  • Add cooked chicken or shrimp for a protein boost.
  • Stir in cooked rice or quinoa for added texture and heartiness.
  • Top with crispy bacon or croutons for a crunchy contrast.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to remove the tough stalks from the broccoli before using them in the soup.

- For a smoother texture, use a hand blender to puree the soup until it reaches your desired consistency.

- Adjust the seasonings to taste, adding more salt, pepper, or herbs as needed.

- To make the soup vegetarian, simply substitute vegetable broth for the white wine.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the cream of broccoli soup with a side of crusty bread or a simple green salad for a complete and satisfying meal.

Cooking Techniques

Simmer the vegetables slowly to develop a deep and rich flavor.

- Use a hand blender to puree the soup for a smooth and creamy texture.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use vegetable broth instead of white wine for a vegetarian option.

- Substitute half-and-half for the whipping cream for a lighter version of the soup.

Make Ahead Tips

The soup can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

- Reheat the soup gently on the stovetop, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the soup with a drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of fresh herbs, or a dollop of sour cream. - Serve the soup in individual bread bowls for a fun and creative presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair the cream of broccoli soup with a crisp white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay.

- Serve the soup alongside a grilled cheese sandwich or a classic Caesar salad for a comforting and satisfying meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftover soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

- Reheat the soup gently on the stovetop over low heat, stirring occasionally until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving



- Total Carbohydrates: 22g

- Dietary Fiber: 5g

- Sugars: 8g


- Total Fat: 25g

- Saturated Fat: 15g

- Trans Fat: 0g


- Protein: 10g

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A: 40% DV

- Vitamin C: 120% DV

- Calcium: 30% DV

- Iron: 15% DV


Contains dairy (cream, yogurt, cheese)


Cream of broccoli soup is a nutritious and delicious option for a meal, providing a good source of vitamins and minerals while also being rich and creamy.


Cream of broccoli soup is a classic and comforting dish that is perfect for a cozy night in. Packed with nutritious ingredients and easy to make, this soup is sure to become a favorite in your household. Enjoy the creamy and delicious flavors of this soup with your family and friends!

How did I get this recipe?

The memory of finding this recipe for the first time brings a smile to my face. It was a chilly autumn day, and I was rummaging through an old box of recipe cards that I had collected over the years. As I flipped through the yellowed and stained cards, my eyes landed on a simple handwritten note that read "Cream of Broccoli Soup."

I remember the excitement that bubbled up inside me as I read through the ingredients and instructions. It was a recipe unlike any I had ever tried before, and I knew I had to make it right away. So, I gathered the necessary ingredients and set to work in the kitchen.

As I chopped the fresh broccoli and sautéed it with onions and garlic, the fragrant aroma filled the room, making my mouth water in anticipation. I added in the chicken broth and let the soup simmer on the stove, allowing the flavors to meld together perfectly.

Once the soup had cooked to perfection, I carefully blended it until it was smooth and creamy. The final touch was a generous dollop of cream, adding a luxurious richness to the dish. I ladled the soup into bowls and garnished it with a sprinkle of freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

I couldn't wait to taste the fruits of my labor, and as I took my first spoonful of the creamy green soup, I was transported to a place of pure bliss. The flavors were delicate yet bold, with the perfect balance of savory and sweet. It was a dish that warmed me from the inside out, bringing comfort and joy with each spoonful.

As I savored every bite, I couldn't help but think about the journey that had led me to this moment. I had learned to cook from a young age, watching my mother and grandmother in the kitchen as they prepared meals with love and care. They had taught me the importance of using fresh, high-quality ingredients and taking the time to let flavors develop naturally.

Over the years, I had honed my skills in the kitchen, experimenting with different recipes and techniques to create dishes that delighted the senses. I had traveled to far-off lands and learned from local chefs, discovering new flavors and cooking methods that expanded my culinary horizons.

But it was the simple, humble recipes like this Cream of Broccoli Soup that truly captured my heart. They were dishes that spoke to the soul, nourishing both body and spirit with their warmth and comfort. They were recipes that had been passed down through generations, each one carrying a story of love and tradition.

As I finished my bowl of soup, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me. I was grateful for the gift of cooking and the joy it brought me, for the memories of loved ones shared in each bite, and for the simple pleasure of a warm bowl of soup on a chilly autumn day.

And so, as I tucked away the recipe card for Cream of Broccoli Soup, I knew that it would hold a special place in my heart for years to come. It was a reminder of the power of food to bring people together, to nourish the body and soul, and to create moments of pure magic in the kitchen.

As I cleaned up the kitchen and put away the leftovers, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of the next time I would make this soup. And as I drifted off to sleep that night, my belly full and heart content, I knew that the memory of finding this recipe would always bring a smile to my face.


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