Confetti Rice Pilaf Recipe - Vegetarian Indian Dish with Olive Oil, Carrots, Zucchini, Garlic, and Rosemary

Confetti Rice Pilaf

Confetti Rice Pilaf Recipe - Vegetarian Indian Dish with Olive Oil, Carrots, Zucchini, Garlic, and Rosemary
Region / culture: India | Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes | Servings: 4 | Vegetarian diet


Confetti Rice Pilaf
Confetti Rice Pilaf

Confetti Rice Pilaf is a colorful and flavorful dish that is perfect for serving as a side dish with a variety of main courses. This dish is made with a combination of vegetables and brown rice, making it a healthy and delicious option for any meal.


Rice pilaf has been a popular dish in many cultures for centuries. The addition of colorful vegetables to the dish gives it a modern twist and adds a pop of color and flavor to the traditional recipe.


How to prepare

  1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add carrots, zucchini, squash, and garlic; cook until the vegetables are tender-crisp.
  3. Stir in rice, pepper, and rosemary. Cook until thoroughly heated.

Serving suggestion

  1. Makes a great side dish for grilled meats, poultry, or seafood.


  • Add in other colorful vegetables such as bell peppers or cherry tomatoes for added flavor and texture.
  • Mix in cooked chicken or shrimp for a protein-packed meal.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to cook the vegetables until they are tender-crisp to maintain their texture and flavor.

- Use fresh herbs like rosemary to add a fragrant and aromatic element to the dish.

- Feel free to customize the vegetables in this recipe to suit your taste preferences.

Serving Suggestions

Confetti Rice Pilaf makes a great side dish for grilled meats, poultry, or seafood. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a light and satisfying meal.

Cooking Techniques

The key to making a delicious Confetti Rice Pilaf is to cook the vegetables until they are tender-crisp and to season the dish well with herbs and spices.

Ingredient Substitutions

Feel free to customize this recipe by using your favorite vegetables or herbs. You can also substitute white rice for brown rice if desired.

Make Ahead Tips

Confetti Rice Pilaf can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Simply reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop before serving.

Presentation Ideas

Serve Confetti Rice Pilaf in a colorful bowl or on a platter garnished with fresh herbs for a beautiful presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

This dish pairs well with a variety of main courses, including grilled chicken, steak, or fish. It also goes well with a side salad or steamed vegetables.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers of Confetti Rice Pilaf in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Confetti Rice Pilaf contains approximately 180 calories.


Each serving of Confetti Rice Pilaf contains approximately 30 grams of carbohydrates.


Each serving of Confetti Rice Pilaf contains approximately 4 grams of fat.


Each serving of Confetti Rice Pilaf contains approximately 3 grams of protein.

Vitamins and minerals

This dish is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin A and vitamin C from the colorful vegetables.


This recipe is free of common allergens such as nuts, dairy, and gluten.


Confetti Rice Pilaf is a nutritious and flavorful dish that is low in calories and fat, making it a healthy option for any meal.


Confetti Rice Pilaf is a colorful and flavorful dish that is perfect for serving as a side dish with a variety of main courses. This dish is easy to make, nutritious, and delicious, making it a great addition to any meal.

How did I get this recipe?

I remember the sense of wonder I felt when I first saw this recipe for Confetti Rice Pilaf. It was a sunny afternoon, and I was visiting my dear friend Martha in her cozy kitchen. As we chatted over steaming cups of tea, she suddenly pulled out a worn and stained recipe card from a drawer and placed it in front of me.

"Have you ever tried making this Confetti Rice Pilaf?" Martha asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "It's a family favorite, and I think you'll love it."

I eagerly scanned the ingredients and instructions on the card, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of trying something new and delicious. The recipe called for long-grain rice, colorful bell peppers, sweet corn, and a variety of spices that promised to create a flavorful and vibrant dish.

Martha explained that she had acquired the recipe from her mother, who in turn had learned it from a dear friend many years ago. The origins of the Confetti Rice Pilaf were shrouded in mystery, but its reputation as a crowd-pleaser was well-known among their circle of friends and family.

As Martha guided me through the process of preparing the pilaf, I was struck by the care and attention to detail that went into each step. From sautéing the vegetables to toasting the rice and simmering it to perfection, every action seemed to be a deliberate and deliberate act of love.

I watched in awe as Martha deftly seasoned the dish with a blend of fragrant spices, her hands moving with the ease and grace that comes from years of practice. She explained how the combination of cumin, paprika, and turmeric added depth and complexity to the flavors, while a dash of lemon juice provided a bright and zesty finish.

As the pilaf cooked and filled the kitchen with its tantalizing aroma, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Here I was, learning a new recipe from a dear friend who had generously shared her culinary expertise with me. The simple act of cooking together had brought us closer and deepened our bond in a way that words could never express.

When the Confetti Rice Pilaf was finally ready, Martha and I sat down at the table to savor our creation. The colors of the bell peppers and corn sparkled like jewels against the fluffy grains of rice, and the fragrant steam that rose from the dish tantalized our senses.

With each forkful, I tasted the perfect harmony of flavors and textures that made the Confetti Rice Pilaf a true masterpiece. The sweetness of the corn mingled with the earthiness of the cumin, while the tender rice provided a comforting base for the vibrant vegetables.

As we ate and shared stories, I couldn't help but marvel at the power of food to bring people together and create lasting memories. The Confetti Rice Pilaf had become more than just a recipe – it was a symbol of friendship, love, and the joy of sharing good food with those we hold dear.

In the years that followed, I made the Confetti Rice Pilaf countless times for family gatherings, potluck dinners, and special occasions. Each time, I thought of Martha and the day we first cooked together, and I felt a deep sense of gratitude for her generosity and friendship.

And so, as I pass down the recipe for Confetti Rice Pilaf to my own grandchildren, I hope that they will feel the same sense of wonder and joy that I did when I first saw it. May they create their own memories and traditions around this beloved dish, and may it always remind them of the power of food to nourish not only the body, but the soul.


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