Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice Recipe - USA

Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice

Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice Recipe - USA
Region / culture: USA | Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 30 minutes | Servings: 6


Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice
Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice

Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice is a delicious and comforting dish that combines tender chicken with a creamy hollandaise sauce and flavorful vegetables. This recipe is perfect for a cozy family dinner or a special occasion meal.


The origins of Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice are not entirely clear, but it is believed to be a modern twist on classic chicken and rice dishes. The addition of hollandaise sauce adds a rich and decadent flavor to the dish, making it a popular choice for those looking for a comforting and satisfying meal.


How to prepare

  1. Place chicken in a 2 qt (1.89 liter) saucepan; add chicken broth and wine. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until the chicken is tender.
  2. Melt butter in a 10-inch skillet. Add carrots, onion, celery, garlic, salt, nutmeg, and pepper. Cook until the vegetables are tender-crisp.
  3. Stir in rice.
  4. Prepare hollandaise sauce as directed on the package.
  5. Serve the chicken and sauce over rice.


  • Substitute the chicken with shrimp or tofu for a different protein option.
  • Add diced tomatoes or bell peppers for added color and flavor.
  • Use quinoa or couscous instead of rice for a different texture.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to cook the chicken until it is tender to ensure a juicy and flavorful result.

- When preparing the hollandaise sauce, be sure to follow the package instructions carefully to achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.

- Feel free to customize the vegetables in this dish to suit your preferences. You can add bell peppers, peas, or broccoli for added color and flavor.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice with a side salad or steamed vegetables for a complete and satisfying meal. Pair it with a glass of white wine or sparkling water for a refreshing accompaniment.

Cooking Techniques

Simmer the chicken in broth and wine for a tender and flavorful result.

- Sauté the vegetables until tender-crisp for a fresh and vibrant texture.

- Prepare the hollandaise sauce according to package instructions for a creamy and decadent finish.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use butter instead of margarine for a richer flavor.

- Substitute vegetable broth for chicken broth for a vegetarian option.

- Use a homemade hollandaise sauce instead of a packaged mix for a from-scratch version.

Make Ahead Tips

Prepare the chicken and vegetables ahead of time and store in the refrigerator until ready to assemble and serve.

- Cook the rice in advance and reheat before serving for a quick and easy meal.

Presentation Ideas

Serve Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice in individual bowls or on a large platter for a family-style presentation. - Garnish with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of paprika for a pop of color and flavor.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice with a crisp white wine such as Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.

- Serve with a side of crusty bread or garlic bread for a satisfying and hearty meal.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

- Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop until heated through before serving.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving




- Dietary Fiber: 2g

- Sugars: 3g


- Total Fat: 10g

- Saturated Fat: 3g

- Trans Fat: 0g


- Protein: 28g

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A: 50%

- Vitamin C: 15%

- Calcium: 4%

- Iron: 10%


Contains: Milk, Wheat


Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice is a balanced meal that provides a good source of protein, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals. It is a satisfying and nutritious dish that can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet.


Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice is a delicious and comforting dish that combines tender chicken with a creamy hollandaise sauce and flavorful vegetables. This recipe is easy to make and perfect for a cozy family dinner or a special occasion meal. Enjoy this balanced and nutritious dish as part of a healthy diet.

How did I get this recipe?

The moment I found this recipe is etched in my memory forever. It was a warm summer day, and I was visiting my dear friend Margaret’s house for a cup of tea. Margaret was a wonderful cook, and I always looked forward to trying out new recipes whenever I visited her.

On this particular day, as we sat in her cozy kitchen sipping tea and catching up on each other’s lives, Margaret mentioned that she had recently come across a recipe for Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice that she wanted to try. She described the dish in such detail that I could practically taste it in my mouth. The combination of tender chicken smothered in a creamy hollandaise sauce served with flavorful vegetable rice sounded like a culinary masterpiece.

I was intrigued and asked Margaret where she had found the recipe. She smiled and told me that she had received it from her grandmother many years ago, who had learned it from a French chef during her travels in Europe. My ears perked up at the mention of a French chef - I knew that anything coming from the hands of a French culinary master would be nothing short of divine.

Margaret graciously offered to share the recipe with me, and I eagerly accepted. She rummaged through her collection of handwritten recipe cards and pulled out a weathered piece of paper that looked like it had been passed down through generations. As she read out the ingredients and instructions, I could feel my excitement growing. This was no ordinary recipe - it was a treasure trove of culinary secrets waiting to be unlocked.

The next day, I set out to gather all the ingredients needed to make Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice. I made sure to select the freshest vegetables, the juiciest chicken, and the creamiest butter I could find. As I chopped and sautéed and simmered, the kitchen filled with the intoxicating aroma of herbs and spices.

The dish came together beautifully, and when I took my first bite, I knew that I had stumbled upon a culinary masterpiece. The tender chicken bathed in a velvety hollandaise sauce was a symphony of flavors, while the vegetable rice provided a colorful and satisfying accompaniment. I could taste the richness of the butter, the tanginess of the lemon, and the freshness of the vegetables in every bite.

I knew that I had to share this recipe with my family and friends. I hosted a dinner party and served Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice as the main course. The dish was a hit, and my guests couldn’t stop raving about how delicious it was. They begged me for the recipe, and I gladly obliged, passing on the culinary legacy that I had inherited from Margaret’s grandmother.

As the years went by, I continued to make Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice for special occasions and family gatherings. Each time I prepared the dish, I felt a connection to the past, to Margaret’s grandmother and the French chef who had inspired her. I felt grateful for the culinary knowledge that had been passed down to me, and I savored every moment spent in the kitchen, creating something magical with my own two hands.

To this day, Chicken Hollandaise with Vegetable Rice remains a favorite in my repertoire of recipes. It is a dish that never fails to impress, to delight, and to bring people together around the dinner table. And every time I make it, I am reminded of that warm summer day when I first discovered the recipe, and how it has enriched my life in ways I never could have imagined.


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