Chicken à la d'Albufera Recipe from France with Chicken, Livers, and White Rice

Chicken à la d'Albufera

Chicken à la d'Albufera Recipe from France with Chicken, Livers, and White Rice
Region / culture: France | Preparation time: 30 minutes | Cooking time: 2 hours | Servings: 6


Chicken à la d'Albufera
Chicken à la d'Albufera

Chicken à la d'Albufera is a classic Spanish dish that features boned chicken cooked with saffron-infused rice. This dish is rich in flavor and perfect for a special occasion or a fancy dinner.


Chicken à la d'Albufera is named after the Albufera lagoon in Valencia, Spain. It is said to have been created in the 19th century by a chef in honor of King Alfonso XIII, who was a fan of rice dishes. The dish combines traditional Spanish flavors with a touch of elegance, making it a popular choice for special occasions.


How to prepare

  1. A classic Spanish dish of boned chicken with saffron that deserves a much wider audience than it currently has.
  2. Chop the livers and heart into small pieces, then fry them with a little butter in a heavy-bottomed pot for about a minute.
  3. Transfer them to a plate, then melt the remainder of the butter in the pot and use it to fry the onions over a gentle heat until softened.
  4. Next, add the rice and stir for two minutes.
  5. Add the white wine and vermouth, followed by the chicken stock along with the saffron, bay leaf, cardamom, and a twist of black pepper.
  6. Cover the pot and allow the rice to cook for fifteen minutes, until it is just ready.
  7. Now, add the fried liver and heart, take off the heat, and place in a bowl.
  8. Add the egg, mix thoroughly, and allow to cool.
  9. Meanwhile, begin preparing the bird by cutting out the two breasts.
  10. Then, with a pair of scissors, cut away the exposed breastbone.
  11. Season the inside of the chicken liberally with salt and ground pepper.
  12. Spoon the cooked rice inside the bird so that the entirety of the inside of the bird is filled, then replace the two breasts.
  13. At this stage, truss the bird in several layers of muslin so that it is completely secure and the breasts are held in place.
  14. Place the bird in a casserole or cooking dish that is taller than the bird, add the cooking ingredients, and enough water to just cover the bird.
  15. Bring the water to a simmer and skim off any foam that rises to the top.
  16. Once the foam has stopped, cover the pot and allow to cook, undisturbed, for an hour and a quarter.
  17. Take off the heat and allow the bird to sit for half an hour in the stock.
  18. De-bone the chicken and serve on a warm serving dish along with the rice (spoon the broth over the top but reserve the remainder for making saffron broth).


  • Substitute the chicken with duck or quail for a different flavor profile.
  • Add diced tomatoes or bell peppers to the rice mixture for a pop of color and extra flavor.
  • Use different herbs and spices, such as thyme or paprika, to customize the dish to your taste.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

Be sure to season the inside of the chicken liberally with salt and pepper before stuffing it with the saffron rice mixture.

- Trussing the bird in muslin helps to keep the breasts in place and ensures even cooking.

- Skim off any foam that rises to the top of the cooking liquid to ensure a clear and flavorful broth.

- Let the cooked chicken rest in the stock for at least half an hour before serving to allow the flavors to meld together.

Serving Suggestions

Serve Chicken à la d'Albufera with a side of roasted vegetables or a fresh green salad for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Trussing the bird in muslin helps to keep the breasts in place and ensures even cooking.

- Skim off any foam that rises to the top of the cooking liquid to ensure a clear and flavorful broth.

Ingredient Substitutions

Use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth for a vegetarian version of the dish.

- Substitute the white wine and vermouth with chicken broth for a non-alcoholic version.

Make Ahead Tips

You can prepare the saffron rice mixture and stuff the chicken ahead of time. Simply refrigerate the assembled bird until ready to cook.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the deboned chicken on a warm serving dish with the saffron rice spooned over the top. Garnish with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of saffron threads for an elegant presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair Chicken à la d'Albufera with a crisp white wine, such as a Spanish Albariño or a French Chardonnay, to complement the rich flavors of the dish.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently in the microwave or on the stovetop until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Chicken à la d'Albufera contains approximately 350 calories.


Each serving of Chicken à la d'Albufera contains approximately 25 grams of carbohydrates.


Each serving of Chicken à la d'Albufera contains approximately 15 grams of fats.


Each serving of Chicken à la d'Albufera contains approximately 30 grams of proteins.

Vitamins and minerals

Chicken à la d'Albufera is a good source of iron, vitamin B12, and selenium.


This recipe contains dairy (butter) and eggs.


Chicken à la d'Albufera is a balanced dish that provides a good mix of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious choice for a special meal.


Chicken à la d'Albufera is a classic Spanish dish that features boned chicken cooked with saffron-infused rice. This dish is rich in flavor and perfect for a special occasion or a fancy dinner. With a few cooking tips and tricks, you can easily recreate this elegant dish at home. Serve it with a side of roasted vegetables or a fresh green salad for a complete meal. Enjoy the flavors of Spain with this delicious and nutritious recipe!

How did I get this recipe?

I can't forget the moment I stumbled upon this recipe for Chicken à la d'Albufera. It was a warm summer day, and I had decided to spend the afternoon browsing through an old bookstore in town. As I was leafing through a worn and weathered cookbook from the 1800s, a recipe caught my eye. The title, Chicken à la d'Albufera, intrigued me with its exotic sound and elegant name.

I quickly scanned the ingredients and method, my mouth watering at the thought of the rich flavors and aromas that this dish promised. The recipe called for chicken, mushrooms, truffles, and a creamy sauce made with a velouté base. It seemed like a complex and time-consuming dish, but I was determined to master it.

I purchased the cookbook and hurried home, eager to try my hand at creating this culinary masterpiece. I gathered all the necessary ingredients and set to work in my kitchen, following the instructions meticulously. As the dish slowly simmered on the stove, filling my home with a tantalizing scent, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement.

When the timer finally went off, signaling that the Chicken à la d'Albufera was ready, I couldn't wait to taste the fruits of my labor. I plated the dish and took my first bite, savoring the complex flavors of the tender chicken, earthy mushrooms, and decadent sauce. It was a taste sensation like no other, a perfect balance of savory and creamy, with a hint of indulgence from the truffles.

I knew then and there that this recipe would become a staple in my culinary repertoire. I made it for family gatherings, special occasions, and even just for myself on quiet evenings at home. Each time I prepared Chicken à la d'Albufera, I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that I had mastered a dish that had once seemed so daunting and exotic.

Over the years, I shared the recipe with friends and family, passing down the tradition of Chicken à la d'Albufera to the next generation. I taught my grandchildren how to make it, just as I had learned from that old cookbook all those years ago. It became a cherished family recipe, one that we all looked forward to enjoying together.

As I look back on that fateful day in the bookstore, I realize that discovering the recipe for Chicken à la d'Albufera was more than just a culinary adventure. It was a reminder of how a simple moment of curiosity and inspiration can lead to a lifetime of joy and delicious memories. And for that, I will always be grateful.


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