Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni Recipe from Italy - Delicious and Easy

Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni

Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni Recipe from Italy - Delicious and Easy
Region / culture: Italy, Sicily | Preparation time: 4 hours | Cooking time: 30 minutes | Servings: 6


Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni
Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni

Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni is a delightful dish that combines the earthy flavors of broccoli with the savory taste of sausage, all encased in a soft, homemade dough. This recipe is perfect for those who appreciate the art of baking and enjoy exploring traditional dishes with a twist. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, this guide will help you create a mouthwatering meal that's sure to impress.


The origins of Cuddiruni can be traced back to Sicily, Italy, where it is traditionally prepared as a stuffed bread or pizza. Over the years, various regions have adapted the recipe, incorporating local ingredients and flavors. The Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni is a modern take on this classic dish, blending the rustic charm of Sicilian cuisine with contemporary tastes.


How to prepare


  1. In a bowl, combine the yeast and sugar. Add 1.33 cups of water and let it rest for 10 minutes or until it starts to foam.
  2. Stir in the olive oil. Gradually add the yeast mixture to the flour, mixing well until a rough, sticky dough forms.
  3. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured board and knead for approximately 10 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  4. Place the dough into a pre-oiled bowl, giving it a few turns to coat the ball of dough with oil.
  5. Cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free area for 2 hours or until it doubles in size.
  6. Once the dough has doubled in bulk, punch it down and turn it out onto a lightly floured board. Knead it for 5 minutes.
  7. Coat the dough with more olive oil and place it back in the bowl. Cover and let it rise again until doubled, about 2 hours.
  8. Oil a 9x13 inch rectangular baking pan.
  9. After the dough has doubled again, punch it down and turn it out onto a board. Knead it for about 2 minutes.
  10. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough into your desired shape.
  11. Cut the dough into two pieces and place one onto the prepared pan.
  12. Generously brush the surface of both dough pieces with olive oil. Cover with plastic wrap and let them rise again in a draft-free warm spot for another 45 minutes.
  13. After 45 minutes, pour a generous amount of olive oil over the dough and spread it evenly on the surface. Use your fingers to poke holes into the dough, pushing in while you're poking.
  14. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and place it in a warm, draft-free spot. Let it rise for 2 more hours.


  1. In a pan, sauté garlic. Then add broccoli and place it on top of the dough in the pan.
  2. Add a layer of crumbled sausage, anchovies, potato, mozzarella, and olives.
  3. Drizzle olive oil over the filling.
  4. Place the top layer of dough on top of the filling.
  5. Seal the edges and rub more olive oil over the top.
  6. Bake at 400°F (204°C) until golden brown.


  • Vegetarian: Replace the sausage with grilled mushrooms or zucchini for a vegetarian version.
  • Spicy: Add chili flakes to the filling for an extra kick.
  • Cheese-lovers: Incorporate different types of cheese such as ricotta or gorgonzola for a richer flavor.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

To ensure your Cuddiruni turns out perfectly, follow these tips:

- Allow the dough to rise in a warm, draft-free area to achieve the best texture.

- When sautéing the broccoli, ensure it retains some crunch to add texture to the filling.

- Use high-quality sausage for the best flavor.

- Be generous with the olive oil to keep the dough moist and flavorful.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Cuddiruni warm, cut into generous slices. It pairs beautifully with a fresh salad or a side of roasted vegetables for a complete meal. For a lighter option, consider serving smaller portions alongside a soup.

Cooking Techniques

The key technique in this recipe is the preparation and handling of the dough. Ensuring the dough is properly kneaded and given enough time to rise is crucial for achieving the perfect texture.

Ingredient Substitutions

Whole wheat flour can be used instead of all-purpose flour for a healthier option.

- Turkey or chicken sausage can replace traditional sausage for a leaner filling.

- Spinach can be used in place of broccoli for a different flavor profile.

Make Ahead Tips

The dough can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator overnight. Allow it to come to room temperature before proceeding with the recipe. The filling can also be prepped in advance to save time.

Presentation Ideas

Garnish the baked Cuddiruni with fresh basil leaves or a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese for an elegant touch. Serving it on a wooden board adds a rustic charm to the presentation.

Pairing Recommendations

A light, crisp white wine such as Pinot Grigio complements the flavors of the Cuddiruni beautifully. For a non-alcoholic option, consider a sparkling lemonade.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store leftover Cuddiruni in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in the oven at 350°F (175°C) until warm throughout.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

A single serving of Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni contains approximately 450 calories. This makes it a hearty meal option, perfect for those looking for a satisfying and energizing dish.


A serving of Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni contains approximately 58 grams of carbohydrates. The majority of these carbs come from the all-purpose flour used in the dough, making it a substantial source of energy.


This dish contains about 20 grams of fat per serving, with the primary sources being the olive oil and sausage. Using extra virgin olive oil not only adds flavor but also provides healthy monounsaturated fats.


Each serving of Cuddiruni offers around 15 grams of protein, essential for muscle repair and growth. The protein content comes from the sausage and cheese, making this dish a satisfying meal option.

Vitamins and minerals

Broccoli is a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and potassium. These nutrients contribute to the overall nutritional value of the Cuddiruni, supporting bone health and the immune system.


This recipe contains common allergens such as gluten (from the flour), dairy (from the cheese), and may contain traces of nuts depending on the sausage used. Always check the labels of your ingredients if you have food sensitivities.


Overall, Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni is a balanced meal, offering a good mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals. It's a hearty dish that provides both energy and nutrition.


Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni is a versatile and flavorful dish that pays homage to its Sicilian roots while offering a modern twist. With its rich history, nutritional benefits, and delicious taste, it's a recipe that's sure to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire.

How did I get this recipe?

The moment I found this recipe is etched in my memory forever. It was a warm summer day, and I was visiting my dear friend Maria in her cozy little kitchen in the heart of Sicily. Maria was an incredible cook, known throughout the village for her delicious dishes and generous spirit. As soon as I walked through the door, I was greeted by the aroma of garlic and tomatoes simmering on the stove.

Maria greeted me with a warm hug and a kiss on each cheek. "Ciao, mia cara! I have a special recipe to share with you today," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

I settled into a chair at the kitchen table as Maria bustled around, gathering ingredients and preparing to teach me a new recipe. She handed me a glass of homemade wine and began to tell me the story behind the dish we were about to make.

"This recipe has been passed down through generations in my family," Maria explained. "It's called Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni. It's a hearty and comforting dish that is perfect for family gatherings and celebrations."

As Maria guided me through the steps of preparing the dish, she shared memories of her grandmother teaching her how to cook when she was just a young girl. She spoke with such love and reverence for her family's culinary traditions, and I felt honored to be a part of this special moment.

We started by sautéing garlic and onions in olive oil until they were fragrant and golden. Then we added sweet Italian sausage, breaking it up into small pieces as it cooked. The sizzle of the sausage filled the kitchen with a mouthwatering aroma that made my stomach growl in anticipation.

Next, we added diced tomatoes, fresh broccoli florets, and a pinch of red pepper flakes for a bit of heat. Maria stirred the ingredients together, allowing the flavors to meld and develop into a rich and savory sauce.

As the dish simmered on the stove, Maria shared stories of her childhood in Sicily, running through the olive groves and playing in the village square with her siblings. She spoke of the simple joys of gathering around the table with loved ones, sharing food and laughter late into the night.

Finally, it was time to assemble the dish. Maria cooked pasta until it was perfectly al dente, then tossed it with the broccoli and sausage sauce. The vibrant green of the broccoli contrasted beautifully with the rich red of the tomatoes, creating a dish that was as visually stunning as it was delicious.

We sat down at the table together and dug into our plates of Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni. The flavors were incredible – the sweetness of the tomatoes, the spiciness of the sausage, and the slight bitterness of the broccoli all came together in perfect harmony.

As we ate, Maria shared more stories of her family and their love of cooking. She spoke of her mother's famous lasagna, her father's homemade wine, and her grandmother's secret recipes that had been handed down through the generations.

By the time we finished our meal, I felt as though I had been transported to a different time and place, surrounded by the warmth and love of Maria's kitchen. I thanked her profusely for sharing her family's recipe with me and promised to carry on the tradition in my own home.

And so, every time I make Broccoli and Sausage Cuddiruni for my family, I think of Maria and her generous spirit. I am grateful for the memories we shared that day in her kitchen, and I am proud to continue the tradition of passing down this delicious recipe to future generations. Cooking has always been a way to connect with loved ones and keep our heritage alive, and I cherish the moments spent in the kitchen with those who mean the most to me.


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