Bourek Recipe - Arabian and Italian minced lamb pastry


Bourek Recipe - Arabian and Italian minced lamb pastry
Region / culture: Arabia, Italy | Preparation time: 30 minutes | Cooking time: 30 minutes | Servings: 15



Bourek, a delightful and savory pastry, is a culinary gem that has traveled through time and geography to grace our tables. This recipe focuses on a version that uses minced lamb and a blend of spices wrapped in spring roll pastry, offering a crispy exterior with a juicy, flavorful interior. Perfect as an appetizer, snack, or part of a larger meal, Bourek is versatile and can be adapted to suit various tastes and dietary requirements.


The origins of Bourek can be traced back to the Ottoman Empire, where it was a popular dish among the elite and common folk alike. Over the centuries, it spread across the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and North Africa, with each region adding its unique twist to the recipe. The version presented here is inspired by the North African variation, particularly Algerian and Moroccan, where lamb is a commonly used meat, and spices like cumin and garam masala play a central role in flavoring the dish.


Paste for sealing

How to prepare

  1. Wrap the spring roll pastry sheets in a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out and set them aside. Place flour in a small bowl, add water, and mix to make a paste for sealing the spring rolls. Set it aside.
  2. Fry the onions and garlic in a large pan with 1 tbsp of oil until they turn golden brown. Add the minced meat and fry them together.
  3. Add salt, garam masala, cumin, and turmeric. Fry them together until the meat is thoroughly cooked. Then, add parsley and mix for 1 minute. Remove the pan from heat and set it aside.
  4. Lay one spring roll sheet on a flat surface and place 2 – 3 tsp of filling on the top half. Fold it to cover the filling, then fold each side and roll. Now, seal it with the flour and water paste and press firmly. Repeat this process using all the sheets. (see above illustrations).
  5. Heat the oil in a small saucepan and fry the spring rolls, a few at a time, on low to medium heat until they turn slightly brown.


  • 1. Vegetarian Bourek: Substitute minced lamb with a mixture of mashed potatoes, peas, and carrots for a vegetarian version.
  • 2. Chicken Bourek: Use minced chicken instead of lamb for a lighter option.
  • 3. Cheese and Spinach Bourek: Fill the pastries with a mixture of feta cheese and spinach for a different flavor profile.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

1. Ensure the spring roll pastry is kept under a damp cloth to prevent drying out, which makes it easier to work with.

2. Fry the onions until golden brown before adding the meat; this caramelization adds depth to the flavor.

3. Use a non-stick pan to prevent the meat mixture from sticking and ensure even cooking.

4. When sealing the Bourek, make sure the edges are tightly sealed to prevent the filling from leaking out during frying.

5. Fry the Bourek in batches to avoid overcrowding the pan, which can lower the oil's temperature and result in soggy pastries.

Serving Suggestions

Bourek can be served with a side of fresh salad, yogurt, or tahini sauce to complement its flavors. It can also be part of a larger meal, including other dishes such as couscous, grilled vegetables, or rice.

Cooking Techniques

Deep-frying is the traditional method for cooking Bourek, giving it a crispy texture. However, for a healthier option, Bourek can be baked in a preheated oven at 200°C (392°F) until golden brown.

Ingredient Substitutions

1. Spring roll pastry can be substituted with phyllo dough for a different texture.

2. For a gluten-free version, use gluten-free pastry sheets.

3. Any ground meat can be used in place of lamb, depending on personal preference.

Make Ahead Tips

The filling for Bourek can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. The assembled Bourek can also be frozen before frying and cooked directly from frozen, adding a few minutes to the cooking time.

Presentation Ideas

Serve Bourek on a platter garnished with lemon wedges and a sprinkle of chopped parsley. For individual servings, place a few pieces on a bed of lettuce leaves with a side of dipping sauce.

Pairing Recommendations

Bourek pairs well with mint tea or a light, crisp white wine. The freshness of the mint or the acidity of the wine complements the richness of the Bourek.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Leftover Bourek can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in an oven at 180°C (356°F) until warmed through and crispy.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Bourek contains approximately 300 calories, making it a moderate-calorie option suitable for those managing their calorie intake.


Each serving of Bourek contains approximately 22 grams of carbohydrates, primarily from the spring roll pastry. This provides energy for the body, making Bourek a satisfying snack or part of a meal.


The minced lamb and frying process contribute to the fat content in Bourek, with each serving containing about 15 grams of fat. Using lean minced lamb and controlling the amount of oil used for frying can help manage the fat content.


Bourek is a good source of protein, thanks to the minced lamb, with each serving providing approximately 18 grams of protein. This is essential for muscle repair and growth, making Bourek a nutritious option for those looking to maintain or increase their protein intake.

Vitamins and minerals

The parsley and spices used in Bourek offer a range of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, iron, and calcium. These nutrients support various bodily functions, including immune system health and bone strength.


Bourek contains gluten (in the spring roll pastry) and may contain traces of nuts depending on the brand of spices used. It is also not suitable for those with lactose intolerance or a vegetarian diet due to the minced lamb.


Overall, Bourek is a balanced dish that offers carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals. However, those with specific dietary requirements or allergies should take note of the allergens present.


This Bourek recipe offers a taste of North African cuisine, with its rich flavors and satisfying textures. Whether served as a snack, appetizer, or part of a meal, it's a versatile dish that can be adapted to suit various dietary needs and preferences. With its blend of spices, minced lamb, and crispy pastry, Bourek is sure to be a hit with those who try it.

How did I get this recipe?

The memory of discovering this recipe is still vivid in my mind. It was a hot summer day, and I was visiting my friend Fatima in her small village in Morocco. Fatima was known for her incredible cooking skills, and that day, she invited me into her kitchen to teach me how to make her famous Bourek.

As we gathered the ingredients and prepared the dough, Fatima shared with me the story of how she learned to make Bourek from her grandmother, who had learned it from her own mother. The recipe had been passed down through generations, each one adding their own unique twist to it.

I watched in awe as Fatima expertly rolled out the dough and filled it with a savory mixture of ground beef, onions, and spices. She then folded the dough into little triangles, sealing them with a simple egg wash. The smell of the Bourek baking in the oven was intoxicating, and I couldn't wait to taste the final result.

When the Bourek finally came out of the oven, it was golden brown and crispy, with the filling oozing out deliciously. Fatima placed a plate of the hot pastries in front of me, and I eagerly took a bite. The flavors exploded in my mouth - the savory meat, the tender onions, the aromatic spices - it was a taste sensation like no other.

After that day, I knew I had to learn how to make Bourek myself. I spent hours in my own kitchen, practicing and perfecting the recipe. I experimented with different fillings, trying everything from cheese and spinach to mushrooms and herbs. Each time I made a batch of Bourek, I would think of Fatima and the special bond we shared over our love of cooking.

Over the years, I have shared the recipe for Bourek with friends and family, passing on the tradition that Fatima had passed on to me. Each time I make a batch of these delicious pastries, I am reminded of that hot summer day in Morocco, and the incredible gift of friendship and culinary knowledge that Fatima shared with me.

Now, as I sit in my own kitchen, surrounded by the tantalizing smell of Bourek baking in the oven, I can't help but smile at the thought of all the memories and stories that these little pastries hold. The recipe for Bourek may have originated in a small village in Morocco, but it has traveled far and wide, bringing joy and connection to all who taste its delicious flavors.

I am grateful for the day I learned how to make Bourek, and for the rich tapestry of experiences and friendships that have come with it. This recipe is more than just a dish - it is a symbol of tradition, love, and the unbreakable bonds that tie us together, no matter where we come from. And for that, I will always be thankful.


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