Bloody Mary Gazpacho Recipe from Spain

Bloody Mary Gazpacho

Bloody Mary Gazpacho Recipe from Spain
Region / culture: Spain | Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 0 minutes | Servings: 4


Bloody Mary Gazpacho
Bloody Mary Gazpacho

Bloody Mary Gazpacho is a refreshing and innovative twist on two classic beverages: the Bloody Mary and traditional Spanish gazpacho. This recipe combines the spicy, tangy flavors of a Bloody Mary with the cool, refreshing qualities of gazpacho, resulting in a unique dish that's perfect for summer gatherings, brunches, or as a novel appetizer. It's a versatile recipe that can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences, making it a fun and creative culinary adventure.


The Bloody Mary, a popular cocktail made with vodka, tomato juice, and various spices and flavorings, has been a brunch staple since the early 20th century. Gazpacho, on the other hand, is a cold soup originating from the Andalusia region of Spain, traditionally made with tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumbers, and bread, blended until smooth. The idea of combining these two distinct dishes into a Bloody Mary Gazpacho is a relatively modern culinary innovation, reflecting a trend towards fusion cuisine and the reinterpretation of classic recipes.


How to prepare

  1. Pour the ingredients into a blender or food processor, cover it, and blend on medium speed until smooth.
  2. Once smooth, pour the mixture into a pot, cover it, and refrigerate for 1 hour.


  • Bloody Maria gazpacho: Replace vodka with tequila.
  • You can also omit the hash oil from either recipe, use V-8®, and substitute vodka with any other liquor typically used to make a variation of a Bloody Mary.
  • For a non-alcoholic version, omit the vodka and add an extra tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice for tanginess.
  • Add avocado for a creamier texture and a dose of healthy fats.
  • Incorporate other vegetables, such as zucchini or carrots, for additional flavors and nutrients.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

For the best flavor, use fresh, high-quality vegetables. The ripeness of the tomatoes and the crunchiness of the cucumbers and bell peppers will significantly impact the texture and taste of your gazpacho.

If you prefer a smoother gazpacho, strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve after blending.

Adjust the amount of vodka, Worcestershire sauce, and Tabasco sauce to suit your taste. Start with the recommended amounts and gradually add more if desired.

Chill the gazpacho for at least an hour before serving, but for the best flavor, let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the gazpacho chilled, garnished with a slice of cucumber or a celery stick for an added crunch. It can also be topped with a sprinkle of fresh herbs, such as parsley or cilantro, for a burst of flavor.

Cooking Techniques

Blending the ingredients until smooth is crucial for achieving the right consistency. For a chunkier texture, pulse the blender a few times instead of blending continuously.

Ingredient Substitutions

If you don't have limoncello, you can substitute it with a bit more lemon juice or lemon zest.

Use any type of bread for the croutons, including gluten-free options if necessary.

Apple cider vinegar can be used in place of white vinegar for a slightly different flavor profile.

Make Ahead Tips

Bloody Mary Gazpacho can be made up to two days in advance and stored in the refrigerator. In fact, letting it sit allows the flavors to meld together, enhancing the overall taste.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the gazpacho in clear glasses or cups to show off its vibrant color. Garnish with a skewer of cherry tomatoes, a small celery stalk, or a rim of coarse salt for an elegant touch.

Pairing Recommendations

This gazpacho pairs well with light salads, grilled seafood, or chicken dishes. It's also a great accompaniment to a brunch spread, offering a refreshing contrast to heavier items.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store the gazpacho in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. As it's meant to be served cold, there's no need for reheating.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Bloody Mary Gazpacho contains approximately 120-150 calories, making it a light and refreshing option that can fit into various dietary plans.


A serving of Bloody Mary Gazpacho contains approximately 10-15 grams of carbohydrates, primarily from the vegetables and the small amount of croutons. This makes it a relatively low-carb dish, suitable for those watching their carbohydrate intake.


This recipe is low in fats, with most servings containing less than 5 grams of fat. The primary source of fat would be the croutons, and to a lesser extent, the vegetables.


Bloody Mary Gazpacho is not a high-protein dish, with each serving containing about 2-4 grams of protein. The protein in this dish comes mainly from the vegetables.

Vitamins and minerals

This gazpacho is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly Vitamin C from the tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers. It also contains a variety of B vitamins, potassium, and magnesium, making it a nutritious choice.


This recipe is free from most common allergens, including dairy, nuts, and gluten (if gluten-free croutons are used). However, it does contain alcohol (vodka), which some individuals may need to avoid.


Bloody Mary Gazpacho is a low-calorie, low-fat, and low-carb dish that's rich in vitamins and minerals. It's suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences and restrictions, making it a versatile and healthy option.


Bloody Mary Gazpacho is a delightful fusion of two classic recipes, offering a refreshing and nutritious option for any occasion. With its versatile nature and the ability to adjust ingredients to taste, it's a recipe that invites creativity and personalization. Whether you're hosting a summer party, looking for a light lunch option, or simply want to try something new, this gazpacho is sure to impress.

How did I get this recipe?

I remember the sense of anticipation I felt when I first saw this recipe for Bloody Mary Gazpacho. It was a warm summer day, the kind of day that just begged for a refreshing and flavorful dish. I had always been a fan of gazpacho, with its blend of fresh vegetables and tangy tomato base, but the addition of the classic Bloody Mary flavors intrigued me.

I had acquired the recipe from a dear friend of mine, Martha, who was known for her inventive and delicious dishes. She had learned the recipe from her own grandmother, who had passed it down through the generations. As soon as Martha shared the recipe with me, I knew I had to try it for myself.

The first step was gathering all the necessary ingredients. I made a list and headed to the local farmer's market to pick up the freshest tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and onions I could find. I also made sure to grab a bottle of good quality tomato juice, some lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and of course, vodka.

Back at home, I started by chopping up the vegetables. I diced the tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers into small, uniform pieces, making sure to remove any seeds or membranes. I finely minced the onion, being careful not to let the tears well up in my eyes. As I worked, the fresh, vibrant colors of the vegetables reminded me of a summer garden in full bloom.

Next, I combined the chopped vegetables in a large bowl and added the tomato juice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, and hot sauce. I gave it all a good stir, making sure that the flavors were well mixed and evenly distributed. The aroma that wafted up from the bowl was intoxicating, with hints of tangy tomato, spicy hot sauce, and zesty lemon.

Finally, it was time to add the vodka. I poured in a generous amount, being careful not to overdo it. The vodka added a subtle kick to the gazpacho, giving it that classic Bloody Mary flavor that I was so eager to taste. I gave the mixture one final stir, tasting as I went to make sure the balance of flavors was just right.

With the gazpacho ready, I covered the bowl and placed it in the refrigerator to chill for a few hours. The flavors needed time to meld and develop, and I wanted the gazpacho to be cold and refreshing when I served it.

As I waited for the gazpacho to chill, I couldn't help but think back on all the recipes I had learned over the years. From my own grandmother's hearty stews to Martha's inventive creations, each dish was a testament to the power of food to bring people together and create lasting memories.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. I carefully ladled the chilled gazpacho into bowls and garnished each one with a sprinkle of fresh herbs and a celery stick, just like a classic Bloody Mary. I took a deep breath and took my first spoonful, savoring the blend of flavors and textures.

The gazpacho was a revelation. The tangy tomato base was perfectly balanced by the crisp vegetables and the hint of vodka added a subtle kick that lingered on my tongue. It was a dish that spoke of summer days and lazy afternoons spent with loved ones, a dish that would surely become a staple in my recipe repertoire.

As I finished my bowl of Bloody Mary Gazpacho, I couldn't help but smile. This recipe was more than just a dish – it was a reminder of the joy of cooking, the pleasure of sharing good food with good company, and the satisfaction of creating something delicious from simple ingredients.

I knew that this recipe would be one that I would pass down to future generations, just as Martha had passed it down to me. And as I sat there, savoring the last spoonful of gazpacho, I felt grateful for the gift of cooking and the joy of creating something special to share with others.


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