Blended Onion and Soya Soup Recipe - Vegan and Vegetarian Food

Blended Onion and Soya Soup

Blended Onion and Soya Soup Recipe - Vegan and Vegetarian Food
Preparation time: 15 minutes | Cooking time: 30 minutes | Servings: 4 | Vegan diet


Blended Onion and Soya Soup
Blended Onion and Soya Soup

Blended Onion and Soya Soup is a comforting and nutritious dish that combines the sweet, aromatic flavor of onions with the rich, umami taste of soya. This recipe is perfect for those seeking a hearty, plant-based option that doesn't compromise on taste or texture. Whether you're a vegetarian, vegan, or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, this soup is sure to satisfy.


The origins of Blended Onion and Soya Soup can be traced back to various cultures that have long utilized onions and soy products as staples in their diets. Onions have been a fundamental ingredient in many cuisines around the world for thousands of years, while soybeans and their derivatives, like soya flour, have been essential in East Asian diets. This recipe represents a fusion of these traditional ingredients, bringing together the best of both worlds in a delicious and nutritious soup.


How to prepare

  1. Boil water and add flour before it reaches boiling point.
  2. Add soya flour.
  3. Cut up onions and add them when the liquid is boiling. Bring it back to a boil.
  4. Add broken up cheese.
  5. Blend everything together.
  6. Bring it back to a boil and continue cooking if needed.


  • For a gluten-free version, substitute the flour with a gluten-free alternative like cornstarch or rice flour. Adding a variety of vegetables, such as carrots or celery, can enhance the soup's flavor and nutritional content.


  1. A wide range of nourishing vegetarian soups can be made this way. Less soya flour and less cheese can be used. This is more a stew than a soup. A potato can be used instead of one of the onions. I use what I have to hand to make a wide range of easy blended vegetarian soups. People with gluten allergy can leave out the flour but then it is less nice, has to be stirred and is much more likely to curdle. A wide range of spices can substitute for what I used. Oil can be added before blending. Olive oil, linseed oil and repe seed oil are healthy.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

For a smoother soup, ensure that the onions are finely chopped before cooking. Adding the flour to water before it reaches boiling point helps prevent lumps. For those looking to enhance the flavor, consider sautéing the onions in a bit of oil before adding them to the water. Additionally, using a high-quality vegetable stock cube can add depth to the soup's flavor.

Serving Suggestions

Serve this soup hot, garnished with a sprinkle of fresh herbs such as parsley or chives for added flavor and color. A side of crusty bread or a light salad complements the soup well, making for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

Blending the soup after cooking ensures a smooth, creamy texture. For those who prefer a chunkier soup, blend only half of the mixture and mix it back in with the rest.

Ingredient Substitutions

If soya flour is not available, other plant-based flour like chickpea flour can be used as a substitute. Similarly, any plant-based cheese can replace vegetarian cheese to make the recipe vegan.

Make Ahead Tips

This soup can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. The flavors often deepen over time, making it even more delicious the next day.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the soup in a deep bowl with a swirl of cream (dairy or plant-based) and a sprinkle of smoked paprika for a touch of elegance and added flavor.

Pairing Recommendations

A light, crisp white wine or a floral herbal tea pairs beautifully with the flavors of this soup, balancing the richness of the soya and the sweetness of the onions.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store the soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator. To reheat, simply warm it on the stove over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until heated through.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

Each serving of Blended Onion and Soya Soup contains approximately 150 calories, making it a light yet satisfying option for a meal or starter.


This soup is relatively low in carbohydrates, with the primary sources being onions and a small amount of flour. Onions are a good source of fiber, which can help with digestion. The total carbohydrate content per serving is approximately 15 grams, making it a suitable option for those monitoring their carbohydrate intake.


The fats in this recipe come primarily from the vegetarian cheese and soya flour. These are mostly unsaturated fats, which are considered heart-healthy. The total fat content per serving is around 5 grams, depending on the type of vegetarian cheese used.


Soya flour is a great source of plant-based protein, making this soup a good option for vegetarians and vegans. Combined with the protein content of the vegetarian cheese, each serving of this soup provides approximately 10 grams of protein.

Vitamins and minerals

Onions are rich in vitamins C and B6, folate, and potassium. Soya flour adds additional nutrients, including iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. This soup is a good way to incorporate a variety of vitamins and minerals into your diet.


The primary allergens in this recipe are soy (from soya flour) and dairy (from vegetarian cheese, if it contains dairy). Those with allergies or sensitivities to these ingredients should exercise caution.


Overall, Blended Onion and Soya Soup is a nutritious, low-calorie option that provides a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals. It's suitable for those looking for a hearty, plant-based meal.


Blended Onion and Soya Soup is a versatile, nutritious, and delicious meal that caters to a variety of dietary needs. With its rich flavors and health benefits, it's a wonderful addition to any meal plan. Whether you're looking for a comforting soup on a cold day or a light starter for a dinner party, this recipe is sure to impress.

How did I get this recipe?

The moment I found this recipe is etched in my memory forever. It was a rainy afternoon, and I was rummaging through my old recipe box, searching for something new and exciting to try. As I flipped through the yellowed index cards and faded newspaper clippings, a small piece of paper caught my eye. It was a recipe for Blended Onion and Soya Soup, handwritten in delicate script.

I couldn't remember where I had gotten the recipe from, but something about it intrigued me. The combination of onions and soya sounded unusual but delicious, and I decided to give it a try. Little did I know that this simple soup would become one of my signature dishes, loved by friends and family alike.

I gathered the ingredients and set to work, chopping onions and measuring out soya chunks. The kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma of sautéing onions, and I felt a sense of anticipation building as I stirred in the soya chunks and broth. As the soup simmered on the stove, I couldn't help but marvel at how a few simple ingredients could come together to create something so flavorful and satisfying.

When the soup was ready, I carefully ladled it into bowls and garnished it with a sprinkle of fresh herbs. I took a hesitant sip, unsure of what to expect. But as soon as the warm, savory broth touched my lips, I knew I had discovered something truly special. The onions lent a subtle sweetness to the soup, while the soya chunks added a hearty, meaty texture that was both comforting and satisfying.

I shared the soup with my family that evening, and their eyes lit up with delight as they tasted it. They couldn't believe that such a simple dish could be so delicious. From that moment on, Blended Onion and Soya Soup became a staple in our household, requested again and again by everyone who tried it.

As word spread about my new creation, friends and neighbors began asking for the recipe. I happily shared it with anyone who asked, passing on the joy and comfort that this soup brought me. Some of them made small tweaks to the recipe, adding their own personal touches or adjusting the seasonings to suit their tastes. But no matter how they changed it, the essence of the soup remained the same – a warm, comforting bowl of goodness that brought people together.

Over the years, I have made Blended Onion and Soya Soup countless times, each batch as delicious as the last. It has become a symbol of love and warmth in my household, a dish that brings people together and nourishes both body and soul. And as I look back on that rainy afternoon when I first discovered the recipe, I can't help but feel grateful for the serendipitous moment that brought it into my life.

So if you ever find yourself in need of a comforting, flavorful soup to warm your heart and soul, look no further than Blended Onion and Soya Soup. I hope it brings you as much joy and comfort as it has brought me and my loved ones over the years.


| Onion Recipes | Onion Soup Recipes | Soup Recipes | Soy Flour Recipes | Vegan Soup Recipes | Vegetarian Soup Recipes |

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