Austrian Beer Cheese Spread Recipe with Sour Milk Cheese and Curd Cheese

Beer Cheese Spread

Austrian Beer Cheese Spread Recipe with Sour Milk Cheese and Curd Cheese
Region / culture: Austria | Preparation time: 15 minutes | Servings: 6


Beer Cheese Spread
Beer Cheese Spread

The Beer Cheese Spread is a delightful and unique recipe that combines the rich flavors of cheese with the subtle, earthy tones of beer. This spread is perfect for those who appreciate the depth of flavor that cheese and beer can bring to a dish. It's a versatile recipe that can be used as a spread on crackers, bread, or even as a dip for vegetables. The combination of quargel, a soft and smelly cheese, with butter, curd cheese, and a variety of seasonings, creates a spread that is both flavorful and creamy.


The Beer Cheese Spread has its roots in European cuisine, where beer and cheese have been staple ingredients for centuries. The use of quargel, a type of cheese popular in parts of Europe, particularly in Austria, adds a unique twist to this recipe. The tradition of combining cheese with beer in a spread or dip form has been passed down through generations, with each adding their own local ingredients and flavors. This recipe is a modern take on those traditional spreads, incorporating the creamy texture of curd cheese and the rich flavor of butter.


How to prepare

  1. In a bowl, beat the butter and curd cheese until creamy.
  2. Mash the quargel and mix it with the finely chopped onion and chives into the creamy mixture.
  3. Gradually add beer until the mixture is easy to spread.
  4. Finally, season the mixture with red pepper powder, salt, and caraway powder.


  • There are many ways to customize this Beer Cheese Spread to suit your taste preferences. For a spicier version, add a dash of hot sauce or increase the amount of red pepper powder. You can also experiment with different types of beer to alter the flavor profile of the spread. For a non-alcoholic version, substitute the beer with non-alcoholic beer or a bit of broth.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

To ensure the best flavor and texture for your Beer Cheese Spread, start with high-quality ingredients. The quality of the cheese, in particular, will significantly impact the final taste of the spread. Allow the butter and cheeses to come to room temperature before mixing, as this will make them easier to blend into a smooth consistency. When adding the beer, do so gradually and taste as you go to achieve the perfect balance of flavors. If the spread is too thick, you can add a little more beer to reach the desired consistency.

Serving Suggestions

This Beer Cheese Spread can be served in a variety of ways. It pairs wonderfully with crusty bread, crackers, or pretzels. It can also be used as a dip for raw vegetables like carrots, celery, and bell peppers. For a more filling option, spread it on a bagel or toast for a savory breakfast or snack.

Cooking Techniques

The key to a smooth and creamy Beer Cheese Spread lies in the mixing technique. Use an electric mixer or food processor to blend the ingredients thoroughly, ensuring that the cheese and butter are completely incorporated. Adding the beer gradually while mixing will help achieve the perfect consistency without curdling.

Ingredient Substitutions

If quargel cheese is not available, you can substitute it with another soft, strong-flavored cheese such as Limburger or even a strong blue cheese. If you prefer a milder flavor, cream cheese can be used in place of curd cheese. For a dairy-free version, use plant-based butter and cheese substitutes that mimic the texture and flavor of the original ingredients.

Make Ahead Tips

This Beer Cheese Spread can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. The flavors will continue to meld and develop over time, making it even more delicious after a day or two. Be sure to let it come to room temperature before serving to ensure the best texture and flavor.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the Beer Cheese Spread in a decorative bowl or on a cheese board accompanied by an assortment of crackers, bread, and vegetables. Garnish with additional chopped chives or a sprinkle of caraway seeds for a visually appealing and flavorful touch.

Pairing Recommendations

This Beer Cheese Spread pairs beautifully with a variety of beers, particularly those that complement the flavors of the cheese. Try serving it with a crisp lager, a hoppy IPA, or a rich stout for a delightful tasting experience. It also goes well with wine, particularly full-bodied reds or crisp white wines.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftover Beer Cheese Spread in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It does not require reheating, but it should be allowed to come to room temperature before serving to ensure the best flavor and texture.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

The calorie content of the Beer Cheese Spread will vary depending on the specific ingredients used, particularly the type of beer and the fat content of the cheese and butter. On average, a serving of this spread can contain approximately 150-200 calories.


This Beer Cheese Spread is relatively low in carbohydrates, with the primary source being the beer and the small amount of onion and chives used in the recipe. The exact carbohydrate content will vary depending on the type of beer used, but it is generally minimal, making this spread a good option for those on low-carb diets.


The Beer Cheese Spread is high in fats, primarily from the butter, quargel, and curd cheese. These ingredients contribute to the creamy texture and rich flavor of the spread. While the fat content is significant, it's important to note that cheese and butter contain healthy fats that can be part of a balanced diet.


Cheese is an excellent source of protein, and this spread benefits from the protein content of the quargel and curd cheese. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body, making this spread a tasty way to include more protein in your diet.

Vitamins and minerals

Cheese is also a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A and B-12. These nutrients contribute to bone health, metabolism, and maintaining healthy skin and eyes.


This recipe contains common allergens, including dairy (from the butter and cheeses) and gluten (from the beer). Individuals with allergies or sensitivities to these ingredients should avoid this spread or seek suitable substitutions.


The Beer Cheese Spread is a flavorful and rich option that provides protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals. While it is high in fats and calories, it can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


The Beer Cheese Spread is a versatile and flavorful recipe that combines the rich tastes of cheese and beer. With its creamy texture and depth of flavor, it's a perfect addition to any appetizer spread or snack. By following the tips and variations provided, you can customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether served at a gathering or enjoyed as a personal treat, this Beer Cheese Spread is sure to delight.

How did I get this recipe?

I remember the sense of wonder I felt when I first saw this recipe for Beer Cheese Spread. It was a chilly autumn afternoon, and I was rummaging through my old recipe box, looking for something new to try. I stumbled upon a faded index card tucked between two well-loved recipes for apple pie and chicken stew. The words "Beer Cheese Spread" were scrawled across the top in my grandmother's elegant cursive handwriting.

I couldn't help but smile as memories flooded back to me. My grandmother had been a remarkable cook, always experimenting with new flavors and ingredients. She had passed down her love of cooking to me, and I cherished every recipe she had shared with me over the years.

As I read through the ingredients and instructions for the Beer Cheese Spread, I knew I had to give it a try. It called for sharp cheddar cheese, cream cheese, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and, of course, beer. The combination sounded intriguing, and I could already imagine the rich and tangy flavors melding together in perfect harmony.

I set to work gathering the ingredients, feeling a flutter of excitement in my chest. I could almost picture my grandmother standing beside me, guiding my hands and offering words of encouragement. She had always believed in the power of food to bring people together, to create lasting memories and connections.

As I grated the sharp cheddar cheese and softened the cream cheese, I thought back to the countless hours I had spent in my grandmother's kitchen, watching her work her magic. She had taught me the importance of patience and precision in cooking, of taking the time to savor each step and appreciate the process.

I added a generous splash of Worcestershire sauce and a few dashes of hot sauce to the cheese mixture, then poured in a bottle of amber-colored beer. The aroma of the beer mingled with the sharp tang of the cheese, creating a heady scent that made my mouth water.

I stirred the ingredients together, feeling a sense of anticipation building within me. This was more than just a recipe; it was a connection to my past, a way to honor my grandmother's legacy and keep her spirit alive in my own kitchen.

As the Beer Cheese Spread began to take shape, I couldn't resist sneaking a taste. The flavors exploded on my tongue, rich and savory with a hint of bitterness from the beer. It was unlike anything I had ever tasted before, a perfect balance of sharp cheese and tangy sauce.

I knew my grandmother would have been proud of me, of the way I had taken her recipe and made it my own. She had always encouraged me to be fearless in the kitchen, to trust my instincts and follow my heart. And as I stood there, tasting the fruits of my labor, I knew that her spirit lived on in every bite.

I carefully transferred the Beer Cheese Spread to a serving dish, garnishing it with a sprinkle of fresh herbs for a pop of color. I couldn't wait to share it with my family and friends, to pass on the tradition of this beloved recipe and create new memories of my own.

As I sat down to enjoy a generous scoop of the Beer Cheese Spread on a crispy baguette, I closed my eyes and savored the moment. In that simple dish, I felt the love and warmth of my grandmother's kitchen, the echoes of her laughter and the scent of her favorite spices.

And as I took another bite, I knew that her legacy would live on through me, through the recipes and stories that connected us across time and space. I smiled to myself, grateful for the gift of cooking and the joy of sharing it with those I loved.

For in that moment, surrounded by the flavors of the Beer Cheese Spread and the memories of my grandmother, I knew that some recipes were more than just ingredients and instructions. They were a legacy, a connection to the past and a bridge to the future. And I was grateful to be a part of that timeless tradition, to carry on the spirit of my grandmother through the simple act of cooking and sharing a meal.


| Austrian Recipes | Austrian Snacks | Chives Recipes | Onion Recipes | Recipes Using Beer | Spread Recipes |

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