Beef and Vegetable Consomme Recipe - A Delicious and Healthy Soup

Beef and Vegetable Consomme

Beef and Vegetable Consomme Recipe - A Delicious and Healthy Soup
Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 10 minutes | Servings: 4


Beef and Vegetable Consomme
Beef and Vegetable Consomme

Beef and Vegetable Consommé is a classic dish that combines the rich flavors of beef with the freshness of garden vegetables. This light yet flavorful soup is perfect for any season, offering a comforting warmth during cold months and a refreshing zest in warmer times. Its simplicity and elegance make it a favorite among home cooks and chefs alike. In this recipe, we use a canned beef consommé to simplify the process, while fresh carrots and zucchini add color, texture, and nutrition to the dish. The addition of orange juice introduces a subtle sweetness and acidity, elevating the overall flavor profile.


The history of consommé dates back to medieval Europe, where it was considered a dish for the wealthy due to the labor-intensive process of clarifying stock to achieve a crystal-clear broth. Originally, consommé was made from beef, chicken, or fish stock, clarified with egg whites and meticulously strained. Over the centuries, the recipe has evolved, incorporating various ingredients and flavors from different cultures. Today, consommé is enjoyed worldwide, with each region adding its unique twist to the traditional recipe.


How to prepare

  1. Place consommé in a pan, add water and strained orange juice, and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce the heat, simmer uncovered for 2 minutes.
  3. Cut carrots and zucchini into thin strips.
  4. Bring a pan of water to a boil, add carrots and zucchini, and cook uncovered for 2 minutes.
  5. Drain and rinse the vegetables under cold running water.
  6. Add the vegetables to the soup.
  7. Cover the pan and refrigerate until chilled.


  • For a heartier version, add cooked rice, noodles, or quinoa to the consommé.
  • Incorporate different vegetables such as leeks, celery, or bell peppers for varied flavors and textures.
  • For a vegetarian option, use a high-quality vegetable consommé instead of beef.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

To achieve the best flavor and clarity in your Beef and Vegetable Consommé, consider the following tips:

- Use high-quality canned beef consommé for a rich and robust base.

- Ensure the orange juice is freshly squeezed for the best flavor and to avoid any added sugars or preservatives.

- Cut the vegetables into uniform thin strips to ensure they cook evenly and present beautifully in the soup.

- Chill the consommé before serving to enhance its refreshing qualities, making it perfect for warmer days.

Serving Suggestions

Serve the Beef and Vegetable Consommé chilled or at room temperature, garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or chives for an added touch of flavor and color. It pairs beautifully with crusty bread or a light salad for a complete meal.

Cooking Techniques

The key technique in this recipe is the preparation and addition of the vegetables to the consommé. Blanching the vegetables briefly before adding them to the soup helps retain their color, texture, and nutritional value, enhancing the overall quality of the dish.

Ingredient Substitutions

If beef consommé is not available, beef broth can be used as a substitute, though it may result in a slightly less rich flavor.

- Lemon juice can replace orange juice for a more tangy profile.

- Any seasonal vegetables can be used in place of carrots and zucchini, allowing for customization based on availability and preference.

Make Ahead Tips

This dish can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. In fact, allowing the consommé to chill thoroughly can enhance its flavors, making it an ideal make-ahead option for meal planning or entertaining.

Presentation Ideas

Serve the consommé in clear bowls or cups to showcase the clarity of the broth and the vibrant colors of the vegetables. A sprig of fresh herbs or a thin slice of orange can be used as a garnish for an elegant finishing touch.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair this light and refreshing consommé with a crisp white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. The acidity and fruitiness of the wine will complement the flavors of the soup beautifully.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store any leftover consommé in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. It is best enjoyed chilled or at room temperature, so reheating is not necessary. If you prefer it warm, gently heat it on the stove over low heat, being careful not to bring it to a boil.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

A serving of Beef and Vegetable Consommé is relatively low in calories, making it an excellent choice for those managing their weight or seeking a light and nutritious meal option. The exact calorie count can vary depending on the specific ingredients used, but generally, a serving contains approximately 100-150 calories.


This Beef and Vegetable Consommé is relatively low in carbohydrates, with the primary sources being the vegetables and orange juice. Carrots and zucchini are low-glycemic vegetables, meaning they have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. The orange juice adds a slight amount of sugar, contributing to the overall carbohydrate content. This dish is an excellent option for those monitoring their carbohydrate intake.


This recipe is low in fats, making it a heart-healthy option. The beef consommé itself contains minimal fat, and since there are no added oils or fatty ingredients, the overall fat content remains low. This makes the Beef and Vegetable Consommé an excellent choice for those following a low-fat diet.


While the beef consommé provides some protein, the amount is relatively low since the dish primarily focuses on vegetables. For those looking to increase the protein content, consider adding lean beef strips or chicken to the soup. This will not only boost the protein levels but also add extra flavor and texture to the dish.

Vitamins and minerals

The vegetables in this consommé are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, essential for good vision and immune function. Zucchini offers vitamin C, potassium, and manganese. Together, these vegetables contribute to the overall nutritional value of the dish, making it not only delicious but also beneficial for your health.


This recipe is free from most common allergens, including gluten, nuts, dairy, and eggs. However, those with specific dietary restrictions or allergies should always check the labels of canned consommé and other ingredients to ensure they meet their dietary needs.


Overall, Beef and Vegetable Consommé is a nutritious and balanced dish, low in calories, fats, and carbohydrates, and rich in vitamins and minerals. It's an excellent addition to any meal plan, offering health benefits without compromising on taste.


Beef and Vegetable Consommé is a timeless dish that combines simplicity with elegance. Its light and nutritious profile makes it suitable for a variety of dietary needs, while the flexibility of the recipe allows for creativity and personalization. Whether served as a starter or a light main course, this consommé is sure to delight with its refreshing flavors and vibrant presentation.

How did I get this recipe?

I remember the excitement that washed over me when I first saw this recipe for Beef and Vegetable Consomme. It was a cold winter's day, and I found myself flipping through an old cookbook that had been passed down through generations in our family. As I turned the yellowed pages, my eyes landed on a beautifully handwritten recipe for this classic dish.

The recipe was simple yet elegant, calling for a few key ingredients that I already had in my pantry. I knew right then and there that I had to try my hand at making this comforting and hearty soup.

I had always been fascinated by the art of cooking, and over the years, I had collected recipes from various places and people. I had learned how to make dishes from all over the world, but there was something special about this particular recipe that spoke to me.

I remember calling my dear friend Margaret, who was known for her culinary skills, and asking her if she had ever made Beef and Vegetable Consomme before. She chuckled and said that it was one of her favorite dishes to make during the winter months.

Margaret graciously shared her own tips and tricks for making the consomme, and I eagerly took notes as she spoke. She told me about the importance of using high-quality beef bones, fresh vegetables, and a slow simmering process to extract the rich flavors of the ingredients.

Armed with Margaret's advice and my own excitement, I set out to make the Beef and Vegetable Consomme. I gathered my ingredients, including beef bones, carrots, onions, celery, and a handful of fresh herbs.

I spent hours in the kitchen, carefully roasting the bones to enhance their flavor, chopping the vegetables into uniform pieces, and simmering everything together in a large stockpot. The savory aroma that filled my kitchen was intoxicating, and I knew that I was onto something special.

As the consomme slowly cooked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I had taken a simple recipe and turned it into something magical, something that would warm the hearts and bellies of my loved ones.

When the consomme was finally ready, I ladled it into bowls and garnished it with a sprinkle of fresh herbs. I sat down at the table with my family, and we all took our first sips of the steaming soup.

The flavors were incredible - rich, savory, and comforting. The beef had melted into tender pieces, while the vegetables retained their bright colors and crisp textures. Each spoonful was a delight for the senses, and we all savored every last drop.

From that day on, Beef and Vegetable Consomme became a staple in our household. I made it for special occasions, for Sunday dinners, and whenever someone needed a little extra comfort and warmth.

Over the years, I continued to perfect the recipe, tweaking it here and there to suit my family's tastes. I added a splash of red wine for depth of flavor, a pinch of thyme for a hint of earthiness, and a squeeze of lemon for a touch of brightness.

And as I made the consomme time and time again, I couldn't help but think about all the memories and stories that were woven into each batch. The recipe itself was just a piece of paper, but the love and care that went into making it were what truly made it special.

Now, as I sit here reminiscing about that cold winter's day when I first discovered the recipe for Beef and Vegetable Consomme, I can't help but feel grateful for the joy that cooking has brought into my life. It has allowed me to connect with my family, to share in moments of laughter and love, and to create something truly meaningful with my own two hands.

And so, I will continue to cook and create, to experiment and explore, knowing that each new recipe is a chance to learn, to grow, and to share a piece of myself with the world. And who knows, maybe one day my own grandchildren will discover this recipe and feel the same excitement and joy that I did all those years ago.


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