Baby Food Doggie Cookies Recipe - Nutritious & Delicious Pet Treats

Baby Food Doggie Cookies (pet food)

Baby Food Doggie Cookies Recipe - Nutritious & Delicious Pet Treats
Preparation time: 10 minutes | Cooking time: 15 minutes | Servings: 24


Baby Food Doggie Cookies
Baby Food Doggie Cookies

Baby Food Doggie Cookies are a delightful and nutritious treat for your furry friends. Made with simple, wholesome ingredients, these cookies are designed to provide a healthy snack option for dogs of all sizes and breeds. This recipe utilizes baby food as its primary ingredient, making it an excellent choice for pet owners looking for an easy and convenient way to incorporate essential nutrients into their dog's diet.


The concept of using baby food in dog treats emerged as pet owners sought more natural and less processed options for their pets. Over time, this idea evolved into creating recipes specifically tailored for dogs, using baby food as a base due to its high nutritional content and palatability for pets. The Baby Food Doggie Cookies recipe is a product of this evolution, combining the nutritional benefits of baby food with other dog-friendly ingredients to create a tasty and healthy treat.


How to prepare

  1. Combine the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Roll the mixture into small balls and place them on a well-greased cookie sheet.
  3. Flatten the balls slightly with a fork.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 350°F (177°C) for 15 minutes or until they turn brown.
  5. Allow them to cool on wire racks and store them in the refrigerator.
  6. These cookies can also be frozen.
  7. Another member of our community made a variation of this recipe by substituting cream of wheat for wheat germ. They used a tablespoon to drop cookie-sized portions onto a plate.
  8. They microwaved the cookies on medium-high for 4 minutes.
  9. We suggest keeping an eye on them in the microwave and perhaps starting with only 3.5 minutes.
  10. The cookies will come out soft.
  11. Another suggestion is to use beef or vegetable baby dinner instead of beef or chicken.


  • Feel free to experiment with different baby food flavors to cater to your dog's preferences. You can also try adding a tablespoon of peanut butter (ensure it's xylitol-free) for an extra tasty treat.

Cooking Tips & Tricks

To ensure the best results when making Baby Food Doggie Cookies, consider the following tips and tricks:

- Use silicone baking mats or parchment paper on your cookie sheets for easy removal and cleanup.

- Experiment with different flavors of baby food to find your dog's favorites.

- For a crunchier texture, leave the cookies in the oven with the door slightly open after turning it off to dry out further.

- Always let the cookies cool completely before serving to your dog to prevent any potential mouth burns.

Serving Suggestions

Serve these cookies as a special treat or reward for your dog. They are not meant to replace a meal but can be a healthy addition to your dog's diet in moderation.

Cooking Techniques

Baking is the primary cooking technique used in this recipe, providing a gentle way to preserve the nutrients in the ingredients while creating a texture that dogs love. For a quicker option, the microwave technique is also viable, as mentioned in the recipe.

Ingredient Substitutions

If your dog is sensitive to wheat, you can substitute the cream of wheat with a gluten-free alternative like rice flour or coconut flour. Similarly, if dry milk powder is a concern, it can be omitted or replaced with a dairy-free powdered milk substitute.

Make Ahead Tips

These cookies can be made in large batches and stored in the refrigerator for up to a week or frozen for up to three months, making them a convenient treat to have on hand.

Presentation Ideas

For a fun presentation, use cookie cutters in bone shapes or other dog-related themes when shaping your cookies before baking.

Pairing Recommendations

Pair these cookies with a side of fresh, clean water to help your dog stay hydrated. You can also serve them alongside their regular meals as a special treat.

Storage and Reheating Instructions

Store the cookies in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week or freeze them for longer storage. There's no need to reheat, but if you've frozen the cookies, let them thaw at room temperature before serving.

Nutrition Information

Calories per serving

The calories per serving will vary depending on the specific ingredients used, especially the type of baby food. However, these cookies are designed to be a low-calorie treat, suitable for dogs on a weight management plan.


The primary source of carbohydrates in this recipe comes from the cream of wheat and dry milk powder. Carbohydrates are essential in a dog's diet as they provide a quick source of energy. The baby food, depending on the flavor, may also contribute additional carbohydrates.


The fats in this recipe are minimal and primarily come from the natural content in the baby food and the dry milk powder. Fats are crucial for a dog's diet as they support skin and coat health, among other benefits.


Proteins in this recipe are primarily derived from the chicken baby food. Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues and are a crucial component of a healthy diet for dogs.

Vitamins and minerals

The baby food, especially if you choose varieties like carrots, is a great source of vitamins and minerals. These can include Vitamin A, essential for vision health, and potassium, which supports heart health. The specific vitamins and minerals will vary based on the baby food flavors chosen.


This recipe is generally free from common allergens such as soy, nuts, and gluten (depending on the brand of cream of wheat used). However, always check the labels of your ingredients to ensure they meet your pet's dietary needs.


Overall, Baby Food Doggie Cookies are a nutritious treat option for dogs, providing a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and essential vitamins and minerals. They are low in fats and calories, making them a healthy choice for pets.


Baby Food Doggie Cookies are a simple, nutritious treat option for your dog, made with wholesome ingredients that provide a range of health benefits. Whether you're looking for a special reward or just want to add some variety to your dog's diet, these cookies are a perfect choice. With options for customization and easy storage, they're also a convenient option for busy pet owners.

How did I get this recipe?

The moment I discovered this recipe is a cherished memory that I hold close to my heart. It was many years ago, when I was a young girl living in a quaint little village nestled in the countryside. My family had always been animal lovers, and our home was always filled with the sound of barking dogs and purring cats.

One day, while I was walking through the village market, I stumbled upon a small stall run by an elderly woman. She was selling all sorts of homemade treats for pets, and the delicious aroma that wafted from her stall drew me in like a magnet. As I approached her, she greeted me with a warm smile and invited me to sample some of her creations.

I tried a few of her treats, and each one was more delicious than the last. But it was her Baby Food Doggie Cookies that truly captured my heart. They were soft and chewy, with a hint of sweetness that made them irresistible to even the pickiest of pets. I knew right then and there that I had to learn how to make them myself.

I struck up a conversation with the elderly woman, asking her about the ingredients and techniques she used to make her cookies. She was more than happy to share her knowledge with me, and she even gave me a copy of her recipe to take home. I thanked her profusely and promised to return to her stall soon.

Once I got back home, I wasted no time in gathering the ingredients I needed to make the Baby Food Doggie Cookies. The recipe called for simple and wholesome ingredients like baby food, flour, and eggs, all of which I had readily available in my kitchen. I followed the instructions carefully, mixing the ingredients together until I had a sticky dough that I could shape into small cookies.

As I placed the cookies on a baking sheet and popped them into the oven, the sweet aroma filled my kitchen, reminding me of the day I first discovered this recipe. I couldn't wait to see the look on my pets' faces when they tasted these delicious treats for the first time.

When the cookies were finally done baking, I let them cool before offering them to my furry friends. My dogs wagged their tails in excitement, while my cats purred with delight as they gobbled up the cookies in record time. It was a joyous sight to see them enjoying the fruits of my labor, and I knew that this recipe would become a staple in my household for years to come.

Over the years, I have shared this recipe with countless friends and family members, all of whom have raved about the deliciousness of these Baby Food Doggie Cookies. I have even started selling them at local pet fairs and markets, where they have become a big hit with pet owners looking for healthy and tasty treats for their beloved animals.

As I sit here now, reminiscing about the day I first discovered this recipe, I am filled with gratitude for the kind elderly woman who shared her knowledge with me all those years ago. Her generosity and passion for cooking for pets have inspired me to continue creating delicious treats for my own animals, and I hope that this recipe will bring joy and happiness to pets and their owners for many years to come.


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